Real talk if Lil wayne died today would offically be considered a legend ?

i trully care NOTHING about other peoples opinion. I think Lil wayne has fallen off. And I would NEVER consider him a GOAT or a Legend. Rap has gotten soboring now that I dont even listen to rap that much any more.
^That is probably the most closed minded and irrelevent opinion I've ever read in my 4 or so years on NT. years.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

^That is probably the most closed minded and irrelevent opinion I've ever read in my 4 or so years on NT. years.

How? ever since I first heard rap music when I was like 4 years old, I have been listening to other peoples opinions. Some where good some where bad. Ihave discovered new rappers through others opinions. But I have noticed with in the last 3 years I have disagreed with the MAJORITY of the people I have talkedtoo. And def. have disagreed with the majority of NT. And now I'm at a point where I now have my own solid opinion that may or may not change, but for nowI don't feel like hearing someones opinion on rap specially if its a lil wayne thread. How is my opinion irrelevant? a question was asked, I read a fewreplies didn't really find anything that made me agree with, and I posted my opinion. To me Wayne has fallen off and rap is boring period. Take it or leaveor block out whatever I posted, just like I will be doing as soon as you reply to this
Lets see, he had everyone saying "the block is hot"

...everyone saying "bling bling"

...everyone saying "drop it like it's hot"

...everyone saying "go dj"

...everyone saying "I...I...I got em (Fireman)"

...everyone saying "make it rain"

...everyone saying "duffle bag boy"

...every chick wylin to Lollipop

...hell, CHICKS knew EVERY word to Drought 3, FEMALES had the MIXTAPE, name another rapper with ladies buying their mixtape. From my experience, most chicksdon't even know where/how to get mixtapes nor do they care to have them

With that said, he's already a legend and has been relevant from day one

I didn't even mention Cash Money's impact as a whole, had everyone saying "hot boy/girl", "whoadie" and other stuff. Theysingle-handedly made No Limit change their WHOLE swag

Any who, quit the hate and lies, cats talking bout he has no memorable songs/albums...smh

I usually don't even type this much but NT's blatant hate for the South is disgusting, just stop
"DIED"is kinda put of context because he a RAPPER and RAPPERS don't die the get KILLED. There would also have some type of hip-hop mediasyndication where wayne would have to be Shot cause after all the rappers we all known to be the greatest was KILLED. There for wayne need to be shot to get onthat list not dye because "WE" (US FANS) Don't want to hear "oh little wayne died from taking a crap" that not popping, thats not theway to go out,you ain't Elvis. Therefore little wayne needs to be shot from some type of turf war or per say "BEEF" to be consider as a greatrapper, and don't forget the cops would not do a through investigation becasue he just another "RAPPER"

Originally Posted by DJ IQ

"DIED"is kinda put of context because he a RAPPER and RAPPERS don't die the get KILLED.

What the ++#! are you talking about? Serious question....what the hell is that supposed to mean man?
just cause a rapper dies dudes be all over acting like they are 100x better than they really are/were
word to stack bundles
You do know like 90% of all Wayne mixtapes aren't really released by Wayne, right?
IE: Wayne's World, The Drought is Over, Lyrical Homocide, New Orleans Nightmare, etc.
Originally Posted by DJ IQ

"DIED"is kinda put of context because he a RAPPER and RAPPERS don't die the get KILLED. There would also have some type of hip-hop media
syndication where wayne would have to be Shot cause after all the rappers we all known to be the greatest was KILLED. There for wayne need to be shot to get on
that list not dye because "WE" (US FANS) Don't want to hear "oh little wayne died from taking a crap" that not popping, thats not the
way to go out,you ain't Elvis. Therefore little wayne needs to be shot from some type of turf war or per say "BEEF" to be consider as a great
rapper, and don't forget the cops would not do a through investigation becasue he just another "RAPPER"


Then please explain to me the death of Eazy E...
Homeboy with the death theory is onto somethin IMO . . . I mean living a "thug" or "gangsta" lifestyle mostly results in a "thug"or "gangsta" deathstyle . . . Rappers get shot, its just one of those things, young black men are pray, we're struck down by bullets at doubleand triple the rates of other ethnicities . . . If Lil Wayne died from Asthma he wouldn't be as HIGH regarded as being shot up, and dying like Scarface . .. Its just the reality. Ninjas in the hood rarely die of natural causes or even common sickness its usually violent . . . The way you die is remembered andusually goes hand in hand with the way you lived to a certain extent . . .

You don't see rock n roll cats gettin murdered like rappers, in that genre it'll be something like a drug overdose, or suicide . . . You rarely hearabout a rapper at any level of fame committing suicide. That's just not the "hip hop" styled death, as it would be more acqainted with the"Rock" lifestyle . . .

So if Wayne did die in this so called blaze of glory, he'd be THAT more famous . . . And with Eazy E, his death was frowned upon by some because it wasALLEGEDLY due to this biochemical warfare they have named AIDS . . . IMO it has some affect on his legacy.

When it comes to AIDS you BEST believe its man made . . .
Over the years I've gained more respect for Wayne's music because he definitely has improved. I also respect the dude's work ethic because he dropsmixtape after mixtape and will almost never decline working with someone if he can gain an extra fan or 2. So on the strength of his buzz, his work ethic, andhis noticeable improvement over the years I'd have to think he'd be qualified to be called a legend in the public's eyes. Myself personally,I'd say he's close...but not quite there yet.
Originally Posted by All Ready

...every chick wylin to Lollipop

You say that like he's the first person to ever have a song that girls went crazy over. It's just the flavor of the month. By mid-May, nobody willeven care about that song.

LOL, how you take 1 line outta long quote and use it as a platform to disagree?

And it's not that they just dance freakier when this joint drops, they be licking cats necks and other crazy stuff as well
to the general hop hip head = he is a legend

to me = hell naw to me you can NOT mention legend with Nas and LIL WAYNE in the same sentence im sorry
He does not deserve legendary status at all, ya'll bugging. Though the fans def would, thats just how it goes. Pathetic IMO.
as much as i hate lil wayne&his music... the N' got the nation on lockk. to me he has improved over the years, so i guess in a sense you can considerhim a legend for all of the hype he has createdd, and all the fans he has generated... but on a reality check, i cant stand his music, i only enjoy a few ofhis songs... the only reason weezy is on my iTunes, is because my sister downloads him ALLL THE TIME...

i notice everyone is waiting for Tha Carter III to drop, IMO once it drops and most likely wont receive such Legendary reviews, hopefully people will stopD-ridin him soo hard, and mayb his hype will fade a bit, i hope.. i cant wait for a better rapper to take the game by storm...
somebody with muccchh more talent..


and i feel anybody in the NY area or anybody that likes real hip hop--shudnt consider weezy a real legend... he's just really popular
No way possible is Wayne considered a legened, whether he be dead, alive, in a coma, it wouldnt' matter. Think of it like this, do you think any legendthat is still around would consider Wayne, yes Lil Wayne of all people a legend?? The answer would be postively, absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, HELLNO!!
im 23. once my generation is phased out of relevancy, I'm pretty sure Wayne will definitely be legendary status. Damn near everyone 18 and younger lovethis man, and a large portion of people 18-my age and even older love him too.

that said, keep in mind the question was....will he be considered a legend...not will YOU consider him a legend.

Anyone that uses logic will see he will have to take a seeeeerious fall off to not be
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