Rock bottom - Have you hit it?

Feb 26, 2006
I have no paper towels in my house, and toilet paper would definitely not cut it:

Man..I am so hung-over, lazy and tired,

that I just made bacon and needed to drain the grease...

didn't want to move...or go 100 feet to my corner store (also perhaps broke havent checked the wallet since last night)

so i drained the grease on an old lrg shirt that was in my "workin' clothes" drawer.

now my bacon kinda tastes like detergent...errrr

god what in the hell is wrong with me.
Riveting tale chap
Posting pics of the shorty in your avy usually puts things back into perspective.
why would you not care to get grease stains on your "work shirt". At your job, do you do the fries, or assemble the burgers out of the little trays?
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

so i drained the grease on an old lrg shirt

That's all them shirts are good for anyways.

hahahaa, I left a full box of lrg tees and stuff outside and i swear if over 3 days none of em even got taken! i live in the hood too...hahaha
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Shawno....aren't you still working on Haight?

yeah man, managed to score an at home position with villains/villains vault, enjoying the comfort of work from home now!
even though i am on my tip top game right now, i have a feeling i am going to hit it soon, the higher you go the more you could fall..
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

that def aint rock bottom... u just sound like a lazy slob...

u hit rock bottom u aint got no damn bacon...

I'm sayin.
Not only have I hit rock bottom I have been rolling around on the bottom for awhile now.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

that def aint rock bottom... u just sound like a lazy slob...

u hit rock bottom u aint got no damn bacon...
Indeed. Rock Bottom is definitely a darker place then that.
i know i used to hit the rock bottom on my friends and cousins back in the day - followed by the people's elbow
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