Ren & Stimpy Appreciation Post vol. Maturity is Overrated


Oct 4, 2007
I swear this aint no kids show...every day at 2:45 I
and at 3:00 I watch havin a *nas album* rollin...

Why did they cancel this?!

Has anybody ever listened 2 "Happy Happy, Joy Joy" closely?

"I'll teach you 2 be happy...I'll teach your grandmother 2 suck eggs!!!"

"I told you I'd shoot...but you didnt believe me!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME!?"

Just a lil shout-out 2 the twisted minds who created will 4eva remain on my swaglist...

Discuss and apprieciate...
one of my all-time favorite shows. when i watch it now i realize i didn't understand half the stuff they were talking about when i was kid
i think this show was by far underrated. i didn't like how spike tried to bring it back, it was too overtly AYO!!! they had stimpy tell ren"you're the pitcher, i'm the catcher, you're the pitcher, i'm the catcher!!!". after i saw that i was like *click* i ain'twatching this.
Originally Posted by Frank 7he T4nk

That show was something else.

I still remember the game for Sega, that game had some of the weirdest bad guys.

i remember renting that from blockbuster as a kid, that was anawesome game from what i remember.
Some of the episodes were just freaky. The creator had to be dumb high writing it. I remember one episode where stimpy lost his fart, classic.
Yo, this is easily one of the greatest cartoons EVER.� I need to grab these on DVD asap.�

Here's one of my favorite scenes.� Mr. Horse was that dude, and his scream gets me
every damn time.�

"No sir....I didn't like it."�

I want the whole series on dvd...yall remember them close-ups they use to do...i remember the one with the old dude..i remember yakin up eggs laughin at that++*+
man...I loved that show.
sometimes, I'd randomly catch it on nicktoons.
its funny b/c a week ago I was singing the "happy happy joy joy" song could I forget "log"..
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