Received fake Hyperdunks AKA Hyperjunk (pics)

Mar 10, 2008
Well I knew fake Hyperdunks were out there, but hadn't seen any pics. Here's the pair I received last week ... paypal dispute in process. This pair wasbeing sold without the EA game or acrylic case which was why it was supposedly so cheap. I gotta think that if they're counterfeiting the TP editions, theMcFly's are probably on their list too. Hope this helps some of ya.
hey, I just saw an auction for some fake McFly HD's on ebay with those exact same insoles (Kobe 'swoosh')...

thanks for the pics and hope it works out...

Hope you get your money back.

Remember kids...................If it sounds too good to be true......It probably isn't.
This is why you should always pay from your credit card balance. If Paypal can't get your money back, your credit card company should be able to help you.
Wow that sucks man. Good luck with Paypal. They usually deal with this stuff pretty good.

Dude, you get NO sympathy from me.
LOL @ $85 Buy It Now ... you should've known better!

Not to mention, I saw that auction when it was still active.
The Swoosh placement was way off and it was evident in the pics.

Even with the piss poor pics the auctioneer had on eBay, you could tell these were fake.

You definitely got what you paid for!
Thanks for the heckling and I'm not asking for your sympathy. Yeah I knew $85 seemed too good to be true. But I also took into account that
a) fake Hyperdunks aren't widespread -- have you seen any pics until now? me neither
b) good seller feedback
c) $85 is worth a gamble. Worst case scenario I'm out $85... who really cares.

Also thanks for the tip on paying with a CC. That's what I did (i've been there before with paypal disputes). I got refunded this morning and I thinkthe pics were a big help proving my case. Don't make this thread about the $85 or how stupid I must be... all I was trying to do was show fakes were outthere and here's how to spot em. Peace.
that sucks op. sorry that happened.

you should try them on and tell us how they feel compared to the real hyperdunk.

and did you try to contact the seller? what did he say if anything?
To answer your question, yes I've seen fake hyperdunks. Informative post btw, hope you get your money back man.
PRops to the Threadstarter for sharing info to help other new NTers who may not know as much about Fakes as many may not know about.

Alot of folks have gotten got at some point or another....

Sometimes people have stuff they don't realize is worth something.

Showing the side by side can help and this guy is helping. Cant heckle that.
Need to have a little bit more common sense for that stuff man, have to be careful. Hope you get your $$$ back.
Yeah there is some girl on ebay who ONLY sells fake mcflys and black mambas.

Her description says she has had them forever and doesn't want them anymore but sadly she lost the box then as soon as a pair sells she adds another oneover and over and over. Some go for 50 some go for 300. Feel bad for the buyers...
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