Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

How Pooh Shiesty get sentenced before taxstone?

Seiesty took a plea deal (admitted guilt and skipped a trial, so he chose to pass on all the court technicalities evidence, testimony, jury, etc and just deal with his consequences). Govt gives you a more favorable outcome if you own up to what you did.

Tax is taking his murder charge to trial. Would’ve probably been over with by now, but covid threw off a lot of court schedules.

Tax been sitting for 5 years now. Crazy times
Wack100 gotta be the feds.

Yeah, I've thought that for a minute. He's way too concerned with who's snitching, without providing any proof to back it up. Meanwhile he's sitting there beside Turkey. It's basic **** to throw people off.

and we saw what happen with Game's manager before him 🤷‍♂️
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