Rexanglorum's Economic Manifesto

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Essential1

Here is why I hate Reagan and those who believe in his economic philosophy 100% of the time this exact quote "You can't help those who simply will not be helped. One problem that we've had, even in the best of times, is people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice."
They think everyone chose to be poor or didn't bust their butts everyday and when they see where capitalism hurt their own brothers (citizens of the same country) They step over them with no sympathy no caring and say they chose that. Exactly Fede's policy of helping only the individual and not the group. The way you say your policy you don't care about the individual either. Fede you have no idea what this country is. Fede you have no love for your country and hate this country. So next time you open your mouth shut it before words even leave.
You're a joke.
How does Fede not know what this country is?
Clearly you need to read some history books & read some things the founding fathers wrote and discover what this country is actually about... because apparently you don't know.
If anyone hates this country its liberals.... they are the ones who want to CHANGE it and make it into something that the United States is NOT.... they want to change into a socialist society, like various European countries

And about your Reagan quote.... if you don't think there are people like that out there then you are very ignorant..... this country gives opportunity to everyone and some people choose to disregard that and throw it to the side.
you need to start reading books like Global Political Economy and not elementary history books for children
who was that directed to?
Tbone is not to be taken seriously. He really doesn't know much about anything. He just spews the same rhetoric and types in large font.

Great book for those that care...
Originally Posted by JDB1523

^You said it yourself man, it costs LOWER than private insurance, and will eventually dominate the market. Not to mention, with lower revenues flowing through the hospital systems, what do you think is going to happen? Cut backs in staffing (nurses AND doctors)....cut backs in technologies...and an overall cut back in quality. Sure, will MORE people have insurance? Yes. But it's going to have the opposite effect: even though more people have insurance, the revenues simply won't be there to maintain healthcare as we know it now. I'm currently living in Europe, and Obama wants a very similar system to the UK. Trust me when I say the US >>>> anywhere else in the world for health care.

Well the public health care policy give competition to private insurances whose costs are astronomical. Hmmmm free market capitalism is not good when government participates without adding regulation but when it doesn't participate in promoting free market then yeah all for it.

I live in the U.S. my mother works for a hospital the billings department and my aunt is a nurse, best friend is about to become a surgeon.. US is not better than everyone.. In damn near anything anymore..

Man, you're absolutely right in what you're saying, and please don't take this as 'me coming at you' or anything. But what you need torealize is the long-term and full effects of those policies. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is a manager at the hospital also. Is the government going tocompete with the private companies? Yes. Why is this bad? Because the gov't is going to be price-cutting the !##@ out of the private firms, thus killingcompetition all for the sake of 'lower price.' Seems great right? Wrong. When health care relies on private practice, and in an increasingly expensiveindustry, you can't just cut those revenues and expect the same quality and amount of services. It's like firms using Chinese instead of Americansteel: you're going from quality, at a higher price, to less quality, but you're saving money. And about government in free market: it's not a freemarket if the government is participating.

Edit: I need to catch a plane to Spain for the I'll be MIA for a few days, not intentionally
PM me if you guys want and if not, I'll bump the threadwhen I get back...have a good weekend NT.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Essential1

Here is why I hate Reagan and those who believe in his economic philosophy 100% of the time this exact quote "You can't help those who simply will not be helped. One problem that we've had, even in the best of times, is people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice."
They think everyone chose to be poor or didn't bust their butts everyday and when they see where capitalism hurt their own brothers (citizens of the same country) They step over them with no sympathy no caring and say they chose that. Exactly Fede's policy of helping only the individual and not the group. The way you say your policy you don't care about the individual either. Fede you have no idea what this country is. Fede you have no love for your country and hate this country. So next time you open your mouth shut it before words even leave.
You're a joke.
How does Fede not know what this country is?
Clearly you need to read some history books & read some things the founding fathers wrote and discover what this country is actually about... because apparently you don't know.
If anyone hates this country its liberals.... they are the ones who want to CHANGE it and make it into something that the United States is NOT.... they want to change into a socialist society, like various European countries

And about your Reagan quote.... if you don't think there are people like that out there then you are very ignorant..... this country gives opportunity to everyone and some people choose to disregard that and throw it to the side.
you need to start reading books like Global Political Economy and not elementary history books for children
who was that directed to?
it was obviously directed towards tbone
They think everyone chose to be poor or didn't bust their butts everyday and when they see where capitalism hurt their own brothers (citizens of the same country) They step over them with no sympathy no caring and say they chose that. Exactly Fede's policy of helping only the individual and not the group. The way you say your policy you don't care about the individual either. Fede you have no idea what this country is. Fede you have no love for your country and hate this country. So next time you open your mouth shut it before words even leave.

