Road Rage gone tragically wrong....

Mar 13, 2004
Saw this on the news tonight...

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Why would this girl get out of her car???? 

Sometimes it's just best to let things go. ESPECIALLY when driving. People are crazy out there and it's just not worth it.

A woman who died after a possible road rage incident in Fairfax County, Va., has been identified.

Police say Shelinda Delores Arrington, 21, got into a confrontation Friday morning with someone in a black Chevrolet SUV in the 7100 block of Harrison Lane in Hybla Valley. After she got out of her car something violent happened that caused her death, according to investigators.

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.
Originally Posted by georgehimself

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.

They were already animals.
I Dont want to live in this world no mo.
Not trying to sound ignorant and foolish but this is just the reason why I don't blame people for keeping the tool in the car, you never know what these people are willing to do now days. I feel for her and her family.
Originally Posted by georgehimself

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.
Hmmm...never really thought of it that way, but you have a point.  Strange world out here...
Originally Posted by georgehimself

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.

That money factor. If you cut me off while walking no big deal. If you cut me off while driving, I have to slam on my brakes and hope the cat behind me doesnt rear end me. Your life is on the line at 65 mph as opposed to you scuffing my kicks at 1/2 mph. 
georgehimself wrote:
I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.

you're right...

it hit me the other day that i could honestly see myself in one of these situations in a few years...i just get so upset when i'm driving & i don't know why cuz i'm never that irritable unless i'm behind the wheel...
i've been trying to chill cuz i could be on either end of this situation one day if i keep letting it get to me the way it does

i get just as annoyed walking...especially in the mall
Originally Posted by TheprinceofDE

Not trying to sound ignorant and foolish but this is just the reason why I don't blame people for keeping the tool in the car, you never know what these people are willing to do now days. I feel for her and her family.

Pretty sure things would be a lot worse if people kept "the tool" in their car 
Originally Posted by OneDirection

Originally Posted by TheprinceofDE

Not trying to sound ignorant and foolish but this is just the reason why I don't blame people for keeping the tool in the car, you never know what these people are willing to do now days. I feel for her and her family.

Pretty sure things would be a lot worse if people kept "the tool" in their car 
Exactly. Taking a life doesn't save a life. 
Originally Posted by georgehimself

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.

Some people feel a lot tougher and bolder behind the wheel of a car... I've been mean-mugged and scowled at while walking by drivers of Toyota Camrys all the way to Porsche Panameras
dude bump into my car today at a red-light because he aint want to let somebody over i was heated for a min but i had no damage so i let it go but i mean mugged dude so hard when i got out to check my car
Originally Posted by k00laid

dude bump into my car today at a red-light because he aint want to let somebody over i was heated for a min but i had no damage so i let it go but i mean mugged dude so hard when i got out to check my car


I have road rage bad. 
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

Originally Posted by georgehimself

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.

That money factor. If you cut me off while walking no big deal. If you cut me off while driving, I have to slam on my brakes and hope the cat behind me doesnt rear end me. Your life is on the line at 65 mph as opposed to you scuffing my kicks at 1/2 mph. 

too busy jammin to music to care bout road rage. if someone wants to cut in frunna me i brake and give them room.

the only problem i have is when ppl next to me try to go fast i cant except it i have to be faster than them and pass them. its my competitive fire inside
Originally Posted by ColdCity

Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

Originally Posted by georgehimself

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.

That money factor. If you cut me off while walking no big deal. If you cut me off while driving, I have to slam on my brakes and hope the cat behind me doesnt rear end me. Your life is on the line at 65 mph as opposed to you scuffing my kicks at 1/2 mph. 


X 2
Sad story. People behave like animals behind the wheels of a vehicle. Everyone is in a rush and they aren't really heading anywhere important. Hopefully they will catch the killer.
Originally Posted by odog24

too busy jammin to music to care bout road rage. if someone wants to cut in frunna me i brake and give them room.

the only problem i have is when ppl next to me try to go fast i cant except it i have to be faster than them and pass them. its my competitive fire inside
most time im just listing to music but when somebody thinks im going slow in try in pass me i speed up i wont let them pass
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by georgehimself

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.

Some people feel a lot tougher and bolder behind the wheel of a car... I've been mean-mugged and scowled at while walking by drivers of Toyota Camrys all the way to Porsche Panameras
We were discussing the topic of road-rage in my soc-psych class just last week. It pretty much boils down to anonymity. Similar patterns of behavior can be seen in other places where a person's identity is less clear, like the internet. In this study we read, a researcher was trying to see if people in convertibles were less likely to honk or be obnoxious than people who weren't in convertibles (and thus less exposed). Turns out people in the vert tops, with their face for everyone to see, are less likely to road-rage or be impatient.
It really is stupid how people act. My girlfriend and I were driving to a wedding last Friday and got hit by a car on the highway bc he wasn't paying attention and didn't see stop short. Besides bad whiplash and a bumper that needs to get replaced, we are alright. Got out of the car, asked him how he was doing, called the cops, had the cops come check it out and we were on our way. Just can't understand how people becomes such monsters behind the wheel.
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