Red Line Train Crash

Aug 8, 2007
I hope nobody was on there. Two trains collided. Watching it on the news.
My wife was stuck on the redline. Thank God she was ok.

My condolences goes out to the families of those involved.
I just got home. I was the Rhode Island Ave Metro (3 stops away from the Crash Site) when we were stuck. The operator announced that we would stop at the NextStop (Brookland-Catholic Univ) from there we would take the shuttle bus.

Earlier I was upset that I missed the train when I got off from work and that the next train was over crowded, only to find out the train I had missed as soonas i got off work would be the one that would collide.

Im home in my house now safe and thank God that Im safe and sound

R.I.P to the ones that died
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

I just got home. I was the Rhode Island Ave Metro (3 stops away from the Crash Site) when we were stuck. The operator announced that we would stop at the Next Stop (Brookland-Catholic Univ) from there we would take the shuttle bus.

Earlier I was upset that I missed the train when I got off from work and that the next train was over crowded, only to find out the train I had missed as soon as i got off work would be the one that would collide.

Im home in my house now safe and thank God that Im safe and sound

R.I.P to the ones that died
Glad you are safe and R.I.P. to those who didnt make it.

I take the red line everyday to get to and from work. My supervisor was off today and I thought about leaving early.. Not only am I gonna stop takin this jobfor granted, I gotta appreciate the life I have and continue to count my blessings.

I hope no one was affected by this, if so you have my condolences
I ride that Red Line train EVERY DAY man. I got off work and noticed that everybody at Metro Center was standstill so I knew something had happened...but notof this magnitude. So I walked to Gallery Place and rode the green line to my moms house. I get home and on tv they were initially saying there were NOinjuries. I take a nap...wake up and now they're saying it's 5...possibly more dead.

I can't believe this #$*+ right now...
man i just seen some pictures of the collision..looks bad, my heart goes out to all those who were affected by this
yeah man, i was about to head to my internship but was low on funds.. whew glad i avoided going today

rest in much love to the passengers that past away
There would have been a good chance that i would have been on that metro if I had went to work. I usually leave the gallery place stop around 4:40 but im outat training all week
RIP.... THis is too wild man... I used to roam those tracks growing up. That's pretty much my old neighborhood... Now I'm in a mad scrabble to see ifanyone I know has been affected.
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