Rey Maualuga Arrested for DUI Vol. 2003 Pontiac & Underage Wimmenz

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1


About 5 Saints players were getting sauced at the bar right near my school on tuesday.  Vilma took one of the biggest freshman jumpoffs home

as long as she was 18.....
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1


About 5 Saints players were getting sauced at the bar right near my school on tuesday.  Vilma took one of the biggest freshman jumpoffs home
what school you go too?
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by jmb1523

2003 Pontiac? lol
guess he's just following in the footsteps of Lofa Tatupu, no underage female present though...

Police in Kirkland, the suburban home of the Seahawks' headquarters andpractice facility, reported Tatupu registered blood-alcohol levels of.155 and .158 in breath test readings - nearly twice the .08 legal

The police report said an officer parked in his patrol car just after 2a.m. Saturday observed Tatupu driving a 2006 Hyundai in excess of 50mph in a 35 mph zone on a main city street and making erratic lanechanges without signaling.
yall dont know nothin bout them inconegro whips...

No one even suspects

dude be like: "yoooo that look like Rey Rey maualuga wit that 16 yr old bout to get in that 03 Pontiac "
his boy be like: "mannn hell no, why da hell would Rey be pushin a 03 Pontiac, Fool, you drunk ..."
Dude: " Ahhh yea u rite"

... cover still in-tact
I once saw Kassim Osgood step out of the players parking lot at Qualcomm in a 1995 Honda Civic with those Kragen Auto Parts plastic chrome hub caps.

Beaters are a cover up.

True story.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yall dont know nothin bout them inconegro whips...

No one even suspects

dude be like: "yoooo that look like Rey Rey maualuga wit that 16 yr old bout to get in that 03 Pontiac "
his boy be like: "mannn hell no, why da hell would Rey be pushin a 03 Pontiac, Fool, you drunk ..."
Dude: " Ahhh yea u rite"

... cover still in-tact
Or the Pontiac belonged to the 18 year old girl
16 though? You couldn't push for 2 more years lol?

Does incognegro count if you're not a negro?
not Rey's first run in with the law for alcohol
At USC in 2005, he was arrested for misdemeanor battery after an alcohol-fueled brawl. He plea bargained the charge down to counseling, community service and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

In 2006, Maualuga once again was cited for participation an altercation, this time at a fraternity party. He was not legally charged in the matter, which resulted in “internal
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