Finally got another pair of these in. Posted these next to the Bred's. :smokin

Got these pairs in the mail today

The squadron blues look so much better in person. Thanks Urban Outfitters!
I am applying for team roshe


I first started my love for roshes about five months ago. I had a friend name Zach who had a few pairs and he bought a couple of each, so I decided to buy his crimsons I remember the next day I wore them to the movies. My problem started right then and there I realized these are style and they are the most comfortable thing I have ever worn. So the next day I bought his cybers and it just kept going from there to stadium greens, Knicks, safaris and alot more others. I was done with all those Jordan's, nike sbs and other stuff like that so I decided to sell all of it. I decided why not buy some more roshes which then I got cybers mangos and sport reds and some others. I then came across this thread on niketalk after following team roshe on Instagram for a couple of months. As soon as I went on this page I made some stupid posts and people were annoyed, as I grew with the thread and community I began to learn how to help and not just receive. Everybody was so understanding with me and just great people I then began to talk to some great team roshe members and some other dudes about what I should post and do to help out with the community and they gave me a whole list of different things. The first guy that ever helped me was akosaka he should me around the thread and kept me updated with all the new releases I then had bigpoint, civickid, stussykyd, del-Ro and also majestic, dut192 and even a few others. A big part of my collection is from all the great updates and help you guys have gave me. Honestly without this thread I doubt I would know about many roshes. I always try to do my best and return the great favor that you all have done for me I couldn't thank any of you enough, even if your name is not posted I hope you know that I am talking about you to.

Thanks again I hope you will review this

Teamroshe application #happiness

Can anyone pleaseee help me. Trying to find the black safaris in a sz10 for retail + shipping. Waited too long and my local spot only has a 10.5 -.-
Can anyone pleaseee help me. Trying to find the black safaris in a sz10 for retail + shipping. Waited too long and my local spot only has a 10.5 -.-
Shoepalace and Blendsus have them I'm pretty sure. Oneness might still have some in stock but that's doubtful.
Shoepalace and Blendsus have them I'm pretty sure. Oneness might still have some in stock but that's doubtful.

Neither have a 10 in stock. I forgot about oneness but im gonna guess they are out of stock lol ill call and see
Can anyone pleaseee help me. Trying to find the black safaris in a sz10 for retail + shipping. Waited too long and my local spot only has a 10.5 -.-
I would just grab the 10.5, throw another insole in it and call it a day just my two cents. I am a true 10 but in roshes a 10/10.5 both work just fine with the 10 being very little wiggle room..
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