Looks legit. And you can also compare your size tag from the one on the first page.

appreciate it. didn't realize what you were talking about at first but i checked and they match up :nthat: :nthat:

$110 with express shipping from hong kong. I ordered on Aug 29th and i just got them today. so they're "express shipping" is really 7 days..not complaining just happy to have these
Got my tropical twists today. Will definitely be turning them into tiffanys :smokin
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appreciate it. didn't realize what you were talking about at first but i checked and they match up :nthat: :nthat:
$110 with express shipping from hong kong. I ordered on Aug 29th and i just got them today. so they're "express shipping" is really 7 days..not complaining just happy to have these

Do you know where the store located in Hong Kong? Cause Hong Kong never have the Mango color way, at least not in the chain stores.
Do you know where the store located in Hong Kong? Cause Hong Kong never have the Mango color way, at least not in the chain stores.

idk it was in chinese so i couldn't read it and the translation didn't really help. i had a friend help me out. but i got them off taobao
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Heads up for the people still looking for Imperial Purples

Purist is going to be getting them in larger [mens] sizing tomorrow.
So Nordstrom Racks will deliver Roshes? Never thought that was possible...
Yep. Had my sport reds delivered today from SD to LA.

StoneyTony, well said a page back!

rmmsballer10, don't let em knock your hustle man. I wasn't one of them, but you helped out your fare share of people man! Props to you.

On another note, anyone who needs Cybers, Sports Chalet in Long Beach, CA has em in 11, 11.5

& 13 (562)429-9560
Do you know where the store located in Hong Kong? Cause Hong Kong never have the Mango color way, at least not in the chain stores.

so i guess my buddy used fruboys to order them for me. just watch the video that was posted a couple pages back. in the quick order prompt copy and paste the link below. you can buy them off there. this seller has 100% positive rating. they have sizes 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9, 9.5
that was his m.o. but soon it became fairly easy info to acquire in this thread.

i'm not saying either of you are right or wrong, but the video spoonfeeds people that purely lurk and don't care about "team roshe" or the "broshe community". hypebeasts have affected resale of every single shoe apart from this one for the most part, so what this thread tried to do was keep that to a minimum for the roshe.
And for the people that are upset about the video, I get it.. you wanted it to yourself? you wanted to make some $$$ off of it? But Shame on you for being a "broshe" and keeping it to yourself, 3 "broshes" have already downed my video when all I have really done is help people out. If thats what Team Roshes about you can have your little cliq.
i actually don't care about it. that's your choice and you have the freedom to do what you want. but you paid someone for info which i don't agree with(buying or selling) which was your choice also. im cool with that. i do feel you kinda put some people on blast which is your right, but you talk about the "broshes" which were three out of 61 and talk about a "cliq" as if everyone has the same ideas/opinions and that is not fair. also i don't know if you've ever been to asia, but i have and currently live here and all the info about purchasing is 100% TRUE. it is not a scare tactic. it's plain old good advice. if somebody did get fakes would you take responsibility? no, nor should you. but to call it a scare tactic is a bit much.  if you ask to do business and don't like it that's fine but to air it out on a youtube vid. is kinda ill. other then that no probs at is just shoes.....
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that was his m.o. but soon it became fairly easy info to acquire in this thread.
i'm not saying either of you are right or wrong, but the video spoonfeeds people that purely lurk and don't care about "team roshe" or the "broshe community". hypebeasts have affected resale of every single shoe apart from this one for the most part, so what this thread tried to do was keep that to a minimum for the roshe.
as I stated in the video, people will lurk and resale, but ad least give the people in NT the chance to buy without having to pay $20 for info
i actually don't care about it. that's your choice and you have the freedom to do what you want. but you paid someone for info which i don't agree with(buying or selling) which was your choice also. im cool with that. i do feel you kinda put some people on blast which is your right, but you talk about the "broshes" which were three out of 61 and talk about a "cliq" as if everyone has the same ideas/opinions and that is not fair. also i don't know if you've ever been to asia, but i have and currently live here and all the info about purchasing is 100% TRUE. it is not a scare tactic. it's plain old good advice. if somebody did get fakes would you take responsibility? no, nor should you. but to call it a scare tactic is a bit much.  if you ask to do business and don't like it that's fine but to air it out on a youtube vid. is kinda ill. other then that no probs at is just shoes.....
3 out of 61 is good enough, bottom line u let any and everybody in when all some are trying to do is make a profit off people, you being on there team means you support that .
Guys please dont let salty folk like this veer you away from your pair with there scare tatics, the direct link in the video will get you these 
Dude, the guy is giving you advice so dun bash him like that! I can read the mandarin language and most nike shoes on taobao are replicas if not downright fakes. Even my friend from China recommends me NOT to get from taobao but from the retail stores in China instead. I personally dun care who you are having beef with but at least be gracious enough to acknowledge advice given to you.
3 out of 61 is good enough, bottom line u let any and everybody in when all some are trying to do is make a profit off people, you being on there team means you support that .
1. CLAIM that you are applying for a spot on the roster. Also INCLUDE your SHOE SIZE and LOCATION.

2. POST a tagged pic of your ROSHE  collection.

3. EXPLAIN why you like the shoe, and/or what made you interested.

4. RECEIVE three "+1s" from any of the current members, and you will be officially added to the TeamROSHE  Roster.

5. BADGE it up! Feel free to add your personal ROSHE  pics to it. 
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We need to stop with all this drama guys. :smh: Rmms helped a bunch of people out, including myself. He wanted to make a little profit, I don't blame him. He's a great guy. And to the guy that posted the video, I also think you're a good guy too, trying to help people out getting their pairs.

Remember what we are known for, being one of the most friendly and respectful threads around here.

So much bickering, I vote we stop lol. :rolleyes :D
1. CLAIM that you are applying for a spot on the roster. Also INCLUDE your SHOE SIZE and LOCATION.

2. POST a tagged pic of your ROSHE collection.

3. EXPLAIN why you like the shoe, and/or what made you interested.

4. RECEIVE three "+1s" from any of the current members, and you will be officially added to the TeamROSHE Roster.

5. BADGE it up! Feel free to add your personal ROSHE pics to it. 
yea i paid, i know that, someone had to bite the bullet. it doesnt matter, bottom line is if you want mangos they are right there, no need to worry anymore,sorry to cause such a hate in the thread, all you hear about is how resellers this and resellers that, figured people would appreciate ending there search. Hope people who deserve them get them.
didnt think i would ever have to do this in this thread but

thanks for everyone who gave some advice on finding a size 12 in any color. maybe its just not meant to be :smh:
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