Romney Supporter?

People have been making the claims "If X wins the Presidency, I'm moving out of this country" as long as I can remember. How many of us know someone who has actually done that? And not in a general "America is going down the drain, I'm outta here" kind of way, but specifically because someone won the election
not that im a fan , but to say he has no real supporters? idk about that one

Well, it actually is a half truth. Republicans really don't like Mitt Romney(started Obamacare, moderate), but he was who they thought was the most electable of the nominees. Kind of like, they didn't really like McCain(moderate) either, but they loved Palin and Joe the Plumber.

Republicans are for anyone but Obama, they'd line up behind Palin if it was Palin vs. Obama.
As stated a bloc of Romney voters are simply anti - Obama. But I believe a lot of Obama's current supporters are just anti Romney. I think the actual support for them as individuals is smaller than we think.

Also, it would have been nice to have an actual Democratic primary. I know it'd never happen but an actual choice for Democrats would have been nice.
Pardon my ignorance. Don't know too much about politics but I'm just trying to piece together some thoughts in my head.

Didn't the recession happen under the Republican's watch? If so, then why are they being trusted as economic experts in this election. Because you are basically voting for a party rather than a candidate in this day and age

Actually, the roots of the market meltdown can be traced back to when the Glass Steagall Act was repealed. The process began under the Reagan administration & then completely repealed under Clinton.

The last thing this country needs is for Romney to become president. It would mean free reign for all corporate raiders like him. He's Gordon Gecko incarnate. He built his fortune on loose credit & dishonest banking/investment practices...
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Also, it would have been nice to have an actual Democratic primary. I know it'd never happen but an actual choice for Democrats would have been nice.
Like who? Dennis Kucinich?
Also, it would have been nice to have an actual Democratic primary. I know it'd never happen but an actual choice for Democrats would have been nice.

Why? Honestly why would that be nice.. To lessen the chances of Obama winning?

A component of Carter losing in 1980 was Ted Kennedy's primary challenge.. Primary challenges of a president are a sure fire way to lose an election because it divides a party in a much different way than non-incumbent primaries do
I'm a Romney supporter

Let's go rom rom .. Keep America American


What does that even mean? Are we in imminent danger of becoming un-American soon? Please elaborate, or we can safely assume you're just trolling.

In addition to that, he calls him "rom rom."

People have been making the claims "If X wins the Presidency, I'm moving out of this country" as long as I can remember. How many of us know someone who has actually done that? And not in a general "America is going down the drain, I'm outta here" kind of way, but specifically because someone won the election

Yep. It seems most who make those statements think they're being profound and original, and are unaware that it's common practice for people to overdramatize their feelings of a candidate by saying they would relocate.
Neither one will get us out of this perpetual debt, come on!!! wars,wars,wars,wars, we cant even afford to go to war with this fiat money.
I'll be upfront. I'm very left, very red. (Believe it or not American has it backwards. Red is the international color for leftist politics/ideologies.) I don't see Romney as helping the common man and the average American. The 47% video is a very good indication of that. You could argue he said it to please his donor friends but considering that these are the circles he socializes in anyway I doubt he said it simply to be a crowd pleaser. He also has a very well documented history of flip flopping his political views to suit his current goals as well as the current political climate of the country. And though he is not alone in this, he certainly is the worst at doing it without raising attention to it. I view him as the representative of the "haves" and while that is not an inherent bad thing, like I said I don't think he'll try to reach out and work for the "have nots." He goes where the money goes. Should the money decide war with Iran would be best for profits, I don't think he'll think twice before getting agressive with Iran (and just by their wiki page alone their military and economy is no walk in the park. Sanctions be damned.)
if the idiots actually leave the country, then that's more kicks for me . . .
Theists love to play the persecuted underdog.

Then when they loose, they try to twist it to mean that "god has a plan for them"

Complete loons. All of them.

its stuff like this that pushes me towards just being an antitheist from time to time. Its really hard to not push back on this sort of idiocy. 
The killer part being beck probably doesn't even believe that. He knows where his bread is buttered.
As stated a bloc of Romney voters are simply anti - Obama. But I believe a lot of Obama's current supporters are just anti Romney. I think the actual support for them as individuals is smaller than we think.
Also, it would have been nice to have an actual Democratic primary. I know it'd never happen but an actual choice for Democrats would have been nice.

Bless your heart.
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