I know this has been said a few times by GT and a few others but since this thread is blowing up so hard thought I would reiterate. I was searching for a couple weeks for some roshes, came across a pair of the royals at a local shop. I asked them where I could find more and they told me to go to shiekh.... I did and was able to order the sirens and the black/sails. They had over 15 pairs of size 9 when I ordered.... So if you are searching and from a state with shiekh go and you can get some... they had 5 CW's with lots of sizes left. You gotta wait a week to get them but they can still be found. Happy hunting.
Not to be the negative nancy of the topic, but does anyone feel that these shoes are just a little TOO flimsy? I find myself hating everytime I wear my red Roshe's. At first they feel like absolute pillows, but lately ive just been feeling weird in them. I feel they really arent stable at all, if Fly Knits werent so expensive id probably grab those up for casual wear.

Sucks though, I really love how the Roshe's look.
Still trying to find Calypsos maybe even the Mangos...Gonna check to see what's up at NR in the Bay Area. I'm sure nothing is there, but if someone found Iggy's for $30 then it's worth a shot! I'll update later.
Anyone looming for women's hot pinks, citadel outlet in LA has two pair in size 11 on the hash wall. $56.99
Shout @ chuckalex for hooking up the sirens, thanks again man.

Doubled up on 2 of my 3 favorite colorways (teals and sport reds), just wish I could find another size 9 in the iguanas for closer to retail. Otherwise just waiting on mangos to come in (thanks again Kev!) and future colors to release. Hopefully that information posted about roshe production being stopped was shenanigans. Snapped a quick picture today:
Shout @ chuckalex for hooking up the sirens, thanks again man.
Doubled up on 2 of my 3 favorite colorways (teals and sport reds), just wish I could find another size 9 in the iguanas for closer to retail. Otherwise just waiting on mangos to come in (thanks again Kev!) and future colors to release. Hopefully that information posted about roshe production being stopped was shenanigans. Snapped a quick picture today:
nice collection.
Anyone know of any mom and pop shops in NYC that still has these? Black sails preferably. Checked NR and they had squat.
Joined NT just for this Roshe Forum. They're extremely elusive up here in Portland... Any other fellow "Broshe's" from Oregon in here?
Went roshe shopping out of boredem the other day found some sirens at shiekhs. Been debating about getting the sirens for a while since they were my least favorite cw and was talking to the dude helping me and he was like.... we got some IVs left if your interested. Since Im not really into Js i hit up a friend that was, and ended up copping them for him and flippin them to him for 40 over retail. (he insisted) Anyway I didnt hesitate to cop the sirens given the fact that i was getting a discount in the end. All in all a win win situation. Just thought I'd share that experience with yall. 

Anyway, For anyone still looking for roshes locally for retail your best bet is shiekhs. Most of the malls around the bay area still have a good amount of cybers, sport reds, and sirens available.

Also I know that the sirens are one of the favorite cws on here and the stadiums arent, but to me stadiums are among my favorite along with the sport reds. (only because i dont own the calypsos, mangos, or iggys) Maybe its because I'm from shark city. (san jose) I love all roshes nonetheless though. Nothing like em!
Not to be the negative nancy of the topic, but does anyone feel that these shoes are just a little TOO flimsy? I find myself hating everytime I wear my red Roshe's. At first they feel like absolute pillows, but lately ive just been feeling weird in them. I feel they really arent stable at all, if Fly Knits werent so expensive id probably grab those up for casual wear.

Sucks though, I really love how the Roshe's look.

completely disagree with you. only thing I'd love more is if someone carried me around.

although my air max 1 hyperfuse's felt lovely today.

working on tripling up on cybers, reds, iguana's and black sails.
Does anybody know where I can find the cybers in a size 10 in socal ? I've tried sports chalet and shiekh with no luck :frown:
im still stunned i found a pair of size 10 iguana at NR, in July now knowing how popular and sough after these shoes are.
Does anybody know where I can find the cybers in a size 10 in socal ? I've tried sports chalet and shiekh with no luck
Did you ask your local Shiekh if they could check other stores' stock? I'm pretty sure there are a few cybers at the ones I went to. 
Just got my Calypsos and Knicks in from HypeDC (live here). Nice shoes. Got the Iguanas and Black/sails. Trying to decide what my next pick up will be. Cybers, Grey/Yellows or sport reds.
Shout @ chuckalex for hooking up the sirens, thanks again man.
Doubled up on 2 of my 3 favorite colorways (teals and sport reds), just wish I could find another size 9 in the iguanas for closer to retail. Otherwise just waiting on mangos to come in (thanks again Kev!) and future colors to release. Hopefully that information posted about roshe production being stopped was shenanigans. Snapped a quick picture today:

Awesome collection!!
Just got my Calypsos and Knicks in from HypeDC (live here). Nice shoes. Got the Iguanas and Black/sails. Trying to decide what my next pick up will be. Cybers, Grey/Yellows or sport reds.
Those Knicks Roshes look nice but I can't see myself wearing those colors. Go Heat!
Wasn't trying to seem holier then thou or better than anyone, just giving you an honest opinion. Favorite colorways of shoes are a person's opinion, not a factual top 3 or top whatever. I prefer simpler colorways so my top colorway of the Roshes would be the Blk/Sails, but that's just my opinion. There is no TOP shoe or TOP colorway that is factual, it's all personal preference, hope you get what I'm saying, but if you don't, it's as easy as buying what you like and not worrying what other people think. It's your top 3 not a Factual written in stone top 3.

I get what youre saying. I asked that question in an attempt to know what shoe to stay away from as not to get overcharged for a popular colorway. I'm going after these for pure comfort so the color wouldn't be any much of a priority but I wasnt looking to be overcharged so I was trying to educate myself on the aftermarket value which tends to be influenced by popularity of a colorway. I too am one to be subtle with colors of my shoes. Gotta ask questions to get answers right.
Damn. This thread moved a lot since the last time I've been in here, which was two weeks ago. :lol:

Not sure if it's been posted, but Premium Goods in Houston has the Stadium Greens for retail in most sizes. Also not sure if they ship or not.
I didn't think you were coming off snarky or holier than thou, but you know people nowadays are mad sensitive; especially if you call them out on some hype ****.

Wasnt aware asking questions made them a HypeBeest. I'll be sure not to ask you any questions Sir, wouldnt want to be called out by you on my hypebeesting. :lol:
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