Does anyone know if there's some sort of compendium/catalog of the Roshe releases? Both for shoes that have released, and for upcoming releases? A friend is asking about them, and I figured that we'd be the best way to check them out.

Thanks to anyone who could help!
You can try page 1 of this thread, majority of all roshes are there. Pictures of each by year, model/style.
I still got you covered if you need help finding a pair you need homie.
Want to help me find Sirens in size 12? 
I could have done without sifting through 5+ pages of people panicking about some Finishline glitch. The v2 should be much easier to get than FB Mints. Those were an anomaly because of the yeezy tag on them so there will be less people going after the v2 than the FB. This is assuming Nike doesn't pull some kinda stunt with the release lol
To be sure, I'm stressing more about finding a Strata DFW than the Foggy Beaches.  I saw people talking about the FNL leak this morning and didn't even sweat it.  I can't fault people for copping overseas early, though (my $129 payment for the Black NRG from Kix-Files before I knew they'd be released here is no different than what you're doing).
Not sure if anyone saw, but teamroshe posted a pic on instagram that niketoronto received the beaches. Cali fam be on the lookout next week
Ok guys we get it
1. Only cool people want or have mango v1's
2. Not cool people want mango v2's
3. If people want a shoe you don't or try to buy them they are "thirsty"
4. Mints are garbage because they were hyped
5. If you want the mints you are also "thirsty"

Anything else?
Ok guys we get it
1. Only cool people want or have mango v1's
2. Not cool people want mango v2's
3. If people want a shoe you don't or try to buy them they are "thirsty"
4. Mints are garbage because they were hyped
5. If you want the mints you are also "thirsty"

Anything else?
I don't know why you made this list. You wear shoes because you like them. If you wear shoes to impress other people you're wearing the wrong shoes. Personal>Hyped. Just wear what you like not what other people want.
I'm hoping the bottom is a lighter darker on the mango v2 it looks really bright orange in some pics 
im sure its been asked, but how do i know the shoes i pick are authentic?
I can only speak on my experience but I would stick with links from tmall. I was told by the Frugirl team to stay away from other sites since they sell way more fakes. The Frugirl team notified a friend of mine his order was from a known seller of fakes and cancelled his order so that was nice of them. I can help you out if you want to order. Hope your size 10 or lower because that's all that is left LOL.
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