Rape Discussion: Girl was almost raped tonight, thank you NYPD for protecting her this evening.

Late night there is absolutly no way you will be getting home faster by train then my cab in NYC, nope.
If you got the schedule down, hell yeah it is.
That's the thing, even with a schedule, there are delays in the transit system. Also, you'd have to show up at pretty much the exact time the train shows up for a train to be faster than a taxi. To add to that, you also have to factor in the time walking home after getting off the train. If a person is drunk, it might take a bit longer than usual. 

Cab>train late night/early mornings
I'm very serious about Jim Crow ...blacks have created so much and contributed far more to American culture than ANY OTHER group of people. Yet African-Americans are still paid and respected less by everyone. 

If you're not African-American I wouldn't expect you to understand, you may think you do and have the false sense of entitlement in believing you can address this issue when in reality I gurantee you, that you most certainly cannot. 

In fact I'm almost certain more than 1/4 of Niketalk's non-black population has parents or grand parents who are discriminant of African-Americans. Yet our culture isn't shared it's STOLEN and PIMPED out to everyone, mean while everybody wants to be a _____ but NOBODY wants to be a ______.

At least when we were separate and had to prove ourselves to the world, it was more productive members of black society, less drug use and violence and community policing was FAR more effective than corrupt law enforcement.

We made **** happen in America and if you talked bad about us you couldn't stop the reign of creativity we produced...now with all these hand outs and affirmative action we looking bad out here.

I'm dead *** serious.

And although it may not be popular opinion, there are cases where women put themselves in a position where the probability of rape is more than 99% in some cases females are even aware of the risks presented by providing the temptation of the act itself...in those cases YES rape is deserved.

...also let me address anyone with the false sense of entitlement as if your opinion of me makes or breaks my day. Let's get one thing clear I can take respect away easily as I give it. Please don't fool yourself into believing when I log off I'm thinking about what the "guys" on Niketalk are saying about me.
You got me ****** up...

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...also let me address anyone with the false sense of entitlement as if your opinion of me makes or breaks my day. Let's get one thing clear I can take respect away easily as I give it. Please don't fool yourself into believing when I log off I'm thinking about what the "guys" on Niketalk are saying about me.

You got me ****** up...
Are you trying to convince people on NT or yourself?
I'm very serious about Jim Crow ...blacks have created so much and contributed far more to American culture than ANY OTHER group of people. Yet African-Americans are still paid and respected less by everyone. 

If you're not African-American I wouldn't expect you to understand, you may think you do and have the false sense of entitlement in believing you can address this issue when in reality I gurantee you, that you most certainly cannot. 

In fact I'm almost certain more than 1/4 of Niketalk's non-black population has parents or grand parents who are discriminant of African-Americans. Yet our culture isn't shared it's STOLEN and PIMPED out to everyone, mean while everybody wants to be a _____ but NOBODY wants to be a ______.

At least when we were separate and had to prove ourselves to the world, it was more productive members of black society, less drug use and violence and community policing was FAR more effective than corrupt law enforcement.

We made **** happen in America and if you talked bad about us you couldn't stop the reign of creativity we produced...now with all these hand outs and affirmative action we looking bad out here.

I'm dead *** serious.

And although it may not be popular opinion, there are cases where women put themselves in a position where the probability of rape is more than 99% in some cases females are even aware of the risks presented by providing the temptation of the act itself...in those cases YES rape is deserved.

...also let me address anyone with the false sense of entitlement as if your opinion of me makes or breaks my day. Let's get one thing clear I can take respect away easily as I give it. Please don't fool yourself into believing when I log off I'm thinking about what the "guys" on Niketalk are saying about me.

You got me ****** up...


I'm black, and I think every bit of your "blackness" should be revoked for cosigning segregation. you are a disgrace to our people.

as for that last part, nobody here is worried about you bruh. you log off and don't think about the guys on NT?

but then you post up Ferrari pics and count stacks on camera to upload to YouTube and flex and STILL take an L? if I counted $10k to shut up people on a website and still got flamed after I would just retire my name.

this is going to happen in every thread you post with some wild *** story. you will be derailed every time. you are SillyPutty without the logic and sensical arguments.

And although it may not be popular opinion, there are cases where women put themselves in a position where the probability of rape is more than 99% in some cases females are even aware of the risks presented by providing the temptation of the act itself...in those cases YES rape is deserved.

please never ever have children. I fear for your possible future daughters mind state and well being if she is ever raped or assaulted in any way. and I fear even more for the lessons you may teach a son about how "sometimes they deserve it".

every part of my brain hopes you are trolling because I have never taken anything on NT this seriously but you have rustled my jimmies to a point that I want to throw my macbook out the window behind me.
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Are you trying to convince people on NT or yourself?
See, that's that **** right there ..."convince" means to persuade, which means you're under the impression that there is something to be gained or earned. Meaning you're invested in my responses whether you realize it or not.

