Re-Retros Galore

I think the bottomline is that the Jordan Brand is a business and as long as there are people buying the shoes, they will do what they have to do to sell. If there is a demand, Jordan brand will come up with the supply. The higher the demand, the higher the price. Basics of economics.

In my opinion, if you love the J's and can afford then so be it. Continue with the hobby. It don't matter who buys it and for what reason. Let's all enjoy the shoes. Retro or not!

Originally Posted by kingk777

Elcerrito91's got it...but I think a lot of you guys are missing the point of my post.

Sure JB wants the take that resellers are creating, and sure some of you guys benefit from that because you can: 1) pay a lower price for the original retros or 2) scoop up the lower quality re-retros...

But do you really want a brand which is based on "sneakerheads" and "culture" as opposed to a brand that was ORIGINALLY based on such hallmarks as high performance, top-notch quality and...oh guys won't believe me here but...


It's crazy, man. Dudes just want to rock J's and stomp around the mall like they've got a clue...and this is what the brand is catering to...because doing so rakes in the dough. Pretty soon the nostalgia factor will be comprised solely of "remember camping out for the Altitudes..." and "Oh man...back in the day...when dude spilled his soda and I stepped in it and my soles started to yellow two days later..." and "I was rockin' paper bags over those joints every time it rained just to keep 'em DS..."

What about the game, guys? What about waiting to see what colorways would drop for the new model and being totally blown away by such magical, new colorways as the White/Infra VI's...or the Hare VII's? What about leaning in close to the TV All-Star Weekend to see what the hell Jordan had on his feet, only to be mesmerized by the awesome blue-soled power of the Columbia XI's for the very first time?

Spike Lee said it best. "It's gotta be the shoes." It's gotta be the SHOES...not the hype...not the matching gear...not the "dope fits" with the switched out laces to match the ridiculous re-retro skittles colorways in the WDYWT post. The shoes, guys. The shoes that the man himself wore. The shoes that guys used to throw on and head out to the playground to work on their J for hours, man. The shoes that guys would bike paper routes for all summer and fall just to have a pair to rock next season.  A single pair...

Keep that in mind.

I see your point, but you said it, it's about making money. The game and business of basketball is a seperate entity from the athletic wear business. Yes, they go hand in hand, but Nike will sell product regardless of sport. It just so happened Michael Jordan was so good, he gave them free advertising during the game, and the hype was built from watching the game and watching him play.
I see JB's more frequent releases as a good thing.  As a first gen Jordan customer I love having a change to buy a shoe a second, third, and fourth time
around in a short time period.  Knowing that we can buy our favorite pairs in the near future allows us to enjoy wearing our shoes again,  instead of letting them rot in a box for years since this could be your last chance to own them.
It stinks, man...because now instead of retroing the September Blue (Yes, SEPTEMBER BLUE) VI's, the Maroon VI's, the City Series 10's, or giving us a proper power blue IX retro...we get retroes of sneakers that, while dope, WE ALL HAVE HAD 3 TIMES AROUND ALREADY. How about an Olympic 6 about a Laney V re-retro+...if JB is going to throw the boat at us? NOPE...not enough "sneakerheads" were "in the game" back when those sneakers dropped. See how the market is progressing/going to progress? Pretty soon we'll have Pea-Pod 8's sitting on the shelves again...

Never thought of it that way. Kinda makes me sad, but it's true. Oldheads arent the target demographic. It's a bunch of kids who don't know any better.
Supermanblue, I feel you, man...but what about rocking kicks as a kid...back in the day where, sure, you might want to keep them fresh for a few days..maybe even a few weeks...but when your boys needed you on the playground to hold down the turf, you put in work and scuffed up your kicks in that pick-up know what I mean? And those days back before you cared about DS and NDS and VNDS when you'd play kickball in your J's because you wanted to be the dopest kid on the playground and, shoot, if they helped you do something as awesome as BALL better they sure as heck are going to help you KICKBALL better! least you BELIEVED that. You didn't CARE about condition. You wanted to break those bad-boys in so you could do your thing!

