Reports: Olympian Pistorius shoots dead his girlfriend

That intruder logic is ridiculous and I'd imagine there will be enough proof that's not how it went down. All of this is speculation and only a small part of the holes in the story but he didn't say anything before shooting? Just fired off 4 shots through a door without hearing her voice/scream?
That intruder logic is ridiculous and I'd imagine there will be enough proof that's not how it went down. All of this is speculation and only a small part of the holes in the story but he didn't say anything before shooting? Just fired off 4 shots through a door without hearing her voice/scream?
 She was 
Everytime I'm on general and see this thread I get annoyed.


TF kinda grammar is that

a little irking, please do something OP
Copied and pasted the title right off the USA Today link. Actually, i think its grammatically correct but i might be wrong? What would ya'll like me to change it to?
Oscar Pistorius' lawyers counter police investigator's claims during bail hearing

Yahoo! Sports

Oscar Pistorius' bid for bail appeared to receive a major boost Wednesday when his legal team fought to expose holes in a series of damning claims surrounding his alleged murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

On the second day of his bail hearing at Pretoria Magistrates Court, Pistorius' hopes of avoiding incarceration up until his full trial – likely later this year – seemed to be in tatters until cross-examination of key witness and investigating officer Hilton Botha, a leading figure in the prosecution's case. Botha was the first public official to arrive at the crime scene.

Having leveled several powerful accusations at Pistorius, Botha surprisingly crumbled under cross-examination from defense attorney Barry Roux, giving Pistorius, 26, a glimmer of hope in his bid to be granted bail by chief magistrate Desmond Nair.

Botha had earlier revealed how a witness had reported heavy arguing and shouting coming from the Pistorius house before several shots interspersed by a gap of 17 minutes in which there was further arguing.

Botha also told the court that two boxes of "steroids, testosterone," were found at Pistorius' luxury home in the Silver Lakes executive complex in Pretoria's wealthy eastern suburbs – a claim that Roux disputed. Roux said the "testosterone" found on the scene was actually an herbal remedy, not an illegal substance.

Using a layout diagram of the property, imposed onto a projector for chief magistrate Nair to analyze, Botha showed that the athlete would have had to pass the bed in order to go from the bedroom's balcony to its bathroom, seemingly discrediting Pistorius' assertion on Tuesday that he did not realize Steenkamp had left the bed and gone to the toilet before her killing in the early hours of Valentine's Day.

“No way it was self-defense,” Botha said. “I believe he knew she was in the bathroom when he fired four shots through the door.”

Botha also stated that Pistorius had accidentally fired a shot at a restaurant in January, but had an acquaintance take the blame for the incident. Botha also tried to shed light on a 2009 incident in which Pistorius was accused of assault by a woman, but the case was dropped because of a lack of evidence.

At that point Pistorius' situation looked dire, but Roux did his best to poke holes in the investigator's theory.

Roux first countered by saying it was pitch dark in the room with the blinds and door closed, making it impossible to see whether Steenkamp was in bed. He then forced Botha to confirm there were no assault marks on the body of Steenkamp, a 29-year-old covergirl model and reality television star, apparently quashing the theory of a "bloodied" cricket bat earlier reported in the weekend South African press.

Roux went on to make Botha concede that the witness' house was 600 meters away from that of Pistorius', and that the same witness miscounted the number of shots fired and did not successfully identify Pistorius and Steenkamp as the voices heard. By then, Botha was severely rattled.

Roux then forced Botha to state there was nothing to show inconsistency with Pistorius' version of events, which centered around him believing an intruder had entered the home, prompting him to open fire.

. . .

The bail hearing will continue Thursday.
Everytime I'm on general and see this thread I get annoyed.


TF kinda grammar is that

a little irking, please do something OP
Copied and pasted the title right off the USA Today link. Actually, i think its grammatically correct but i might be wrong? What would ya'll like me to change it to?
I don't know about -41-, but ' fatally shoots girlfriend ' is fine by me.

so people,  did pistorius use those steroids during the Olympics?
Lol at him saying he was keeping the steroids for a friend hahahahaha that's like when your parents catch you with some pot and you use the same excuse.

But who could he be possible keeping the steroids for, who in South Africa is more famous than him that he's trying to cover for? Nelson Mandela???!
Lol at him saying he was keeping the steroids for a friend hahahahaha that's like when your parents catch you with some pot and you use the same excuse.

But who could he be possible keeping the steroids for, who in South Africa is more famous than him that he's trying to cover for? Nelson Mandela???!

:lol That excuse is up there w/ Mike Irvin saying he was holding a crack pipe for his friend. :lol

Watch him get off on a technicality tho....
Hopefully he doesn't get off on a technicality. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. But the South African justice system is different where instead of a jury like in the USA. You just have the judge and an assistant?
Pistorius told the Pretoria Magistrate's Court at a bail hearing he felt vulnerable in the presence of an intruder inside the bathroom because he did not have on his prosthetic legs on, and fired into the bathroom door.

In a major point of contention that has already emerged, prosecutor Gerrie Nel said Pistorius took the time to put on his prostheses, walked seven meters (yards) from the bed to the enclosed toilet inside his bathroom and only then opened fire. Three of the bullets hit Steenkamp of the four that were fired into the door, Nel said.

Pistorius said in his sworn statement that after opening fire, he realized that Steenkamp was not in his bed.
I know dude doesn't have any legs so his mobility is void if someone comes to attack him, but who just fires gun shot through a bathroom door? Knowing you live with another person that you supposedly couldn't account for, because you somehow didnt feel on the otherside of the bed to make sure she was safe, and it was to dark to check to notice if she was there or not...
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I have a feeling he's gonna get off during this case

Well the wheels are already in motion 8o

-- First public official to arrive at the scene accidentally did not cover his shoes.
-- Forensics team left one bullet slug in toilet bowl after leaving
-- Illegally-owned .38 was found in safe (for possible further charges) but investigators forgot to take photographs and allowed Pistorius camp to take it away

None are too big a deal but amazing to see this happen constantly at crime scenes which allows defense lawyers to pounce
so his team is saying that the drugs found at his place were herbal supplements. Does anybody know what herbal supplements need to be injected through a syringe? I've never heard of any, and can't think of any other reason he would have syringes.
im sure hes going to walk...

most of these countries that are viewed as corrupt often want to keep the only thing they have to show for.
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