I making myself clear I am not invested emotionally into Niketalk, with that being said, when I post a part of my life I am simply sharing information that may be discussed and assist in forming opinions that may be useful to others. What you choose to do with it is totally up to YOU.

So when I post something out of my life or day and it's met with "lol's" and "I don't like him" or "I'm not believing this guy", what these people are failing to realize is you're not affecting me in the slightest emotionally. Is it frustrating? Yes because time and energy is wasted, not to mention bandwidth. But am I sitting at home crying "the guys don't like me"?. No. I simply log off and engage in useful activities that bring me peace.

So again not only am I not trying "convince" anyone of anything, I just thought I'd make it clear that I feel sorry for these people and truly find myself laughing at the fact that they BELIEVE they are somehow affecting my existence in the slightest.

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm in the REAL WORLD everyday and don't allow the confines of a SNEAKER FORUM to influence how I live. So when people who are CLEARLY the opposite, I find myself laughing at the fact they think a few smilies and "sock puppets" co-signing their hatred for me some how makes them "right", cool or an authority on anything....just makes them look weak and foolish as to how can you be a member of a one of the most respected forums on the net and waste energy or some misguided witch hunt.
Frustration is an emotional response, FYI.

No one here looks weak or foolish but you man. you're a cool poster but you OD. Constantly.

If you're not trying to convince anyone of anything, stop taking pictures. don't make anymore videos. stop drawing out the arguments.

leave the **** alone.
And although it may not be popular opinion, there are cases where women put themselves in a position where the probability of rape is more than 99% in some cases females are even aware of the risks presented by providing the temptation of the act itself...in those cases YES rape is deserved.

View media item 416775

I guess by that logic Trayvon Martin "deserved" to be shot. He knew he shouldn't have been in an upscale neighborhood as a black man. He took the risk knowing that he could have been mistaken for a criminal because of how he looked, spoke, or dressed. It's his fault, the temptation was just too high for the neighborhood watch to not profile him as a criminal :rolleyes

And I guess from what you said you should change the title of this thread. Why thank the NYPD? Didn't she deserve to be raped for putting herself in that position? Shouldn't she have been taught a lesson?

I'm cool with you having your crazy opinion but at least stay true to the rhetoric that you're peddling.
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Guy, you not saying nothing though. All you doing is blowing smoke, what concrete arguments you used to form your opinion? NONE...you just keep harping on the Ferrari pics and the fact that I HAD 10K to count in YOUR bum *** face.

Sounds like salt to me bruh, any self-respecting black man that feels his race in being misrepresented or misguided in any type of way usually has more to say and it doesn't involve the other person's material items. ...especially when I made it clear those items mean NOTHING to me.

It'll be easier just to call yourself a hater, because if you're indeed an African-American you look weak because you focusing on the wrong things ...use this opportunity to set the record straight for others who may not know any better. Because right now it just looks like you salty and came in to prove I don't own what I say I do own.

Meanwhile you're contributing to the crab mentality that has brought our people down productively since the inception of slavery. Meanwhile I never seen Asians on Niketalk tearing each other down. Every time you see them in pics together they are smiling an building.

So when their parents say they don't like blacks and what will they have to form argument to persuade their parents otherwise? Nothing because you blew your opportunity to represent. Because you just log on to be "down" and argue. Not to build and that's not what a COMMUNITY is about.

...Now if all we had was each other like Jim Crow days, nevermind, I'll let history and statistics in black progression do the talking.
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So when I post something out of my life or day and it's met with "lol's" and "I don't like him" or "I'm not believing this guy", what these people are failing to realize is you're not affecting me in the slightest emotionally. Is it frustrating? Yes because time and energy is wasted, not to mention bandwidth. But am I sitting at home crying "the guys don't like me"?. No. I simply log off and engage in useful activities that bring me peace.
Nothing says "you're not affecting me in the slightest emotionally" quite like typing long responses to users that speak out against you. You're wildly inconsistent with what you say. It's something to be aware of whether you're telling lies or not. 

Guy, you not saying nothing though. All you doing is blowing smoke, what concrete arguments you used to form your opinion? NONE...you just keep harping on the Ferrari pics and the fact that I HAD 10K to count in YOUR bum *** face.

Sounds like salt to me bruh, any self-respecting black man that feels his race in being misrepresented or misguided in any type of way usually has more to say and it doesn't involve the other person's material items. ...especially when I made it clear those items mean NOTHING to me.