I don't mean to sound like I'm stuck in my childhood or anything, but JB is slowly killing those days as I'm continually reminded that J's are becoming nothing more than food-court conversation pieces and status symbols for the "honeys" to "jock." When "breaking necks" outweighs breaking's a sad day.

To everybody who's saying JB is a business, you're right. They are a business. They are a business that is running rough-shod on older heads childhood dreams. I mean that in most conscious and unbiased way possible. Just look at the trend. It's their memories over ours. Plain and simple. Like HarlemToTheBronx said: "Old heads aren't the target demographic. It's a bunch of kids who don't know any better."
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by kingk777

Elcerrito91's got it...but I think a lot of you guys are missing the point of my post.

Sure JB wants the take that resellers are creating, and sure some of you guys benefit from that because you can: 1) pay a lower price for the original retros or 2) scoop up the lower quality re-retros...

But do you really want a brand which is based on "sneakerheads" and "culture" as opposed to a brand that was ORIGINALLY based on such hallmarks as high performance, top-notch quality and...oh guys won't believe me here but...


It's crazy, man. Dudes just want to rock J's and stomp around the mall like they've got a clue...and this is what the brand is catering to...because doing so rakes in the dough. Pretty soon the nostalgia factor will be comprised solely of "remember camping out for the Altitudes..." and "Oh man...back in the day...when dude spilled his soda and I stepped in it and my soles started to yellow two days later..." and "I was rockin' paper bags over those joints every time it rained just to keep 'em DS..."

What about the game, guys? What about waiting to see what colorways would drop for the new model and being totally blown away by such magical, new colorways as the White/Infra VI's...or the Hare VII's? What about leaning in close to the TV All-Star Weekend to see what the hell Jordan had on his feet, only to be mesmerized by the awesome blue-soled power of the Columbia XI's for the very first time?

Spike Lee said it best. "It's gotta be the shoes." It's gotta be the SHOES...not the hype...not the matching gear...not the "dope fits" with the switched out laces to match the ridiculous re-retro skittles colorways in the WDYWT post. The shoes, guys. The shoes that the man himself wore. The shoes that guys used to throw on and head out to the playground to work on their J for hours, man. The shoes that guys would bike paper routes for all summer and fall just to have a pair to rock next season.  A single pair...

Keep that in mind.

I see your point, but you said it, it's about making money. The game and business of basketball is a seperate entity from the athletic wear business. Yes, they go hand in hand, but Nike will sell product regardless of sport. It just so happened Michael Jordan was so good, he gave them free advertising during the game, and the hype was built from watching the game and watching him play.

It's obviously a business, but I find it completely hypocritical for people to talk about how it's all about basketball, about new color ways and models and what not. Get a clue: you're complaining, yet supporting a company dedicated to one man, one logo, one brand. All dedicated to a guy playing a game of basketball. The magic surrounding new models and what he'd be rocking in the all-star gme went away when he did. It's over. To hang onto the nostalgia yet bash Nike/Jordan for carrying it on by releasing retros and re-retros every 5-6 year just really clashes.Jordan came into the game at the perfect time. Tinker Hatfield designed shoes at the perfect time. His designs and MJ's game were a match that won't be made again. How creative can any new sneakers be at this point? Most of the designs by any brand are iterative, not mindblowingly fresh. Likewise, none of these companies invests in materials as good as the ones used 20 years ago because it doesn't serve them much purpose when only the minority care about the shoes enough, collet enough of them, wear enough of them to really even notice. Trust me, they have research that shoes this forum is the minority. Their production methods are different for numerous reasons.The reality is that the sneaker revolution was a one-time thing. 
We're now living in a time that can only look back to what once was. Studies now show that the more expensive running shoes are actually the worst for injuries and are selling worse. So Nike and most other companies are going back to cheaper shoes with less expensive and cheaper materials to a) appeal to the "lighter is better" performance studies and b) increase purchase cycles to compensate for less expensive designs. Basketball sneakers have stayed away from this to a large part, but the best models for performance are still generally cheaper. Jordan retros are great because the technology is outdated and wearing them as a prformance basketball shoe makes little sense. Yet the prestige and nostalgia of the brand is leveraged to make up for the cheaper sales of many more in demand performance shoes.Can you blame them for trying to cash in while using cheaper materials like most other companies? Can you blame them for re-positioning them as casual fashion? If people would buy more of the newer models the retros wouldn't hold such high demand for the company to hang over consumers. But look around the forums, look at yourself. Do you wear retros to ball in or do you wear them out and about? To match your clothing and coordinate with whatever else you're wearing? It's not an us vs them thing, we're largely responsible for how things have moved to where they are today.

