Real mature discussion. Why do you believe in what you believe?


Aug 22, 2007
Do you go to church to please others? Family

Have any of you changed your religion? And why?

Why don't you believe in anything at all?

I feel like most people just do what their parents or close family do without ever thinking for themselves. Am I wrong? Personally I just can't do it anymore. I've seen the ugly in more "religious" people than "less religious" people. I just can't rock with this non-sense anymore.
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I used to be religious to please my parents but after I started to be interested in other things, the thought of being religious or fallowing a sect became absurd to me. The ideas don't resonate with me or with any logic to be honest, so I chose to just be.
I think a lot of people feel the need to be a part of something greater. People would rather follower a larger group of people than walk their own path.

That's my opinion at times.

I was never raised in any religous background or following.

My father's side is Muslim and my mom just believed in hard work. I had no contact with my father growing up and I eat pepperoni pizza and bacon all the time so needless to say I'm not Muslim.

Last girl I dated was Catholic and another girl I date now is Christian.

They always ask what I believe in and if I think Jesus is's much harder for me to relate or believe because I wasn't brought up believing that and I always question everything and am not one quick to follow/believe in anything.

I was thinking about this same topic last week and was going to start a thread but didn't want a FutureMD takeover to dominate the topic at hand.

Good post.
I've seen the ugly in more "religious" people than "less religious" people. I just can't rock with this non-sense anymore.
People confuse being "religious" with being "spiritual" though.

Quoting a book doesn't really mean anything unless a person feels their heart is truly touched by something.

Sometimes the really OD "religious" people are that way because they feel they have to hide behind all the dogma and ritual to hide their flaws.
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My mom side of the family are Jehovah witnesses and my dads side is christian I believe, neither of them really told me to do this or go to the meetings. I stopped going to the meetings cause I'm not a religious person, but yea I believe there is some form of a being/god up there. I don't think I should have to "worship" someone for me to be accepted into heavan/hell though.
I used to be religious to please my parents but after I started to be interested in other things, the thought of being religious or fallowing a sect became absurd to me. The ideas don't resonate with me or with any logic to be honest, so I chose to just be.

Chuuuch! :nerd:

Same here fam.

Momdukes penned this two page letter to me the other day about not going to church since I've been back home (3 months) and not going to church when I was away in college. I feel like I don't need a religious affiliation to be the person I want to be. I don't think I'll tell my parents, it'll probably cause more problems. I don't need or expect agreement or support, all I ask is respect.
. I stopped going to the meetings cause I'm not a religious person, but yea I believe there is some form of a being/god up there. I don't think I should have to "worship" someone for me to be accepted into heavan/hell though.

:smh: so you should just be let in? I'm not coming from a religious viewpoint but I think its foolish for you to want to be accepted into a elite club without paying your dues whether it be heaven, college, or a night club. You gotta do something to get in right? But I dont even believe in that.
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I don't follow any religion even though I am catholic; I don't believe what they stand for and the things that have taken place

most people who are hardcore into religion need to get checked

if I had a dime for every time someone did something bad or didn't get their way and heard "it's all God's plan" I'd be a millionaire
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The average person will refuse to admit they believe what they believe because it's been embedded into them since birth

EDIT - PLEASE stay out of this thread FutureMD :smh:
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great discussion.

i know what i know now because i have tried believing before. Once it stopped working for my, I started to base my understanding and philosophy and what I know from others, my personal experiences, and lessons learned.

note the contrast with this thread from now til about 3-4 days from now when putty returns.

Isn't Catholicism a religion? Or is it like how you can be Jewish if your parents are, even though you're not religious?

Religions are a big part of cultural and social makeup. I could see how this would work.

There are plenty of preachers that continue preaching even though they stop believing because it's apart of their culture. It's how them and their families socialize with others.
The average person will refuse to admit they believe what they believe because it's been embedded into them since birth
EDIT - PLEASE stay out of this thread FutureMD
To the thread title question, I believe in what I believe because it makes sense. I observe or take part in certain philosophies and then make my decisions based on how they go and the outcome. It's not simply out of comfort or convenient truths. I challenge what I believe in by putting it up to scrutiny and legitimate criticisms and once they stand up to it they've me my standard for being worthy enough to be believed in.
Do you go to church to please others? Family
No. Was forced at a point as a child/preteen though.
Have any of you changed your religion? And why?
Nah, dabbled in Buddhist philosophy though.
Why don't you believe in anything at all?
I do.

Of course what I believe in isn't believed in on blind faith or a special feeling that doesn't have some sound reasoning and logical backing to it.
The average person will refuse to admit they believe what they believe because it's been embedded into them since birth

EDIT - PLEASE stay out of this thread FutureMD :smh:
Fam doing this is just trolling. Asking him to stay out a thread he's free to post in is just going to guarantee he posts in here not only to express his opinion and views which he has a right to but if only to spite you. So when his suspension is up expect him to post in here :lol:
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i believe the structure of religion is great for a child growing up to give them boundaries and teach a sense of moral right and wrong.

I think right around 8th grade / freshman year HS is when I started questioning my religion and whether it's what I believe in or what my family told me to believe in.

upon further review, I found I didn't agree with what the roman catholic church preaches. I'm not religious anymore and I don't give anymore any more money to the roman catholic church. I'm not an atheist, but I don't recognize the roman catholic god or jesus christ as the bad *** of all bad ***es.
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Religion is simply a control device. People are generally controlled by fear -- fear of your parents as a kid, fear of the law as an adult, fear of doom in the afterlife, etc etc. How many people would honestly have faith in any god or higher being if there were no fear or reward at the end?

And to believe in a particular god, means to completely discredit all other religions. That fact alone makes religion seem ridiculous -- no offense to anyone. For this reason alone, blood has and will always be shed for the sake of religion.

I believe in energy and "mother nature", as weird as that sounds. I believe nature is the beginning and end, not a god. The thought of "where did it start" is enough to give a person a headache and it's overwhelming to think of -- to think of something none of us can grasp.

Religion is simply a control device. People are generally controlled by fear -- fear of your parents as a kid, fear of the law as an adult, fear of doom in the afterlife, etc etc. How many people would honestly have faith in any god or higher being if there were no fear or reward at the end?

And to believe in a particular god, means to completely discredit all other religions. That fact alone makes religion seem ridiculous -- no offense to anyone. For this reason alone, blood has and will always be shed for the sake of religion.

I believe in energy and "mother nature", as weird as that sounds. I believe nature is the beginning and end, not a god. The thought of "where did it start" is enough to give a person a headache and it's overwhelming to think of -- to think of something none of us can grasp.

Yes. This man knows.
Do i believe in GOD ? No and i wish i never had to take Religion class back from 5-8 grade. Also i know everyone has there own beliefs and all but please tell me why when ever someone does good they praise god (theyll be like I like to thank god and so on) and also i would like to use this drake line as an Example : Im the type to say a prayer, then go get what i just prayed for. How about Im the type to not say a prayer and still go get what i want ! Its just as easy.

Its all in the mind
so you should just be let in? I'm not coming from a religious viewpoint but I think its foolish for you to want to be accepted into a elite club without paying your dues whether it be heaven, college, or a night club. You gotta do something to get in right? But I dont even believe in that.
being a genuinely good person isn't enough?
I was raised religious and spent summers with my jehovah witness grandmother. She force fed me all the bs and played bible tapes for me to sleep to. Took sunday classes and went to church every saturday and sunday. Went through communion. Only problem was that my grandma wouldnt let me watch cartoons or anything really besides animal planet / discovery channel.

All that time watching those channels got me into science/nature. I was atheist by the time I was in 7th grade.
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