Rick Ross- Suffers a 2nd seizure today...

Wow, wikipedia had him reported dead, then u can tell somebody f'd up and changed it back.
^ true...but its a seizure, which has to do with the nervous system. im no doctor, but i dont think its a given it has to do with his weight. 
Dude is in my city at UAB hospital downtown.. I really hope dude is straight.
This should be a wake up call to him. I hope he's ok. I think the hospital just violated some code though releasing information like that to the public.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by Grimey

2 in a matter of a couple hours... Yea that's not a good sign, Not Good At All

Time for a Life Style Change.
Originally Posted by LB81986

^ true...but its a seizure, which has to do with the nervous system. im no doctor, but i dont think its a given it has to do with his weight. 

THHIIIISSSS. idk why ppl keep saying it has to do with his weight. his weight has nothing to do with it. you cant have a seizure from being overweight. If he had a heart attack, then i would associate that with his weight. and seizures dont really do anything unless it last over 5 mins. if it lasted over 5 minutes i would be worried. but anything less, they will put him on some meds and he will be fine. 
prob just some laced weed or something. 
Ross needs to get this stuff I used to take called Topamax, it's for epileptic seizures and used for migraines
It makes you loose hella weight. I looked like a fiend while I was on it
Praying for Rick Ross.
Ross been paying dues for a long time. 50 almost Ja Ruled his career. Now he on top of the game and this happens.

Hope Bawse pulls through.
Originally Posted by Prada G

Praying for Rick Ross.
Ross been paying dues for a long time. 50 almost Ja Ruled his career. Now he on top of the game and this happens.

Hope Bawse pulls through.
50 actually didn't do anything though...

It made for some good songs back & forth though

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

Originally Posted by LB81986

^ true...but its a seizure, which has to do with the nervous system. im no doctor, but i dont think its a given it has to do with his weight. 

THHIIIISSSS. idk why ppl keep saying it has to do with his weight. his weight has nothing to do with it. you cant have a seizure from being overweight. If he had a heart attack, then i would associate that with his weight. and seizures dont really do anything unless it last over 5 mins. if it lasted over 5 minutes i would be worried. but anything less, they will put him on some meds and he will be fine. 
prob just some laced weed or something. 

Obesity causes stress on the body which can then trigger seizures.
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