Jordan Brand designs may not be incredible like the OG run, but I'd argue most of the sneaker game is based on nostalgia. Very few new lines have proven overly successful in the past decade, certainly not enough to carry an entire brand. In that regard, Jordan is almost held hostage by its past success. And will continue to be. It's okay though! Retros have almost become the casual off-court shoe for basketball fans and ballers.There's only the next retro to move onto, or next year's worth of retros. The entire "onto the next one" mantra is really a sign of retros. During MJ's paying days, most people got one or two pairs. There wasn't this constant flow. There wasn't a collection mentality. It was a seasonal thing be it Air Maxes or Jordans. You got your pair and wore them until the next one came out. But we, the people who built that, demanded more. We showed we wanted to go back and collect all of those we had over 10-20 years in a matter of months. We facilitated the sales! Sure, hype beasts are on it now too, and it's at an all-time high, but in a few years that will fade away as well. JB is just doing what is most fiscally responsible and business savvy: flood the market with releases. Give everyone what they want on a monthly basis rather than an annual basis. Root out the reseller scum (which is not the same as collectors or traders. These are scalpers, just like ticket scalpers).
Supermanblue, I feel you, man...but what about rocking kicks as a kid...back in the day where, sure, you might want to keep them fresh for a few days..maybe even a few weeks...but when your boys needed you on the playground to hold down the turf, you put in work and scuffed up your kicks in that pick-up know what I mean? And those days back before you cared about DS and NDS and VNDS when you'd play kickball in your J's because you wanted to be the dopest kid on the playground and, shoot, if they helped you do something as awesome as BALL better they sure as heck are going to help you KICKBALL better! least you BELIEVED that. You didn't CARE about condition. You wanted to break those bad-boys in so you could do your thing!

I don't mean to sound like I'm stuck in my childhood or anything, but JB is slowly killing those days as I'm continually reminded that J's are becoming nothing more than food-court conversation pieces and status symbols for the "honeys" to "jock." When "breaking necks" outweighs breaking's a sad day.

To everybody who's saying JB is a business, you're right. They are a business. They are a business that is running rough-shod on older heads childhood dreams. I mean that in most conscious and unbiased way possible. Just look at the trend. It's their memories over ours. Plain and simple. Like HarlemToTheBronx said: "Old heads aren't the target demographic. It's a bunch of kids who don't know any better."
That's exactly my point.
I can treat the pair on my feet just like I did during my childhood, since I know that I'm going to have a chance to buy the shoes again in the near future.

I'm all for the new gen buying everything that hits shelves.
First gener's like myself with carreers and families don't keep JB in business, the youngsters do.

You make a really good point, and to be honest, I didn't think of it that way. I just don't like the reason WHY JB is putting out so many retros and re-retroes. I mean call it overly idealistic, but that's where I'm at right now. I guess it is is cool that you can rock your kicks like a kid again...but it's strange because there's no anticipation of a new model, you know? I just can't hype myself up over the Air Jordan 2011. Ever since the Jordan XIX, man...I just couldn't FEEL IT, you know? I keep coming back to checking Mike's feet on the screen, leaning in close to get my first peak at the new model. I wear my sneakers hard anyway, so it's not a big deal, but it'd be better for me if people were wearing them hard because they know JB would come correctly with a fresh new model for them to rock next year, you know?

