RIP Larry King

Rest in peace...

we actually had a thread a while ago and we thought he really died...Turned out to be false and changed it to an appreciation thread lol

rest in peace to a legend
He wasn’t on OANN or newsmax so I’m sure you have no idea who he is

and look who’s picking someone’s death to show how deplorable he is, again

I’ll give him this much: Piers Morgan has the uncanny ability to make everything all about him.

Trash broadcaster, even worse person. Larry was 100% right and the fact that he only lasted 2 seasons in the role is proof of that.
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and look who’s picking someone’s death to show how deplorable he is, again

Some beefs don't die.

If thats how he feels thats how he feels.

I respect that more then the fake "thoughts and prayers".
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