Also, just an FYI for anybody living in the USA or Canada….There is no real heroin in North America anymore. Like literally none. You might think i’m exaggerating but unfortunately I’m not.. Anything being smuggled in by Mexicans is either pure fentanyl, or a mixture of heroin/fentanyl.
If somebody you know is addicted to heroin in 2022, they are not addicted to heroin but in fact fentanyl. Real heroin is gone, has been dying out since around 2015ish when more and more heroin was becoming “spiked” with fenty..
Producing enough heroin to feed Americas need requires thousands of acres of poppy fields, laborers to extract the opium from the poppy, transporters to collect the opium from growers and bring it to a clandestine chemist/manufacturer, and a lot of chemicals that are increasingly hard to find to convert the raw opium to heroin.
It is much much easier and more profitable for the Mexican crews to purchase raw fentanyl already made from china or the middle east, and smuggle that into the US to sell.. There are also increasing reports of cartels now figuring out how to manufacture their own fenty in Mexico, which is even worse as product quality will vary greatly and potentially more contamination issues..