Rapper Lil' Mama's mother passed away yesterday.

You can make a BREAKING NEWS thread about the millions of people worldwide that are going to pass today as well.

It's understood that it's a loss and should be respected as such and it is (no one on NT will arguee with that) but what exactly is the
point of this thread ?
Originally Posted by KICKINHEADZ1010

You can make a BREAKING NEWS thread about the millions of people worldwide that are going to pass today as well.

It's understood that it's a loss and should be respected as such and it is (no one on NT will arguee with that) but what exactly is the
point of this thread ?

If you find it pointless then there's no need for you to reply, now is there?
Maybe not to you, sweetie, but some people do actually care. Kanye's mother's passing was breaking news so why can't this be?

I guarantee ABC/NBC/MTV/BET aren't interrupting any of their programs for this 'breaking news'. That's like saying BREAKING NEWS:Warren G's barber shot today! It's sad but we have no idea who this person is. Kanye's mother was actually in the spotlight and we all knew of thebond between them through songs, interviews, etc so in no way is this comparable to Kanye's situation. But beyond all that I hope shorty's doingalright.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Maybe not to you, sweetie, but some people do actually care. Kanye's mother's passing was breaking news so why can't this be?
Like I said, my condolences, but I guarantee ABC/NBC/MTV/BET aren't interrupting any of their programs for this 'breaking news'.

Now I get it, becuz it's not on the big networks then it's not an issue
My prayers are with the fam.
Wow I really didnt expect to come in here and see so many jokes ruthless sharks, didnt expect this many replies either

I was guessing on how she died before I entered good thing it wasnt some gunning down or something

Originally Posted by NobleKane

whos lil mama? this is breaking news?

my aunt's father passed away two days ago. could you put that in the title as well?
i guess because she is on tv everyone should pay more attention
Originally Posted by AI for MVP

Originally Posted by NobleKane

whos lil mama? this is breaking news?

my aunt's father passed away two days ago. could you put that in the title as well?
i guess because she is on tv everyone should pay more attention

That's not even the case. This is a music forum and because Lil' Mama is a music artist, it's relevant. Stoplooking so much into it and take it for what it is.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Maybe not to you, sweetie, but some people do actually care. Kanye's mother's passing was breaking news so why can't this be?
I guarantee ABC/NBC/MTV/BET aren't interrupting any of their programs for this 'breaking news'. That's like saying BREAKING NEWS: Warren G's barber shot today! It's sad but we have no idea who this person is. Kanye's mother was actually in the spotlight and we all knew of the bond between them through songs, interviews, etc so in no way is this comparable to Kanye's situation. But beyond all that I hope shorty's doing alright.

Lemme break it down for you homie, Kanye's mother got coverage mainly because of the nature of her death..She died at the hands of a plastic surgeonwho also was in the spotlight (he had a reality show) so therefore we saw Kanye's mother (RIP) on big news stations such as ABC/NBC/CNN BECAUSE IT WASGOSSIP. These people love gossip it s a known fact. Now lets say Kanye's mother died of colon cancer...it would not be so publicized because of dying ofnatural causes. But because she was basically killed by someone it made the news...You think these big news stations covered Kanye's mother becuase theywere like awwww "he had such a tight bond with her" or "they knew her from his songs"? Please....
Cats on NT are buttholes plain and simple.How you gonna say its not breaking news don't who the person is?Damn some of you need a realty checkfast.
Ya'll are bugging...all I'm saying, it's not breaking news. If Lil' Mama herself passed away, that'd be more of a breaking news story thenher mother passing. Not saying that her mother is any less important but unlike her daughter, she doesn't have a video in rotation or anything. NOBODYKNOWS WHO SHE IS.

there really was no need for the blatant disrespectful and ignorant replies that majority of u posted. i can't imagine what her and her 7 siblings aregoing through and to have this happen a week from christmas is just horrible.
If you guys don't know who Lil Mama is then keep it moving. No need to disrespect the dead.

RIP to Lil Mama's mama
Everyone on NT was heartbroken when Kanye's mother passed, but being disrespectful about Lil Mama's mother passin. Dudes actin like they dont know whoLil Mama is when you damn well yall where jammin to "Lip Gloss" all summer long.

Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

Everyone on NT was heartbroken when Kanye's mother passed, but being disrespectful about Lil Mama's mother passin. Dudes actin like they dont know who Lil Mama is when you damn well yall where jammin to "Lip Gloss" all summer long.


this is true but at the same time people die everyday. there were a whole bunch of people that felt sorry for kanye
as if they knew kanye's mom personally

not to say its not a bad thing but i dont get how people ask "Who is lil mama"? so if she makes more money you will care more?
RIP. That's a tough loss for shortie, she's too young to have to deal with that and a career.
Wow @ some of yall.

Rest in Peace.

I don't think the term "breaking news" refers to the gravity of the story, it just means details of the story are still unfolding, correct? Thepoint of this thread was just to inform just like every other one on these forums. Unbelievable.
Wit the time some of ya'll took to think of clownin even though it might not even be your intentions but...all it takes is a second or two to type this:


Regardless of who it is, somebody lost they mom. Least yall could do is respect the fact.
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