Real Talk : What I need to Do to Work with Nasa?

What you do want to do at NASA? Be an astronaut? Rocket scientist? A professional count downer for shuttle launches?
Good luck. My friend has been working on projects in conjunction with NASA. He turned down a $13000+ internship over the summer from an aerospace company to doso. He's very intelligent: 3.93 GPA.
You need to be smart and also passionate about math, physical science and engineering because you will need to dedicate yourself to those things while youare in college in order to stand out amongst your peer.

Remember that math and physical sciences, especially at the upper division and graduate levels, are the the toughest classes you can take and many smart peoplestruggle just to get through and you need to shine to work for NASA.

If you really love acquiring knowledge and are willing to work hard, go for it try to be a part of NASA. Even if you come up short, you should do well in lifeif you decide to seriously study math and science.
"non-astronaut" jobs at nasa:
+ "Stay in school!"

Wow that's crazy..that would be an nice job though..any NASA jobs for and IT major that anyone knows about...?
Straight A's in math and science from kindergarten up through graduate school.
You should check out this movie called "Gattaca" with Jude Law.

Very good movie.


I don't know if it will help with you wanting to be in NASA, but since you're into this outerspace crap you should definitely check out that movie.
did u check-out the university in Florida called Embry Riddle, theres a possibility that somebody on here goes there. pretty much u gotta be good at Math,Physics, Chemistry, and also have some experience in Calculus. and u should have at least a 3 GPA.
Pick 2 pr 3 of these majors: Math, Statistics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Astrophysics,Chemistry, and there are probably others I'm leaving off but you get the picture. Do them really well, like 3.8 GPA status at a top university. I actuallydo know a lot of triple majors in crazy stuff like this. I go to Berkeley, and these guys get into top graduate schools. I'm not in that category sadly. Doa lot of internships and serious research. A PhD would probably help too. Work your way up.
MIT graduate. Top 3% in your class. 10 references from high up people Deans, Presidents, Congressmen, Senators ect..

4 yrs in the Navy+ All the above..
you can start with a internship...i have a lot friends who had interships in Greenbelt, MD being that NASA was right up the street from my high school
The easiest way to get a job with Nasa is to be an engineer. The bulk of their work force are engineers. Let me put this as bluntly. If your not in a gooduniversity with a 3.3+ job pursuing a bachelors degree in engineering, NASA will not even look at your resume. Thats their minimum requirement. A 3.3, but ofcourse this is a 3.3 in ENGINEERING. Engineering of any discipline is the hardest undergraduate major to get a degree in. Anybody who tells you otherwise isfooling themselves. Aerospace, Mechanical, and Electrical are pretty much the main guys NASA looks for. But.......

NASA pay is TRASH. They pay their interns 13 per hour. I'm doing the same kind of work NASA co-ops/interns do and they started me at 18/hour as a sophmore.If you're looking for money, dont work for the government. This is common knowledge. I'm not shure how their fulltime employment is, but I'm shureits similar to their co-op program. Also, I have boy who works at NASA. Everybody there is a nerd or an elitest he says. Dudes will try you left and right.NASA is all about prestige and name brand recognition. You can do similar if not the same kind of work at Lockhead Martin, Boeing, Jacobs Technology, etc. AnyNASA contractor in the Houston area will have similar jobs for higher pay. The one good thing about NASA I heard is that is they pay your salary while you arein Grad school. I repeat: They pay for your school and they pay you like you was still at work. I dont know how true this is. My source was second hand.I'd look into it. Anyways, I grew up like 5 minutes from NASA so i know pretty much everything there is to know. Hit me up,

BTW: This list is very important.

1Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2Stanford University (CA)
3University of California-Berkeley
4Georgia Institute of Technology
5University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
6Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
7California Institute of Technology
7University of Southern California (Viterbi)
9University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
10Cornell University (NY)
11University of Texas-Austin
12Purdue University-West Lafayette (IN)

If your school is not on that list, forget about it. There are kids in those schools with 3.8-4.0s who NASA will choose with quickness. Your best bet now, isto try and get into one of those 10 schools. NASA usually goes to these school's career fairs and recruits kids. Like I always say, if your at a goodcollege, you dont look for a job. The companies will look for you.

Nuff said.
i know someone who interned at nasa while he was in HS. he ended up being valedictorian and going to upenn.
Well, my brother works for NASA, and he graduated from San Jose State University majoring in Computer Engineering. He still works there now. You don'tnecessarily have to go to a top university. Like some others said, you might want to major in engineering and even decide specifically, what it is you want todo there. There are a variety of jobs available. And you would definitely want a pretty high GPA and lots of science and math courses on your transcript. Ifthis is really what you want, don't let others stand in your away or tell you you can't do it. Good luck.
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