RON PAUL mature Discussion:

Originally Posted by DieselG5

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by DieselG5

Lol @ the hate on Ron Pauls stance on the economy. These guys probably are only aware of the Keynesian and Marxist non-sense economics they've been taught in school 

I seriously can't understand how capitalism has gotten such a bad rap in America over the past several years. Some of you dudes need to pick up a copy of Atlas Shrugged.
The irony is killing me.

Right, because my middle eastern heritage and culture makes it "ironic" that I'm pro-capitalism American patriot. Makes sense bro.

You're not "getting it" fam...
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

There's two sides to Ron Paul.  There's his criticisms of the current system and all it's problems.  For the most part he is spot on here.  Then there are
his solutions, which are complete fantasy.  He lures you in because you can clearly see what he's saying is true; the system is in disarray, spending is through
the roof, the economy is unstable.  All this is true.  So for someone who is not well versed in economics they might logically derive that his solutions are just as valid,
which they are not.  It's all just part of the political game.  Yes, he sees and talks about all the issues you will never hear another politician talk about, but it's all
just a political strategy.  I know this because I know that he knows its all BS.
Originally Posted by DieselG5

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by DieselG5

Lol @ the hate on Ron Pauls stance on the economy. These guys probably are only aware of the Keynesian and Marxist non-sense economics they've been taught in school 

I seriously can't understand how capitalism has gotten such a bad rap in America over the past several years. Some of you dudes need to pick up a copy of Atlas Shrugged.
The irony is killing me.

Right, because my middle eastern heritage and culture makes it "ironic" that I'm pro-capitalism American patriot. Makes sense bro.

Wait.....  I hope you are not equating pro-capitalism and American Patriot as being correlated, and it is bad response not understanding what he meant to him making the team Middle East point..

And the pre-Teddy Roosevelt, pre-FDR, pre- during and-post Reagan eras, and the past 5 years should be a pretty telling sign of why Capitalism has a bad rap...    Free Market Capitalism with no constraints, no regulations, and only functioning on the whims of market competition is not a feasible or sustainable realm.  There is a reason it doesn't even actually exist...  Because it is a utopian idea that a market can be absolutely free  without disastrous consequence for many in the quest to improve the conditions for some.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by AceMaster193

Funny how everyone dismisses Ron Paul in political talk. The only candidate fit to steer this country.
Perhaps contribute an original thought to the discussion? Why is he the only fit candidate?
I came back to this thread hoping that there would be some actual new discussion on Ron Paul, only to find a bunch of blanket statements like the one quoted above.

Can any of you Ron Paul supporters actually explain why Ron Paul's policies would be good for this country? 
No support for the terrorist Israeli regime or its ethnic cleansing, or foreign intervention in the Middle East, wasting $/lives, creating more hatred, and making the U.S. less safe. The idiot  (sorry, I meant nobel peace prize laureate
) we have in office right now is completely incompetent, continuing failed policies and even expanding on them (Afghanistan, drone strikes, Libya, puppet dictatorships, Israel etc). As are all the other candidates running. I don't see how anyone who has any idea what they are talking about can not support him.
if ron paul were to some how become president would the house and the senate actually pass his ideas?
There's two sides to Ron Paul.  There's his criticisms of the current system and all it's problems.  For the most part he is spot on here.  Then there are
his solutions, which are complete fantasy.  He lures you in because you can clearly see what he's saying is true; the system is in disarray, spending is through
the roof, the economy is unstable.  All this is true.  So for someone who is not well versed in economics they might logically derive that his solutions are just as valid,
which they are not.  It's all just part of the political game.  Yes, he sees and talks about all the issues you will never hear another politician talk about, but it's all
just a political strategy.  I know this because I know that he knows its all BS.

Right. So people who decide to vote should only vote for Corporate %!+$%* who speak a good game. Forget Ron Paul, nah people should vote for murderous thugs who bomb women and children and destroy the food supply by having their Monsanto goons determining the agriculture of this country.

if ron paul were to some how become president would the house and the senate actually pass his ideas?

Ofc. not all of them.

The thing is, while the president is not all powerful, he does have the ability to significantly affect policy if he so chooses (veto, appointment, command of the military, bully pulpit etc). People seem to forget these things because for the past few decades the presidents have mostly been unwilling to put themselves in the line of fire. Unfortunately, In Ron Paul's case, (or anyone with a sane foreign policy) he would be competing with the corrupting influence of the undemocratic lobbying behemoth that is the Israeli/AIPAC/Zionist alliance (which Obama and others openly bow down to). This is part of why he won't be getting elected in the fist place. 
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