Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

Ronald is taking cncpts shine away by the minute.
good. maybe people wont try for them. make it a little easier
looking like those are the 8/23 release. I was kind of hoping he was just posting a shot of leftover cove samples that he decided to whip out. i dont know how much longer i can wait for rose golds.
looking like those are the 8/23 release. I was kind of hoping he was just posting a shot of leftover cove samples that he decided to whip out. i dont know how much longer i can wait for rose golds.
what ruled out 2 dropping?
I hate you people. I hate you people so much. I post two photos of shoes I had previously scrapped; threw in the trash heap, considered garbage, have already caused rampant speculation and got the proverbial hype train rolling. The animosity  I feel towards you lemmings has reached a boiling point. First and foremost I like money, who doesn't? And no this is not a Jew joke, shut up. Secondly I like doing awesome things, again who doesn't? My conflict comes that I need to design shoes to sell to make said money. This drastically cuts into the time I have to do awesome things. So since I dubbed the summer of 2014 as "the Summer of Ronnie", I made the decision to stop given a **** about my shoe designs. 

Look, an all gold shoes, wow haven't I done that before. Yep. A Brazil inspired Asics, wow, didn't Asics do two of those also? And yet you guys ate these rehashes right up. Thank you! Those XT-2's. No, that wasn't some statement of quality over branding. HAHAHAHA. I was hanging with Victor Cruz when the color palettes were due for those. I sold you fools blank shoes. I couldn't believe it. But I sincerely thank you. Now, my girl has been hollering at me to settle down, even talking kids. Scary ****. I can't focus on shoes when I am being faced with the prospect of fatherhood. I need to focus all my time on drinking instead. Luckily I found some boxes of old samples I had pretty much forgot about. Enjoy. I once deemed these to poor for prior release, but now I assure you these will be the most premium, made from love GLV's ever.


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