Rare Interview With Greg Oden

Great article... Im glad he's taking all of next year off, its very necessary. He's been rushed back before & at this point, he might as well get all the rest & rehab in that he can, especially since now he feels no pressure. The only thing is that with him taking a year off mixed with his injury filled past, its gonna be tough for him to find a spot on a team. If he comes back at 100% though I think he can be a solid player (Not dominating, but still have a decent role for a team).

The article explains a lot though (about him being introverted)... I always wondered why we never heard much from him.
Yeah dude is still young. Hope he recovers well, and develops that niche role in the league.

"I wish it wouldn't have happened," he said. "But I'm not going to apologize for it. After all, I'm human and there are worse things that 21-year-olds could do. I just got caught up with women throwing themselves at me. When a girl sends me 100 pictures, I have to send something back every now and then. I'm not an +++%#+%."
Great article.

Oden always seemed like a good dude. I hope he can find his way back to the league and get some minutes.
Good stuff. I'd known about his drinking, but never knew it was that deep. Damn. I really hope the man can come back and play a solid amount, he deserves it. RIP to his friend, cousin and dog 
man, portland fans and radio talk shows here in portland have always called for the heads of our training staff and doctors. You wonder why we have so many injuries on this team. Its definitely not just a coincidence or all bad luck. Especially when you can look at a team like the Suns and see how well they take care of their players physically (and I'm sure mentally and emotionally as well). I'm just so bummed. Portland has such an amazing fan base, definitely one of the best and most loyal in the league. Its a shame they can't put together a better product.

As far as Greg goes, I've always felt bad for him. You could always tell that he was a very sad, depressed, and just upset guy. And who can blame him after all he has been through? Its just a sticky situation all around. I hope he can someday get back on the court and at least string together a few years of some decent ball and show people that he actually had the skills and talent to be everything people thought he could be, if he just had the opportunity. Even if it isn't in Portland.

You just take a look back at all of the players that have had not just injuries, but REOCCURRING injuries and problems with rehab and just all sorts of stuff that seems like should not be happening at the frequency it does here when your talking about a professional, million dollar organization that is supposed to specialize is training and producing skilled athletes.

Such a shame.... still love my blazers tho.. RIP CITY
A couple of my friends actually met him this past fall at Buffalo Wild Wings on campus at Ohio State and they said he mentioned he hates all the fame and just wanted to be chill and have fun like everyone else. They said dude seemed real cool. Sad situation, the guy had so much talent here at OSU.
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