Received fake Hyperdunks AKA Hyperjunk (pics)

Originally Posted by Fit Perfect

Sorry man, but I really have no idea what you are filing a paypal dispute for. I mean, you bought the shoes knowing what you were going to buy, based on the pictures and stuff. I mean they could be fake, but it is your responsibility to know what you are buying. Although, I do appreciate you posting the pictures of the fake ones so people know what to look for if it isn't so obvious. But really man, try and be more careful. Sorry for what happened, always sucks getting burned on ebay.

lol ok man if you get ripped off you can bite your tongue and let some low life get away scott free with selling some bs fakes.

me, and most every other person with a thinking brain would get their money back.
Originally Posted by gswhoopz

Thanks for the heckling and I'm not asking for your sympathy. Yeah I knew $85 seemed too good to be true. But I also took into account that
a) fake Hyperdunks aren't widespread -- have you seen any pics until now? me neither
b) good seller feedback
c) $85 is worth a gamble. Worst case scenario I'm out $85... who really cares.

Also thanks for the tip on paying with a CC. That's what I did (i've been there before with paypal disputes). I got refunded this morning and I think the pics were a big help proving my case. Don't make this thread about the $85 or how stupid I must be... all I was trying to do was show fakes were out there and here's how to spot em. Peace.
i guess thats a good point, but money is money and i wouldnt take an $85 ebay gamble on any any shoe really. i got rooked once and it's nothappening again. i found 70 dollars on the ground afterward though, ahh karma...
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

You act like you don't know that fakes are bad quality...

Dude presenting diagrams and examples and #!*%...
why not, it didn't hurt anybody, and everyone gets to see eaxctly what they are doing on the fakes. I see no reason why he shouldn't.
i once got fake jordan 10s on eb*y. i filed a complaint with paypal, brought proof from a local sneaker expert that the shoes were fake, and paypal sided withme.
i had to pay shipping back to the seller.
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