Ron Paul Thread. "Farewell Address" Pt.1 Vid and text.

Here's your boy Deuce, New Yorker May 30,2012

smiley: pimpsmiley: pimp You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.

You have no idea how revealing this small statement was. It's clear now why you're in this thread talking trash. Mystery solved 
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Here's your boy Deuce, New Yorker May 30,2012

smiley: pimpsmiley: pimp You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.

You have no idea how revealing this small statement was. It's clear now why you're in this thread talking trash. Mystery solved 

Every US President since the day of time has had or has blood on their hands, somehow someway.  It would great as a country and as a world if we could all live in peace and there be no violence in this world, but that's not the way it is.  If you dudes want to be naive about the dangers of the world or the country then that's on you.  For some reason any and every thing that Obama does or has done that other Presidents have done is criticized and scrutinized beyond belief.............I wonder why that is
LOL. Deuce was sleeping for two Bush terms when people were marching in the street to have him tried as a war criminal. You're a democrat shill. I wonder why that is. But yeah, killing women and children as they sleep is crucial to our national security.

It sad, that he's the only legit candidate, yet he's intentionally being not acknowledged.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Here's your boy Deuce, New Yorker May 30,2012

smiley: pimpsmiley: pimp You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.

You have no idea how revealing this small statement was. It's clear now why you're in this thread talking trash. Mystery solved 

Every US President since the day of time has had or has blood on their hands, somehow someway.  It would great as a country and as a world if we could all live in peace and there be no violence in this world, but that's not the way it is.  If you dudes want to be naive about the dangers of the world or the country then that's on you.  For some reason any and every thing that Obama does or has done that other Presidents have done is criticized and scrutinized beyond belief.............I wonder why that is

So having 30,000 MORE drones flying over you, and NDAA is cool?

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

LOL. Deuce was sleeping for two Bush terms when people were marching in the street to have him tried as a war criminal. You're a democrat shill. I wonder why that is. But yeah, killing women and children as they sleep is crucial to our national security.

I never voted for Bush, that was probably you and or people that you hang out with, it wouldn't surprise me.  Like I said earlier, each and every US President has had or has innocent blood on his hands.  That's truly unfortuante, however we simply don't live in a world of peace day in and day out, I wish we did but we don't. 

It sad, that he's the only legit candidate, yet he's intentionally being not acknowledged.

He's not being acknowledged because simply put.....................he's not acknowledged by the people.  Ron Paul has a small niche of supporters but that's about it.  His tiny group of supporters has even lessened throughout the months, and rightfully so.  His 2012 presidential campaign just like it did in 2008, and just like it did in 1988 has failed miserable.  I for one am quite happy that his 2012 presidential run is over, it's the end of the line for Ron Paul.  He has a few interesting or good ideas on a few select matters, but as the saying goes even a broken clock is right at least 2 times a day.  After this failed run, Ron Paul just needs to do the right thing and just quit politics all together and do something more meaningful in life like take up bass fishing, or become a cross guard patrol at a local elementary school for kids, something along those lines.  I want the same thing for his supporters as well, I don't want you dudes to sit around in an empty room looking depressed like Ron Paul back in the day after he lost and lost big in 2008.  I want you dudes to cast off that dark cloud of misery and embarrassment that you've been under after throwing your support to that loveable loser Ron Paul.  Ron Paul is a Chicago Cub even without being a Chicago Cub. 
Neither do Ron Paul's speeches apparently.

Actually they do, you wouldn't see as many people and kids hanging out of trees if his speeches didn't. Just because the context of his speeches is outside the Corporate Media's narrative, doesn't mean his views aren't widespread.

If you dudes want to be naive about the dangers of the world or the country then that's on you.

What dangers, bro? CIA financed Al-Qaeda?

"The Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He received security training from the CIA itself."

Iran's non-existent Nuclear weapons program? The U.S. media won't tell you that because of its immoral sanctions, Iran cannot even drill and convert oil into electrical uses, which causes blackouts and doesn't allow their people to work to make money to feed their families.

War is the health of the State, remember that. People that live 6,000 miles away are no threat to you, most don't even know what 9/11 even is. You local police force is more of a threat to you, than brown colored people half way around the world.
Originally Posted by rashi

Neither do Ron Paul's speeches apparently.

Actually they do, you wouldn't see as many people and kids hanging out of trees if his speeches didn't. Just because the context of his speeches is outside the Corporate Media's narrative, doesn't mean his views aren't widespread.

If you dudes want to be naive about the dangers of the world or the country then that's on you.

What dangers, bro? CIA financed Al-Qaeda?

"The Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He received security training from the CIA itself."

Iran's non-existent Nuclear weapons program? The U.S. media won't tell you that because of its immoral sanctions, Iran cannot even drill and convert oil into electrical uses, which causes blackouts and doesn't allow their people to work to make money to feed their families.

War is the health of the State, remember that. People that live 6,000 miles away are no threat to you, most don't even know what 9/11 even is. You local police force is more of a threat to you, than brown colored people half way around the world.

Let em know.

Paul is not apart of the NWO, so of course he won't be getting shine from the press.
On September 11, 2001: The United States was attacked by 19 Saudi terrorists from the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda who hijacked four passenger jets and crashed them into World Trade Center and the Pentagon while the fourth plane was crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  All told, nearly 3,000 people died in these attack.

