Repeating sr year of high school

There was a 21 y/o senior at my HS.
yall stay using the wrong dazed and confused character.. wooderson just liked those high school girls, man..

now this fellah is more fitting.. just a few quotes:

Dawson: Did you hear that O'Bannion flunked?
Pink: Yeah, what a dumbs&*@)(*

Mitch: Man I hate that guy, he's a jerk. He is a jerk, right?
Pink: Yeah. He's kind of a joke.

and of course the classic  "I mean, that's B.S., right? Idiot flunks his senior year so he can be a (expletive) two years in a row? Is that legal?"

Why the hell would you want to repeat senior year if you already got accepted to a college??

Colleges only look at your 1st semester of your senior year, so it really doesn't matter....

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

yall stay using the wrong dazed and confused character.. wooderson just liked those high school girls, man..

now this fellah is more fitting.. just a few quotes:

Dawson: Did you hear that O'Bannion flunked?
Pink: Yeah, what a dumbs&*@)(*

Mitch: Man I hate that guy, he's a jerk. He is a jerk, right?
Pink: Yeah. He's kind of a joke.

and of course the classic  "I mean, that's B.S., right? Idiot flunks his senior year so he can be a (expletive) two years in a row? Is that legal?"


why the HELL would you want to stay in HS any longer than you have to? everyone would know you as the super senior
Getting into better universities by repeating senior year?


Repeating your senior year = a straight shot to ivy leagues   state universities community college.
Originally Posted by J23S

Still trying to get that high school poon

Time to graduate to that 20s group now homie or if you're like me and prefer the more mature crowd then you got a lot of work to do

you want him to go from one end of the spectrum to another....lmao
Yes, it is possible to repeat your senior year of high school. It's called Community College.
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