Repeating sr year of high school

Aug 8, 1999
Is there ANYWAY you can do it optionally? I'm going to be 17 when I graduate so i'm a little younger. But I just slipped up my sr year and know I can get better grades than I did. I graduate in about a week and got accepted to UNF, but I don't have ANY scholarships. I just really wish I could repeat my year at a brand new school we just built, play basketball at a better program than we had previously, get better grades and apply to more scholarships and better schools. any advice?
unf? U IN JAX FAM?

what HS?
im from jax
(went to mandarin hs)

but i dont think that option exists
There is no reason...absolutely NO reason whatsoever...why someone should want to repeat their senior year of high school.

Move on and try to make a college a more fulfilling experience. Trying to do another year of HS when you don't have to is mind boggling.
To apply for scholarships? Being in HS for 5 years is never a good thing. Do better in your next venture!
Dude are you serious?

You graduated. it's over. you can't go back. you especially can't go back and play basketball again hahahaha

damn fam.
to the first response- fletcher. to the rest of yall. WELL DAMN GUCCI! guess i'm not goin back
Just go to a college you can afford, even if its a community college, you can always transfer....

Repeating would be pointless and would only harm your future.
i don't know why people are laughing.

i graduated a year early. i wish i could repeat my senior year.

i've never had so much fun.
Did dis dude jus did dis?
I was all prepared to give you some words of encouragement and $*%!,but you actually WANT to repeat?!?!
Did you tell your folks about your little plan?
*waits for answer*
we got people from jax on NT?!?!!? (i went to bolles)

but anyways, to answer your question.. you can do a post-grad year (i know bolles offered it).. or you can just go to CC and transfer

i'm not sure if they still have it, but the florida bright future scholarship was pretty easy to get.. hell 70% of my graduating class got it (i couldn't take advantage of it though.. not being american, let alone from florida)
Yall are taking what i'm saying and not putting it in the right perspective, it's not like i'm failing, anything like that. It's just that if there was a way I could retake this year because I could get much better grades and i'm YOUNG, which is the reason I was almost held back in third grade, which in retrospect I wish I had done. It's not like i'm old n @$%$
Go to a community'll save money and when your ready to transfer you can get your scholarships
Originally Posted by wildcard

Yall are taking what i'm saying and not putting it in the right perspective, it's not like i'm failing, anything like that. It's just that if there was a way I could retake this year because I could get much better grades and i'm YOUNG, which is the reason I was almost held back in third grade, which in retrospect I wish I had done. It's not like i'm old n @$%$

you arent that young, there are plenty of people who are a grade ahead of their age group, there is no reason at all to go to high school for a 5th year unless its a must because you failed
Still trying to get that high school poon

Time to graduate to that 20s group now homie or if you're like me and prefer the more mature crowd then you got a lot of work to do
So does this boil down to a money issue?

If it is you should probably go down the community college route.
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