On October 7, 2001: President George W. Bush authorized the military’s war on the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces inside Afghanistan. The initial military objectives of “Operation Enduring Freedom—Afghanistan
I read that article about Ron Paul delegates winning majority in Louisiana and then getting arrested? 
On September 11,
: The United States was attacked by 19 Saudi terrorists
from the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda who hijacked four passenger jets and
crashed them into World Trade Center and the Pentagon while the fourth plane was
crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  All told, nearly 3,000
people died in these attack.

On October 7, 2001: President George W. Bush authorized the
military’s war on the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces inside Afghanistan. The
initial military objectives of “Operation Enduring
Originally Posted by sosly

I read that article about Ron Paul delegates winning majority in Louisiana and then getting arrested? 

They dislocated a handicapped man's hip and broke some old guys fingers.

  It's kind of funny you believe that.

What are your thoughts on the article you half highlighted? Oh you have none, because you didn't read it. Typical
Originally Posted by Pig Love

  It's kind of funny you believe that.

What are your thoughts on the article you half highlighted? Oh you have none, because you didn't read it. Typical

You posted some interesting points, I'll give you that much.  That's about it though champ.  Either way, it's time for Ron Paul and his supporters to pack it up.
Keep sleeping Deuce, I hope you enjoyed the book 1984, cause that's where we're heading to to.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Pig Love

  It's kind of funny you believe that.

What are your thoughts on the article you half highlighted? Oh you have none, because you didn't read it. Typical

You posted some interesting points, I'll give you that much.  That's about it though champ.  Either way, it's time for Ron Paul and his supporters to pack it up.

The article raised some good points, that's about it though. Pack it up Ron Paul.

Your insight is astonishing.
Word, Deuce why do you continue to be the main consistent anti-Ron Paul poster in this thread and others relating to it? We all get it that you disagree but you're not even engaging in discussion or arguing against any of the things Paul stands for. You feel he's irrelevant or just another Ralph Nader or not worth talking about or all those things combined why not just let these ppl in here live? It's like you feel you have to post and basically convey how much you dislike Paul or his supporters or lack thereof.

At the end of the day, you're gonna keep feeling how you feel about Ron Paul and supporting Obama feeling he's doing the right thing for this country while having the majority supporting your overall stance when it comes down to voting and these ppl with their underdog mentality are gonna keep thinking the majority are just sheep who don't do any research in to who or what they're supporting and that Ron Paul is right and the only hope for the country.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Word, Deuce why do you continue to be the main consistent anti-Ron Paul poster in this thread and others relating to it? We all get it that you disagree but you're not even engaging in discussion or arguing against any of the things Paul stands for. You feel he's irrelevant or just another Ralph Nader or not worth talking about or all those things combined why not just let these ppl in here live? It's like you feel you have to post and basically convey how much you dislike Paul or his supporters or lack thereof.


I''ll repeat my same comment from page 15.................................

"Why you ask??  Just look at the thread title for example.  All year long I and others have been hearing about this Ron Paul wave that is about to take the country by storm , and how this is the year that Ron Paul will finally win the Republican nomination, but as we now see that couldn't be further from the truth.  Just look threw this thread for more examples from various posters.  We have had charts and graphs saying how much money and support Ron Paul is receiving over Obama and Romney from the beginning of this election process, but none of that (if it was really real to begin with for Ron Paul) has materialized for Ron Paul and his supporters.  Now they are left holding the bag of embarassment looking around like with that bewildered look on their face wondering how and where things went wrong.  It's truly funny to me, I'm getting a kick out of it.  It was would be equivalent to somebody saying that the Charlotte Bobcats were going to have the best winning record this NBA year and how they were going to win the NBA Finals.  We now know that things didn't quite work out that way for either entity.  Just like the Bobcats, Ron Paul also had the lowest winning percentage and had the worst home court record
. "
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Word, Deuce why do you continue to be the main consistent anti-Ron Paul poster in this thread and others relating to it? We all get it that you disagree but you're not even engaging in discussion or arguing against any of the things Paul stands for. You feel he's irrelevant or just another Ralph Nader or not worth talking about or all those things combined why not just let these ppl in here live? It's like you feel you have to post and basically convey how much you dislike Paul or his supporters or lack thereof.

At the end of the day, you're gonna keep feeling how you feel about Ron Paul and supporting Obama feeling he's doing the right thing for this country while having the majority supporting your overall stance when it comes down to voting and these ppl with their underdog mentality are gonna keep thinking the majority are just sheep who don't do any research in to who or what they're supporting and that Ron Paul is right and the only hope for the country.

You're wasting your time, he doesn't get it,

These rants make me laugh, just encourage him.
Pig Love wrote:

You're wasting your time, he doesn't get it,

If you think he's wasting his time then what the hell do you think Ron Paul is doing
??  When I think of somebody wasting their time or somebody who doesn't get it, I think of Ron Paul.  Then I think of Ron Paul supporters and then people like you come to mind, and then I think about how FRAUDS of a feather flock together.
^You have not contributed anything valuable to this thread. As a matter of fact, you have no argument. This is not a popularity contest, it scares me to know there are people like you going to the booths on election day.
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

^You have not contributed anything valuable to this thread. As a matter of fact, you have no argument. This is not a popularity contest, it scares me to know there are people like you going to the booths on election day.

So elections aren't or can't be seen as a form of a popularity contest.....
.  Yeah you keep thinking otherwise champ.  Again, just look at the TITLE of this thread, if Ron Paul is or was winning more delegates than Mitt Romney then why has Romney won the Republican nomination with Ron Paul on the outside looking in??  Does anyone have an answer for that??
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