Real Life - Im ADD or ADHD.....Volume - Used to be Deeply Depressed


Oct 26, 2002
What's up NT,

I know you guys don't like blogs, so I'll keep this short. Ill add more later for those who want to know.

Basically, beginning of last year, my sophomore year of college, I elected to stay home and commute in since my parents offered me a new car and my gf wasabout to graduate. I wanted to be around her, and the thought of a new car sounded nice, plus it was only for a year. Summer got rough at the end with thegirl, but we patched things up so I thought...Ill make this part short -

- School starts, she cheats, we break up.
- Im living at home, all my friends are away, I become deeply depressed due to only working and going to school. Cant focus in school.
- Doctors, therapist all blame concentration on the depression and anxiety. Prescribed Xanax, Ambien, and a load of different anti-depressants that reallymessed with my head.

- Finally, I tell my Dr. I think I'm ADD. They take me off meds after six months of hell and suicidal thoughts, take a ADD test, pass with flying colors,and now I am on Adderral when needed. Helps so much. I was skated by in high school, never studied and got mainly B's and few A's. College forced me tostiudy and it was tough, and I stress when I feel like I am not doing well.

So now, Im 20, and ADD , but still loving life.
sucks you went through that, they put you on some heavy narcotics all at once. atleast you are off them and feeling better.

may i ask whats the test for ADD? who refers/administers it? since the end of high school i thought i had it.
I guess I made it to see if anyone else on here is ADD.

Luckily, I switched Psychiatrists at the beginning of this year and she decided to take me off all the meds, my brain was just not fully there on all thoseSSRI and SNRI, etc.

Any doctor can administer a test, or you can take one online and bring it in to your doctor.

But man, I was depressed for a good six months, I lost a lot of weight.
By the way, I hope some don't judge by the was a growing experience for me
What finally made you realize that you had ADD? I kinda feel like I have ADD man lol no joke. Is ADD when you have trouble focusing on one thing. maybe im justbored easily haha
It was more than just focusing on things..I am quick tempered or can be, and very impulsive with a lot of things...the list goes on and on.
i think i may have ADD too.

ill read about a paragraph of a textbook before my mind just wanders off.
No, not at all.

I think if I had been diagnosed earlier with ADD I would of never had to deal with the anti-depressants. I couldnt focus so much that I got down on myself, butthe depressants just messed up my brain chemistry and made it worse in my opinion.

I dont take the Adderal daily, just on school days or when I feel like I need to concentrate a little more, hardly ever in the summer.
Originally Posted by Club29

i think i may have ADD too.

ill read about a paragraph of a textbook before my mind just wanders off.

is ADD more of a mental way of thinking? once you know you have it, are you able to take steps to change that way of thinking(and get rid of ADD)? or is itpermanently with you?
Hmm...thats tough...I think you realize you have to try and focus more and devote more energy to certain things or maybe even change your surroundings when youstudy, etc.

With ADD, usually people can be very hyper focused on things they enjoy, as well as have more energy during the day and night...but when things get boring oryou have to pay attention to say, an Art History Class, you better have that Adderral nearby.
Man....all these medical professionals are doing, is finding these broad and vague labels for different forms of psychosis that correspond with a prescriptionpill.

You've got to tune out of the media, television and the frivolous things...sit down with yourself and get your damn self in order, mentally.

Those pills don't do a dam thing but silence the signals that your body is giving you, while trying to alert you that something is wrong in your life.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Man....all these medical professionals are doing, is finding these broad and vague labels for different forms of psychosis that correspond with a prescription pill.

You've got to tune out of the media, television and the frivolous things...sit down with yourself and get your damn self in order, mentally.

Those pills don't do a dam thing but silence the signals that your body is giving you, while trying to alert you that something is wrong in your life.

yea i definately would avoid pills at all costs. I do believe all these disorders are all mental states that can be changed once they are identified (I think Ihave ADD, but I can force myself to concentrate even more if I really really try), but i could be wrong. The human brain is such an amazing and powerful thing
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