RIP Nintendo Power 1988-2012

I remember having a subscription to this for a couple years as a kid. Used to be :wow: whenever it came in the mail. RIP
I didnt even know this mag was still around.

I had a couple copies when I was younger. Helped me beat TMNT on the NES

Man, back with no Internet these were the only way to get info on anything

The ONLY way man :lol:
I remember seeing what new games were coming out and being so amped. No video trailers, no gameplay previews, just pictures and text.

The only way you knew if they were any good were by either buying or renting from blockbuster/local video shop :pimp:

Sometimes living analog really does make the experiences in life a little bit sweeter.
Nintendo Power in the 90's were so dope. I still remember when they announced TMNT for Nintendo and had the cover. It was like having a rare comic book.
Use to read them up until I got a ps2 lol. I remember going to the grocery store with my mom and going straight to the magazine section. Use to walk around reading it near my mom.

On a side note. Do people really read game informer? I heard they never give a game a bad review and are extremely bias.
I think i got a bunch of those magazines in a box somewhere nonetheless RIP Nintendo Power
Use to read them up until I got a ps2 lol. I remember going to the grocery store with my mom and going straight to the magazine section. Use to walk around reading it near my mom.
On a side note. Do people really read game informer? I heard they never give a game a bad review and are extremely bias.
Eh... Sounds pretty true :lol:
Well, I mean, they do give out some low scores, but they aren't as harsh as some other mags can be. At least from what I read.
I used to work in a library back in the days and I would rob all video gaming magazines and take them home, Nintendo Power included.
I subscribed to Nintendo Power for a year just so I could get the Zelda Collector's Edition disc for the GameCube.

i was more of a EGM kinda guy, but it pains me to see bits of my childhood memories fall to da forces of digital media.
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