I believe these are the ones that are on NDC now


Thanks. Count me in for the hyper blues. I hope they fit true to size!
So I contacted the person and he said he wants $80 for each if anyone is interested. If it was the other tiger camo I would have copped. Maroon I'm a little iffy

Not feeling the vein looking flywire on the dynamics. I like the colors though, but a $30 bump for strings seems like a waist of money imo.
So is the toebox area mesh or canvas on fly wires? I'm probably gunna wait until they release on zappos or in stores. Nike's snail 2 week shipping is a no-go for me
Must resist the urge to pick up the flywires... But that pic up there of the blue looks good to me for some reason. I'm also thinking that it'll run small and tight because of the fly wires..
^negative. NT Beverly Hills didnt get them.

F it, just put my order in for one of each. Went .5 size big just in case. Nothing but the OG's have fit me TTS.
Just copped the hyper blue. had some issues with checking out but started up safari again and checked out no problem. went .5 up. Prob sell out by the evening when people off work. 
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