Roommate having his/her gf/bf over all the damn time unappreciation Vol. single life FTW

she doesnt contribute to cleaning and gets pampered? does she pay rent? Now all relationships are like that
some are actually good
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Just walk around naked from now on.
You live there, do what you want.
This and you need to address the time that she spends there. If she is taking away from the house and not contributing it is an issue. *!!* himbeing your boy. You are paying for his girlfriend to eat your food and use your electricity.
Damn your situation is EXACTLY what I've been dealing with for over a year. In the dorms, my roomate's girl was over all the time. She's cool andhe's cool but put together they turn into the epitome of GAY. Gay, not as in homosexual, gay as in pathetic. They didn't go to the dining hall withoutone another, didn't shower without one another, didn't study without one another, and eventually just stopped talking to everyone in our building. Theyliterally spent all their time in our room, in the dark, with the drapes down, not sexing, but just watching seasons of the office, lol.
Worst part was when at 5 AM she woke up to go to practice but had to turnthe lights on, slam doors, walk in and out, etc.
Like you've onlyknown each othe for 2 months, you're not married..

Then this year we moved out the dorms and got an apartment and she got her own with her "friends." I thought this would put an end to the madness.Instead he still cooks dinner for her every night, they still have to spend the night at each other's apartments, and if I or our friends ever ask him togo out with us he get this nervous look on his face like he doesn't know how to exist without her by his side. So then he calls her and asks if its ok orif she wanst to come. Like no motherclucker we tryin to have a man night(no romo). Leave that B at home to knit or some !#+. At least I have my own room nowthough
. It's more the fact that I see him as having no-self respectthat disgusts me the most. Now my friends at school just ignore them.

Worst of all though is that we convinced one of our friends to move in too. So now rent is less and I thought I'd have someone to go creep with down at thebars and !#+ ala. The Situation and Paulie D.
. But no, after his ex-gfscrews his best friend he decides it would be in his best interest to get back with her and blame the whole situation on himself. Now I realize 2010 will bethe year of the SIMP.

Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

they don't sleep in the same room I do. they leave at night for her place.

she does her school work out on the kitchen table. Better?

"You ever heard of that disease? One-gina? I don't wanna get stuck with one-gina for the rest of my life."

Isn't easier to say homework?
I loved it when I was staying in my girls dorm

- her room mate would finger herself while we were doing our thang

It felt like a threesome all the time !!!!
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Just walk around naked from now on.
You live there, do what you want.
This and you need to address the time that she spends there. If she is taking away from the house and not contributing it is an issue. *!!* him being your boy. You are paying for his girlfriend to eat your food and use your electricity.

yall giving dude info he should already know, first of all, she be in your house and she aint bringing no female friends to the table to pamper your swipewhile your bored strike 1 her as a friend, and ur friends GF , and extra extra strike on him for never trying to hook you up or compensate for shorty beingaround all the time. Lokey i bet you never asked anyway
you share a bedroom with him??

my roommate never has his g/f over, cuz he has never had one....but he has random ppl over...especially lil high schoolers
My little bro is a freshman in college and he's always having his girl over...I keep telling him to not do it, but he never listens
i love my roommate bf...he doesn't come around much now that we've moved and him and his roommate moved but when he did damn near live with us ididn't mind...

we became good friends and his cute friends came around...
Originally Posted by SjuTruth07

My little bro is a freshman in college and he's always having his girl over...I keep telling him to not do it, but he never listens
fukk his girl and show him the vid.
OP you gotta have a talk with your roommate.
I don't see the point in gettin your OWN place and not havin your OWN place. Sharing rooms FTL.
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