Trappedintime, I've got to check you later for the night because I'm busy and want to give your response a proper read. Props to all of you guys for coming in here and dropping knowledge.
I think everyone here has a valid point.....and we can all agree to disagree. One thing I see is this.... Im 35, never did I think in my earlier days I would sell a pair of worn sneaks to someone for 2-3x what I paid. Some of the new jacks dont see it that way and thats fine...... Do you. But dont talk about JB and their "rape" prices when youre buying 2-3 pairs and in the same hypocritical breath talk about selling them on craigslist for double what you paid and on the same day you bought them.
I think people forget jb is a business. They are looking to make money and If re retros so ppl that never got them the first time or if ppl just want them make jb money then what do you think they are going to do? I missed out on alot when I was younger so I like if, but I do understand what your saying.

You make a really good point, and to be honest, I didn't think of it that way. I just don't like the reason WHY JB is putting out so many retros and re-retroes. I mean call it overly idealistic, but that's where I'm at right now. I guess it is is cool that you can rock your kicks like a kid again...but it's strange because there's no anticipation of a new model, you know? I just can't hype myself up over the Air Jordan 2011. Ever since the Jordan XIX, man...I just couldn't FEEL IT, you know? I keep coming back to checking Mike's feet on the screen, leaning in close to get my first peak at the new model. I wear my sneakers hard anyway, so it's not a big deal, but it'd be better for me if people were wearing them hard because they know JB would come correctly with a fresh new model for them to rock next year, you know?
I definitely understand your point.  At one point, I was also frustrated at JB's lack of quality, design, and innovation.
But seeing the evolution of the brand year after year made me numb to it, and happy that I get at least one OG model that takes me back to Mike's on-court days.
Jordan sneakers now have their own identity outside of the man that wore them.  They are reaching the same status in the shoe culture as the Chuck Taylor's and Jack Purcells.  Not one of us saw Jack or Chuck on the court, but we have no problem purchasing a pair of their signature shoes.
Hey, we're happy and JB is happy.

We get the nice kicks, they get the dough.
It's more of like a 40/60 relationship though since they always cheat with the quality. Quality is really getting to be an issue. And the prices are rising....I guess it's more like 25/75.
Originally Posted by devildoc76

I think everyone here has a valid point.....and we can all agree to disagree. One thing I see is this.... Im 35, never did I think in my earlier days I would sell a pair of worn sneaks to someone for 2-3x what I paid. Some of the new jacks dont see it that way and thats fine...... Do you. But dont talk about JB and their "rape" prices when youre buying 2-3 pairs and in the same hypocritical breath talk about selling them on craigslist for double what you paid and on the same day you bought them.

I totally agree with your statement.  I check out some of the listings in the marketplace and can't help but laugh. Are people serious?  You bought a pair of White Cement 3's for $160, wore them 5 times and charge $200 for them.  
  Unfortunately, the hype around a shoe will make someone pay those ridiculous prices.  It is what it is.  On another subject are you or were you a Corpsman?  I saw your name Devildoc.  I did 8 years in the Navy and went greenside for a bit.  I miss it sometimes.  I'm 34 and have been out since '04.
I dont have a problem with the frequent releases.

I dont have a problem with JB marketing them as casual shoes.

I do however have a problem with JB lowering quality to the point where a shoe feels like cardboard and is not suitable for actually playing basketball. (CDPs & SJs are prime examples)

They should change the label on the inside of the XIs to:

Everyone keeps saying the 09 Jams felt like cardboard, but I don't feel it. The CDP XIs were unbearably trash, but the Space Jams were okay, and the Cool Greys were on point. At least it looks good for Concords the way the trend has gone.
(Yuku isn't letting me quote...)

