Remembering 9/11 ----- 22 Years Later

I’ve always been fascinated by the jumpers of 9/11, however for the 1st time the other day, I came across an image I’ve never seen before. There 2 people that fell from one of the buildings as the one of the towers was collapsing. Just mind boggling, just thinking about what was going through their mind as they saw the whole building collapsing behind them.

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Yeah the jumping is the thing that tripped me out the most on the day of. Just the desperation they must have felt as the heat/smoke approached and they felt they had no other option. Really messed up.
Crazy I went to Mount myself. At the time I was in elementary school (5th grade) in music class when the teacher announced what had happened.
Man I had detention everyday they ended up releasing me at the end of the year I was there for the 11th grade but the boys in the school wouldn't cut me no slack and let me live

full video here

interesting. Thoughts?

I thought that guy adam was way off base and patrick also was not his best on this
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You would never think those 9/11 victims would have an escape plan in place. I always wonder if they had parachutes or something. No other way for them to escape.
You would never think those 9/11 victims would have an escape plan in place. I always wonder if they had parachutes or something. No other way for them to escape.
Doubt it would have helped much. I think there were a few people that tried to parachute their way out and none of them were successful. Unfortunately, there’s little that can be done to prevent the catastrophic damage to a building caused by the impact of a jumbo jet. However major safety improvements were made. In the new 1-world trade center, they reinforced all paths of egress in like 3’ concrete walls that can withstand the impact of a plane, and also encompassed all major radio communication cabling & and main sprinkler piping in the shaft as well. This way if a similar attack were to happen, more people at and above the impact zones would be able to escape for a longer period of time. They also used impact resistant fire proofing on all of the structural steel, incase a plane were to crash into the building, the steel would remain fireproofed for an extended period of time.

Having said that, I think if a plane were to crash into the tower again & knock out major members of columns and beams, I’m sure the building would inevitably collapse again, but at least now the collapse can be prolonged a few hours and they’ll be able to get everyone out the buildings.
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That lady was on the 94th floor and I think the stairwells was blocked from the 92nd floor and up.

I feel like they could've tried breaking through the floor till they got to the 92nd floor and went in the stairwell. I dont think all the floors are made of concrete or a hard material.
That lady was on the 94th floor and I think the stairwells was blocked from the 92nd floor and up.

I feel like they could've tried breaking through the floor till they got to the 92nd floor and went in the stairwell. I dont think all the floors are made of concrete or a hard material.

I don’t think people in the towers expected the towers to come down. The lady was probably waiting to be rescued if she wasn’t being directly affected by the smoke/heat/flames.

The people affected by the plane crash seemed to be the ones making urgent efforts to escape, not because they thought that a tower collapse was imminent, but because they were burning up and inhaling smoke.
This **** is STILL crazy.

The aftermath is crazy.

The WARS it caused.....crazy.

Finding Sadaam in a ****ing HOLE :wow:

Poppin Laden and dumpin his *** overboard.

People literally lost their heads over this.
For the whole world to see.

Invading Iraq.....IRAQ! who didnt do this **** ......Crazy.

Leaving Afghanistan :wow:

This whole **** is crazy bruh.

I never saw any, but I remember the place I was working at at the time. A co-worker heard her brother watching one of the clips at home. Dude getting his head sawed off alive. Her telling me the screams were nauseating, dude had the speakers on full blast.
I was in high school.

In the auditorium. Principal said a plane hit a building. Then another plane hit another building.

My feeble little mind couldnt even grasp what had happened.

My dumb *** sitting there with my 4xl shirt and silver plated jewelry thought it was a coincidence of drunk pilots or bad weather.

My biggest concern was where my crush was at in the auditorium.

All that **** over a few ****** with boxcutters :smh:
My dumb *** sitting there with my 4xl shirt and silver plated jewelry thought it was a coincidence of drunk pilots or bad weather.

Haha. This was pretty much how I remember first perceiving it. Sitting there with a Fubu baseball jersey, Kiss tha Game Goodbyer in the discman, drinking a Surge.
Pre-Covid, this was the only time that there was silence in NY.

I remember how empty the streets looked.
High school senior in Brooklyn at the time. I was use to seeing the towers every morning on my commute to school , taking the L train at Broadway Junction to Canarsie. So to see it in smoke later that morning was a surreal experience.
Teaching high school this day is probably one of the most interesting to me each because as the years go on the students acknowledgement of 9/11 decreases more each year.

I was 5 when it happened but I remember school closing early and us going home that day. My dad works at the shipyard in Newport News, and the whole Hampton Roads was on high alert being such a big military area that close to D.C.
I lived in Brooklyn linden plaza and can see the towers from my apartment as a kid, remember not seeing the tower from my apartment when I came home from school that day.

R.I.P to the victims
This **** is STILL crazy.

The aftermath is crazy.

The WARS it caused.....crazy.

Finding Sadaam in a ****ing HOLE :wow:

Poppin Laden and dumpin his *** overboard.

People literally lost their heads over this.
For the whole world to see.

Invading Iraq.....IRAQ! who didnt do this **** ......Crazy.

Leaving Afghanistan :wow:

This whole **** is crazy bruh.

Can’t forget Saddams sons too
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