Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

All this Seinfield talk makes me remember when I use to work just across Tom's Restaurant. Good times. 
Back in college (2002), my roommate had every episode on VHS.  We would spend nights watching the best episodes.  Man have times changed.

Is that where you got your username from? "The jerkstore called and they are running out of you." - G. Costanza
lol knew i was gonna get flak for this
Yo I got your back.

Friends > Seinfeld

But since this is a safe space ... I've never watched Seinfeld... 
You're not the only one that feels this way apparently. I have a few friends who don't find Seinfeld all that funny, but they'll burst out laughing re-watching Friends. Different strokes for different folks I guess. 
i like seinfeld too, i just find Friends was the better sitcom

Seinfeld would have been better as a serial or 12 episode type of series
Lmao A + reply , I'll give u that. I actually love both, and watch both almost daily.

But Seinfeld will always reign supreme for me.
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