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Trappedintime wrote:[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's obviously a business, but I find it completely hypocritical for people to talk about how it's all about basketball, about new color ways and models and what not. Get a clue: you're complaining, yet supporting a company dedicated to one man, one logo, one brand. All dedicated to a guy playing a game of basketball. The magic surrounding new models and what he'd be rocking in the all-star gme went away when he did. It's over. To hang onto the nostalgia yet bash Nike/Jordan for carrying it on by releasing retros and re-retros every 5-6 year just really clashes.Jordan came into the game at the perfect time. Tinker Hatfield designed shoes at the perfect time. His designs and MJ's game were a match that won't be made again. How creative can any new sneakers be at this point? Most of the designs by any brand are iterative, not mindblowingly fresh. Likewise, none of these companies invests in materials as good as the ones used 20 years ago because it doesn't serve them much purpose when only the minority care about the shoes enough, collet enough of them, wear enough of them to really even notice. Trust me, they have research that shoes this forum is the minority. Their production methods are different for numerous reasons.The reality is that the sneaker revolution was a one-time thing. [/color]
We're now living in a time that can only look back to what once was. Studies now show that the more expensive running shoes are actually the worst for injuries and are selling worse. So Nike and most other companies are going back to cheaper shoes with less expensive and cheaper materials to a) appeal to the "lighter is better" performance studies and b) increase purchase cycles to compensate for less expensive designs. Basketball sneakers have stayed away from this to a large part, but the best models for performance are still generally cheaper. Jordan retros are great because the technology is outdated and wearing them as a prformance basketball shoe makes little sense. Yet the prestige and nostalgia of the brand is leveraged to make up for the cheaper sales of many more in demand performance shoes.Can you blame them for trying to cash in while using cheaper materials like most other companies? Can you blame them for re-positioning them as casual fashion? If people would buy more of the newer models the retros wouldn't hold such high demand for the company to hang over consumers. But look around the forums, look at yourself. Do you wear retros to ball in or do you wear them out and about? To match your clothing and coordinate with whatever else you're wearing? It's not an us vs them thing, we're largely responsible for how things have moved to where they are today.

Jordan Brand designs may not be incredible like the OG run, but I'd argue most of the sneaker game is based on nostalgia. Very few new lines have proven overly successful in the past decade, certainly not enough to carry an entire brand. In that regard, Jordan is almost held hostage by its past success. And will continue to be. It's okay though! Retros have almost become the casual off-court shoe for basketball fans and ballers.There's only the next retro to move onto, or next year's worth of retros. The entire "onto the next one" mantra is really a sign of retros. During MJ's paying days, most people got one or two pairs. There wasn't this constant flow. There wasn't a collection mentality. It was a seasonal thing be it Air Maxes or Jordans. You got your pair and wore them until the next one came out. But we, the people who built that, demanded more. We showed we wanted to go back and collect all of those we had over 10-20 years in a matter of months. We facilitated the sales! Sure, hype beasts are on it now too, and it's at an all-time high, but in a few years that will fade away as well. JB is just doing what is most fiscally responsible and business savvy: flood the market with releases. Give everyone what they want on a monthly basis rather than an annual basis. Root out the reseller scum (which is not the same as collectors or traders. These are scalpers, just like ticket scalpers).


Finally got around to reading your post...been really busy lately. I'm not going to dropped some science on me.

Perhaps the sneaker revolution was indeed a one time thing. Perhaps the hype that surrounded NEW releases and the innovation provided by the unique partnership of a player like Jordan to market and designer like Tinker to craft won't come along again. Perhaps most brands are in fact iterative, and don't bring that 90's fire to the table like they used to...I mean you think back and it really wasn't just Nike. Reebok with the Shaqnosis, the Kamikazes (Shawn Kemp for all of the young dudes in here), Adidas with the Kobes late in the decade and later on with the T-Macs...Shoot, even Fila was getting it in with Grant Hills, but Jordan was different...and you're right about that. AND THEY SHOULD STILL BE DIFFERENT.

Maybe it appears silly to hang onto nostalgia and yet bash newer retros which do, in fact, perpetuate that nostalgia...but I'm yearning for a different thing.

