Ray Allen, Take off the Shooting Sleeve, It won't help your worthless shot

Maybe you should tell Okur to stop shooting three-pointers at the end of the game. Then, maybe Utah would be where we are right now.
dope thread...let's go lakers!
Personally would like to see 7 games... On one hand seeing Kobe win one without the Diesel would be cool, then again seeing KG win one would be cool to... butI'm more leaning toward the Lakers to win it... since Boston went out and tried to buy a championship but either way give us 7 games.

But I've always wondered why Knick and Laker fans walk around with a chip on their shoulder? I'm not trying to piss people off here but seriouslywhat's the deal?
Originally Posted by JStar25

Personally would like to see 7 games... On one hand seeing Kobe win one without the Diesel would be cool, then again seeing KG win one would be cool to... but I'm more leaning toward the Lakers to win it... since Boston went out and tried to buy a championship but either way give us 7 games.

But I've always wondered why Knick and Laker fans walk around with a chip on their shoulder? I'm not trying to piss people off here but seriously what's the deal?

You're seriously not asking why Knicks fans have a chip on their shoulder are you?
I'm not just speaking of their recent years... because as far back as I can remember Knick Fans have been pissed... even when they were decent the fans hada chip on their shoulder... what's the cause? Is it simply it's an NYC team that hasn't won a Championship since the 70's? Or is it somethingelse?

So I guess to answer your question Yeah I'm asking. But I'm not trying to argue though... just curious as to why if not what I have stated.
I'm a Sonics fan but I understand why Knicks fans have a chip on their shoulders..a lot of Laker fans aren't humble especially the younger ones...andmost don't show respect for a lot others who love the game and are fans of their respective teams. Which leads to why threads like this are created. Noone who knows basketball or watches the NBA would ever say Ray Allen has " a worthless shot" ...it's like saying Vince can't jump.
And DsLee still cant comprehend what I said. It was a joke, a JOKE.

I've been playing organized basketball probably longer or just as long as you have, so don't say I don't respect the game.

Ray's jumper and form is probably one of the best I have ever seen in the history of the league, but when dude is off, he is off. End of story
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe


That said, I'm rooting for Boston but I fear Kobe is just gonna straight torch them!

Look what LeBron did to them by himself, took them to seven single handly . If only someoneelse on the Cavs would of showed up we probably wouldnt even behaving this conversation. (Even Joe Johnson was giving it to them, IMO he is very underated by most ppl)

Kobe is going to dominate this series because he is hungry for another ring, and he has to win one without SHAQ.

Lakers in 6, Kobe Finals MVP and he wins Gold!
Originally Posted by BeallsFinest

I know a couple of AI dudes who get heated when they see ANYONE else wear a sleeve.
It is mad weird.

Heads catching feelings over a sleeve.
That's funny. It is just a dumb sleeve just made for decoration for players. It is similiar to the tights everyone began to wear last year. Nextyear the new trend will be double headbands to represent the team colors.
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