I hate America because I look down upon Gov't helping instead of the individual of doing it themselves? There is adifference between the homeless and bums. Did you know that homeless people are only homeless for an average of a couple of weeks? Only 10% of homeless peopleare chronically homeless meaning they are homeless for 8 months or more. So if that is the case why should I have sympathy? Homelessness should not be aGov't issue, the Gov't doesn't even come close to charitable organizations, religious-based are statistically the best. Helping them make the rightchoices instead of throwing Gov't money at them is best long term solution. Majority of these people are in the situation because they made bad choices.There shouldn't be entitlements, the only thing you and everyone else in the country are entitled to is freedom, that's it. If you do have somethinglike that it should be at the State level, not the Gov't level.

Welfare programs are paying people to fail, the more they fail the more money they get and as they start to do better the money gets taken away. It isa
bureaucracy that is growing to meet the needs of the growing bureaucracy

Samuel Adams once said :

"The utopian schemes of leveling [redistribution of wealth], and a community of goods, are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest all property in the Crown. [These ideas] are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, unconstitutional."

And because I believe in the same thing that the founders believed, I hate America?

My health care proposal is "obsurd"? What should be the solution? Nationalized health care? Are you crazy? I work in health care, I've studiedthe Medicare and Medicaid systems in my undergrad and they are the main reasons why out health care is exepensive. Like I said before "at zero price, thequantity demanded becomes infinite. Some method of rationing must be substituted for price, which invariably means administrative rationing." Are yougoing to tell me this isnt true? People will be flying to the doctor for anything and everything and God knows when they will be treated. Most patients I dealwith are Medicare, I only have them for about 12 visits so it measures to about 4-6 weeks depending on the frequency per week. You think if they have a kneereplacement they will independent enough in 12 weeks? No. So then what? Their plan of care is taken out of my hands because of the restrictions that theGov't has set on Medicare, is that fair to the patient? Most of them have secondary conditions that will take longer to treat because as you get older youdo not develop muscle as fast as someone who is in their 20's. Why do you think most physicians dont even take Medicare? Too much regulation, paper work,and low reimbursement on top of the increased patient load they already have. Do you think that the quality will be as good or better in this system? Gooddoctors and other clinicians will leave the field, because they know that treatment will be out of their hands and in the hands of the Gov't, is that fairto the patient?

I always looked at Nationalized Health Care as a form of eugenics. Look at the people who benefit and people who do not benefit.

People who do not benefit:

Elderly, why? These people are living longer and will incur more degenerative impairments and disease, so they will be going to the doctor more, because of therationing of care because og the lack of funds, they will be denied treament.

People with chronic diseases, why? These people need treatment all the time. People with Diabetes, high BP, ect constantly need treatment and need to bemonitored because of the medication they take. So in due time because thy go to the doctor so much and they will be denied care.

People with neurological impairment, why? The people with autism, cerebal palsy, ect. constantly need treatment, medication, and supervision, and with the lackof funding for this, you actually think that they will get fair treatment?

So what do these people have in common? These people when they get denied treatment they get sicker and eventually die because of the pathetic treatment theyget. These people are too old, too sick, and physically unable to contribute, but what does that matter, right? We need taxes on sugar and tobacco, we canthave these people being sick and overweight, right? Who the hell is the Gov't to decided this? It may sound good, but the Gov't is taking away theirright to eat or smoke what they want, especially when most of those people are low income, so now they will be spending more money they dont have on thosethings.

More cost effiecient, instead of best quality. Barack Obama will also be violating the 4th amendment by Federally mandating electronic records, why would he dothat? The Gov't cant even access records now without "informed consent" by the patient.

I'm hearing "globilaztion this and globilization that", why dont we worry about "home" first? Why dont we worry about not beingcontrolled by China?

Great read.

I'm just surprised that maize (corn) wasn't mentioned in the part about government subsidies.
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