Resistance to antibiotics could bring "the end of modern medicine as we know it", WHO claim.

I just don't understand how people haven't seen this coming. Are people still denying that evolution is a natural phenomenon?
echinacea (at the first sign of sickness) , vegetables, omega 3's, exercise, and condoms. everything that heals the body is on earth. man made medicine is dangerous
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I had the flu just last month, and I learned about all the antiviral medications like Tamiflu that are now useless because of new strains of influenza.  I was prescribed the H1N1 medication, Relenza, because my Doctor wanted to make sure the meds will work for me.  
Bottom line... sooner or later medicines won't be able to help you. 

Have you ever received a flu shot?
I didn't this past flu season.  I am not a big fan of needles so I guess that was my mistake. 
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

people need to stop using hand sanitizer like lotion
*Continues not wash hands after going to bathroom to help society*

I have to use hand sanitzer probably over 100 times a day. scrub in and out every patient room you go into and that but that is only when i am on procedures think about the hospitalists etc who do it every day.

Also we (doctors) are at fault for over prescribing antibiotics but patients are also largely to blame because they insist on getting antibiotics for things like sore throats, runny nose, sinus infection which are all mostly viral esp for the in the first two weeks. If they come to the doctor and we say it will run it course and send them home with symptomatic relief they get upset and feel like we did nothing for them and they may go get a second opinion until they find someone who gives them antibiotics.

Example: Patient comes to urgent care clinic with classic cold dr says go home get rest treat the symptoms. They demand antibiotics because there regular doctor normally gives them a shot. Dr asks do the symptoms resolve after the abx? Patient says no it usually takes a couple courses. The answer. The abx arent working because it is viral and only works after a couple courses b/c the virus has by then run its course.
aside from the antibiotics part, people are really going to associate this with anti-bacterial soap???

people seriously believe that one day our antibacterial soaps will be ineffective and that we'll practically be just washing bacteria off our hands with water?

hell outta here with that
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