RIP Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Definitely lived a full life and inspired so many within that life. His job was done

I hope in my life that I can be atleast half the man he was
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Damn, I'm starting to believe death does really come in 3, first paul, now nelson

Rest In paradise to both
He died months ago.
Death in threes?

Paul Walker... Semi movie star


Nelson Mandela... Revolutionary.

Naw, famb...

Y'all cats really tripping on Brian O'Connor... Taking that a little too serious...

. :smh: :smh:
Don't get them started man please
RIP to a special human being.

Changed so many lives.
R.I.P To a great liberator. Nelson Mandela you will be remembered. 1918 - 2013
Rest In Peace to One of the greatest leaders of the 20Th century and and inspiration to all that live for justice and unity, i truly sad but he has lived one extraordinary life 
He's been ill for a while (and 95!) but it still feels like a shock.

A great man who never lost hope and never have up. Most of us would be pretty satisfied with a legacy like his.
Just a few can say they had an impact on the world as big as Mandela did.

You will be remembered.


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