It'll be easier just to call yourself a hater, because if you're indeed an African-American you look weak because you focusing on the wrong things ...use this opportunity to set the record straight for others who may not know any better. Because right now it just looks like you salty and came in to prove I don't own what I say I do own.

Meanwhile you're contributing to the crab mentality that has brought our people down productively since the inception of slavery. Meanwhile I never seen Asians on Niketalk tearing each other down. Every time you see them in pics together they are smiling an building.

So when their parents say they don't like blacks and what will they have to form argument to persuade their parents otherwise? Nothing because you blew your opportunity to represent. Because you just log on to be "down" and argue. Not to build and that's not what a COMMUNITY is about.

...Now if all we had was each other like Jim Crow days, nevermind, I'll let history and statistics in black progression do the talking.

I'm not saying anything. but you played Redundant Man for half your post and the rest of it made no sense.

Okay not talking about your material possessions that I didn't care about in the first place.

Any self respecting black man would not sit here and openly say "Man we need Jim Crow back". people DIED for the right for you to sit here and be able to even type some stupid **** like that. you have the the nonexistence of Jim Crow to thank for you to even be able to be a functioning member of society.

When some Asian kids entire representation of black people is based on a message board, that clearly is not my problem.

I don't care about being down with these ******. this is the internet bruh. none of this is going to matter to me in real life beyond me telling my friends this guy who takes pictures through a telescope of his neighbor because he's afraid to approach her decided that Jim Crow needs to resurface.

I'm waiting for the "yeah I had to take the cookies, hipster neighbor girl was asking for it sun bathing in them bikinis" update.
And although it may not be popular opinion, there are cases where women put themselves in a position where the probability of rape is more than 99% in some cases females are even aware of the risks presented by providing the temptation of the act itself...in those cases YES rape is deserved.


I guess by that logic Trayvon Martin "deserved" to be shot. He knew he shouldn't have been in an upscale neighborhood as a black man. He took the risk knowing that he could have been mistaken for a criminal because of how he looked, spoke, or dressed. It's his fault, the temptation was just too high for the neighborhood watch to not profile him as a criminal

And I guess from what you said you should change the title of this thread. Why thank the NYPD? Didn't she deserve to be raped for putting herself in that position? Shouldn't she have been taught a lesson?

I'm cool with you having your crazy opinion but at least stay true to the rhetoric that you're peddling.
That Trayvon Martin comparison made no sense lol . . . he was at a friend/relative's house/neighborhood minding his own business getting something to eat and the dude pursued him . . . he wasn't doing anything wrong and had no reason to think he was in danger
Nothing says "you're not affecting me in the slightest emotionally" quite like typing long responses to users that speak out against you. You're wildly inconsistent with what you say. It's something to be aware of whether you're telling lies or not. 
You call two to three paragraphs long? No, it's just arbitrary to post in a Tweet like format on NIKETALK. It would be silly to believe that you DIDN'T have the option to post two or three paragraphs if you chose. Brevity is a CHOICE, I hate to pull educational rank and pull your card. but the fact that your responses are concentrated on proving I'm invested only exposes the fact YOU feel falsely empowered by the forum...as if I'm in desperate need of approval.

Again, the only reason I'm addressing this issue is because I think it may be some misinterpreted focus about my participation of posting on Niketalk. 

I'm not here to make friends. I'm cool interacting with people but their opinions do not influence my life. I think it needs to be proclaimed so it's better understood how preposterous it sounds for someone to accuse me of making up a story about my girl almost being raped.

Its really just a sad a joke at this point. He doesn't mean any of the garbage he says thats really what makes it pathetic. He does it just for the sake of doing it.

The worst part to me if how its blatantly obvious that its just extreme troll job. This N' would never go around trying to preach to folks that Jim Crow needs to come back to anyone but us on here. Unless he's sexual predator himself, this clown DOES not believe rape is justified.

Just stop feeding in to his ******** its just a colossal waste of time.
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And although it may not be popular opinion, there are cases where women put themselves in a position where the probability of rape is more than 99% in some cases females are even aware of the risks presented by providing the temptation of the act itself...in those cases YES rape is deserved.


View media item 416775

I guess by that logic Trayvon Martin "deserved" to be shot. He knew he shouldn't have been in an upscale neighborhood as a black man. He took the risk knowing that he could have been mistaken for a criminal because of how he looked, spoke, or dressed. It's his fault, the temptation was just too high for the neighborhood watch to not profile him as a criminal :rolleyes

And I guess from what you said you should change the title of this thread. Why thank the NYPD? Didn't she deserve to be raped for putting herself in that position? Shouldn't she have been taught a lesson?