I want more than sneakers. I want more than my memories. I want the brand back.

Like you said...dudes just don't rock Js for ball anymore. They turn away from retros because of outdated technology and JB has caught onto that. I can't blame them for cashing in on their prestige to supplement the sales of their performance sneakers. I mean look at my sig...I created Team Wallstreet

The thing that gets me though is the fact that there is nothing, and, judging by the essentially failed run (in my estimation at least...I know some dudes were feeling the .5 series for the court) of the Melo sig-line...and also what will soon be a major flop if JB continues to design sigs for Wade, never will be anything new to look forward to...well...unless you count retro pluses like the ahh...miraculous color schemes such as the Pea-Pod, The "Flip", The Green Beans, whatever the heck those candy-colored 2s were, and...oh heck, since our parent company that we hate so much and refuse to sport the beautiful NIKE AIR on shoes anymore because of, is dropping Foamposite after Foamposite, and we ahh...are our own separate entity, let's just go ahead and drop some anodized 1's, not only butchering our flagship shoe, but biting the very company we claim to have cut all ties with. Yeah, that sounds about right. Sorry for the salt, NT. I just want you guys to see how retro plus is continually failing us...again...again...and again. There is in fact nothing new to look forward to. That was one of the hallmarks of the brand, and one of the reasons I was always so hyped on JB growing up. Something new. "Man...those straps on the 8's were dope! My olympics were light as heck, but these'll NEVER come untied on the court with the straps done up!" Yeah...that was me. CAN YOU GUYS FEEL ME?


Trappedintime, I totally feel you, and you put me on to some things that I didn't see I said before you came in here and dropped science...but this is where I stand, fully and coherently rational or otherwise.

So in short, that's what I miss about the brand. They can keep making bank, and I won't hate on that. Sure, we may have driven it to this point by copping everything that came out retro-wise in hope of recapturing our childhood dreams, and thus prompting a new generation to mindlessly gobble up pairs of kicks like stray 150$ baseball cards and rock them to impress girls in a mall near you, but we sure as heck didn't drive them to lose their drive. We sure as heck didn't drive them to lace the likes of Melo and D Wade, two of the greatest 3 ball-players of the current era, with average looking kicks that Adidas could've designed in their sleep. No...we didn't. And that's my gripe with Jordan Brand. They can't create anymore. They've lost their touch.
Originally Posted by kingk777

 They can't create anymore. They've lost their touch.
THIS...imo caused by retros themselves...JB has become dependent upon them for success and has lost the ability to create new "classics".
The people who buy Jordans (both collectors and people who know nothing about the history of the line/ declines in quality) are an exploitable market and JB has taken full advantage of this.

Honestly I see the end of JB coming relatively soon, they won't have anything to "get" people with and they are running out of cws to retro.
I'm cool with the re-retros , missed out on a few some years back and to get the chance to cop is cool with me . Even for the OG heads , the material change on some of them helps show the difference on the ones that dropped years before , that should be enough for them to happy so that they don't feel that everybody have the same shoe kinda .
Dankenstein88 wrote: I do however have a problem with JB lowering quality to the point where a shoe feels like cardboard and is not suitable for actually playing basketball. (CDPs & SJs are prime examples)

They should change the label on the inside of the XIs to:



Really though, the XIs to me represent the pinnacle of basketball sneakers.

It's sad to see how they're being released nowadays. The Concord thread makes me want to vomit on my keyboard.
we're old now and JB already "has" us. so naturally they wanna "get" the newer generations. they know they can't design shoes anymore. jumpmans are just filler. they know all they have is retros. so they're obviously gonna stick with what they KNOW will sell. of course certain retros may NEVER retro bc that is one way to keep the older generations still interested in hopes of that one model/colorway that they never retroed will drop at some point.

i'm already hip to their tactics which is why i fell back so hard. i think most know the drill, but nike has it to where most of us don't care. we'll throw money at them no matter what. isn't it obvious they've figured this out??

i agree with OP tho.
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