Real Talk: Who feels they wont be as successful as their parents?


Nov 29, 2007
Word to the "What your parents do thread....." Seems like NT got some good family. SMH @ me. Imma get it together. Props to yall already know whatpath you on.
I do, but not in a bad dad's side of the family has all been successful, in fact most have been more successful than him. I'd be more thanhappy reaching the level of some of them. After a while, the money doesn't matter anymore.
I feel I have the potential to be as successful as my father. I just don't seem to care about being as successful as he is. I just want to be comfortable.
Yep, I feel what both of you are sayin. Ya never know where life gonna take ya though.
Not mom work a normal 9-5 and my pop aint @$@@ so it won't be a big challenge, yamean?
I think I am probably in the same boat as Camel. My pops brothers have all done real well and so has my pops. Either way considering I cam from wealthyManhatten and my pops came from the South Bronx no matter what I do will not be as impressive as what he did.
My dad worked hard and stuggled along with my mom living paycheck to paycheck. Now Im not rich but Im comfortable and dont stuggle like they did when they werethe same age as me and my wife.
One thing that stands out to me is the hands of my dad and mine. My dad did/does manual labor and his hands are tore up. I mean they are big, rough andweathered hands while mine are soft and the only stress I put on them are from typing. Thats why he wanted and thats what I strive to do.
Originally Posted by vanexellent

My dad worked hard and stuggled along with my mom living paycheck to paycheck. Now Im not rich but Im comfortable and dont stuggle like they did when they were the same age as me and my wife.
One thing that stands out to me is the hands of my dad and mine. My dad did/does manual labor and his hands are tore up. I mean they are big, rough and weathered hands while mine are soft and the only stress I put on them are from typing. Thats why he wanted and thats what I strive to do.
Pretty much sums up what I had to say.
dad grew up on a farm in the south and picked cotton as a kid... moms came from the PJs

they're multimillionaires now... i can only HOPE im 1/2 as successful
My mom and pops have been working hard labour jobs all their life, so if I don't more successful I should slap myself. Not because of the low expectationsto live up to but because they've worked hard to support me all my life, and it's the least I can do.
Originally Posted by Ghost703

dad grew up on a farm in the south and picked cotton as a kid... moms came from the PJs
How/where did they meet?
Ya,i dont know if il be like my step-dad...he is like driven...he owns a bakery and stuff...
I don't think i will ever be like him...come here with nothing and then save and make something out of it.
Hopefully all goes well though.
I will never match my parents in terms of their drive and they way they built their business. My mom left her old job almost 20 years ago to start her ownbusiness (doing the exact same thing: legal publishing). She just knew she could do it better. She started with one computer, managed to get one customer tostart, and had one employee: herself. That was 1989. Fast forward to now: she's moved her business twice now due to growth, she has 17 employees, hundredsof customers around the country, and is the best company in the country at what they do. There is nothing I could ever do that would match that success story.
My dad and me are always fighting over this as a matter of fact we are not speaking right now.. He claims I will not be better than him in any thing, and Ilive to prove him wrong basically. It started with basketball way back and now it got to the point where we compete about everything. That is motivation foryour a**.

He went to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, I go to PSU. He got his degree at the age of 25 - I will get mines when I am 21 or 20. He have two masters and Iwill get that in no time.. He makes upwards of 100k and I should make even more.

I say I will be better than him in every shape or form unless he plots to assassinate me
My parents got dough now, but they always tell me to do better than them.

That's my goal and I love making them proud.
i just thought of this the other day.. i probally wont be.

and my parents arent the who will jusst give me money when i need it
I don't think or dream about not being successful as my parents, to me it's an ambition to be better and greater thenthem
If I started playing the guitar when I was 12, I might of had a chance...

I am already more successful then my mother.
ehh my mom hasnt done anything successful yet... lol... my pops sells insurance... although he wants to play the guitar for a living... so if this rap *#!!works i got em both beat...
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

My parents got dough now, but they always tell me to do better than them.

That's my goal and I love making them proud.
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