I'm cool with you having your crazy opinion but at least stay true to the rhetoric that you're peddling.

That Trayvon Martin comparison made no sense lol . . . he was at a friend/relative's house/neighborhood minding his own business getting something to eat and the dude pursued him . . . he wasn't doing anything wrong and had no reason to think he was in danger​

That's exactly my point...

Females get raped and abducted all the time when minding their own business. But I guess they deserved it because they were wearing some flattering clothing and walking around alone?

I want to know what Nomad thinks are cases that qualify for "deserved rape".
Okay not talking about your material possessions that I didn't care about in the first place.
Really? Because your very emotional response was concertrated on a Ferrari and 10K counted on Youtube. Those were observations, and one was almost a year ago and it is brought up daily. That shows invested interest in proving it to be a lie to cope with the fact that for some reason you have a problem with me owning one. Why? Jealousy maybe? The psychological term for this phenomenon is "ambush" or "snipe". Attempting to discredit someone's PERCIEVED most valueable assett to gain social control or empowerment. 

It's funny because when I post my humble moments or embarrasing with the same amount of proof their accepted as "truth" and used to discredit me for laughs...we'll get to that later though guy.
you have the the nonexistence of Jim Crow to thank for you to even be able to be a functioning member of society.
Really? I live in New York City, pay taxes and I'm not on welfare. I also have a very good education. 80% of social interaction is with non blacks in the work place. There's a feeling of exclusion ALWAYS present regardless of achievements. It's not just me either especially if it's a joke among other blacks that feel the same way. I'm self employed so I'm not influenced by the perpetual interaction with the same people. In the same environment....



Morris said discrimination also plays a role, with the NAACP still documenting cases in which blacks with equal or better qualifications are offered less money to do the same jobs as white colleagues.

And once anyone, white or black, settles for less pay than they deserve, their earnings power can be affected for years. Working a low-paying job usually means climbing the earnings ladder step by step, with income lagging behind other members of an age group every step of the way.
When some Asian kids entire representation of black people is based on a message board, that clearly is not my problem.
I deal with people ALL day long, and after I break down the silly barrier of interacting with me as if I'm a rapper or #hashtag discussion, most non-blacks feel comfortable enough to tell me I'm easy to talk to and "not like other black guys". I always ask "where you to encounted these people"?...it's either Hot97, Twitter, Youtube or some other form of media that presents an altered perception of who WE really are because we're only accepted as atheletes, and entertainers....in any other field we're considered "sell-outs" or wanna be white....Most non-blacks don't live in major cities (see Ninjahood vs Nomad Apt thread)...these areas aren't populated with a wide variety of blacks so the only interaction most of them have with us IS an ONLINE FORUM or other media that I've posted.

...you may wanna read this article as well.

I don't care about being down with these ******. this is the internet bruh. none of this is going to matter to me in real life beyond me telling my friends 
I'm waiting for the "yeah I had to take the cookies, hipster neighbor girl was asking for it sun bathing in them bikinis" update.
Back to what I was saying in the first quote....how is a picture of a 35+ year old neighbor sun bathing from a distance, different than a Ferrari which I had JUST SOLD...and not to mention was called a LIAR TWO WEEKS before I took the picture and was asked to take a TAGGED photo THAT DAY WITHIN 10MINS.

How am I going find parking, in NYC, find a Ferrari in Brooklyn and TAG a pic at the poster's response within 10mins? FROM MY ******G WINDOW? ....K
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You call two to three paragraphs long? No, it's just arbitrary to post in a Tweet like format on NIKETALK. It would be silly to believe that you DIDN'T have the option to post two or three paragraphs if you chose. Brevity is a CHOICE, I hate to pull educational rank and pull your card. but the fact that your responses are concentrated on proving I'm invested only exposes the fact YOU feel falsely empowered by the forum...as if I'm in desperate need of approval.
My responses are concentrated on pointing out your inconsistencies. It's more for your benefit than anything. You can fabricate arbitrary explanations for why you feel I'm pointing out the obvious, but it only detracts from the main issue here. 

You should consider the amount of effort you put into responding to all the different people that call you a liar. It's not just in this topic.
Again, the only reason I'm addressing this issue is because I think it may be some misinterpreted focus about my participation of posting on Niketalk. 

I'm not here to make friends. I'm cool interacting with people but their opinions do not influence my life. I think it needs to be proclaimed so it's better understood how preposterous it sounds for someone to accuse me of making up a story about my girl almost being raped.
Welcome to the Internet.
I thought dude was Anton, until I saw the stuff he said about ******s. :lol:

The stuff about segregation does have some credence however.
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