Last post before I'm out for the day. Will be out searching for calhypesos for my fellow newyorkers or who ever else needs a pair. Sock game clown status.
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Some dude tried to sell me sirens and calypsos for 200. I told him for that price I can get both plus the knicks. How ridiculous.
theyre actually not bad for running.

nothin like lunar stuff but not bad.

but theyre the PERFECT chillin/travel shoe.
Roshes are more comfy than flyknits imo. just sayin

I have wide feet and I agree completely. tried on a pair of Flyknits and didn't feel the same comfort i had with Roshes. my feetses and toes being able to "move about the" shoe makes it feel like you're just wearing socks.

to each his own. i must say I love the certain colorways of Flyknits though.

but theyre the PERFECT chillin/travel shoe.

THIS :smokin

THAT :pimp:
Are most of you guys willing to pay the 5 bucks extra on shoe palace? or is everyone waiting for other sites to restock???
For those that ordered from kicksgear1 for $85, I received mine as I stated before the tracking number issue was no cause for alarm
marble roshes for $50 @ compound

The Nike Roshes Run Marble are available now for just $49.00


Roshes Run


Sizes 8 / 8.5 / 9.5 / 10 / 10.5 / 13

Phone orders welcomed


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who was that who told me Maroon's would never go on sale because it was too good a colorway to be discounted or something along those lines :lol:
honestly don't know how i copped calypso's from shoe palace yesterday lol. i thought i took way too much time on checkout page and the page didnt even go thru when i pressed place order..i checked my email a couple minutes later and turns out i in fact did place the order. #destiny :smile:
is there some sort of meaning behind the creation of the marbles? What was the thought process on those? I've never liked them and thought it was strange the way the sole had brush stokes on them.
Calypsos will continue to hit $130 price point because of certain locations.

In Los Angeles, they're all but dried up. I went by 4 FTL's yesterday and most were sold out or had a 13 left.
Sidenote: Does anyone else feel like the calypsos run big? I wear a sz 11 and the sirens I got the the other day were fine, but I'm swimming in the calypsos.
Calypsos will continue to hit $130 price point because of certain locations.

In Los Angeles, they're all but dried up. I went by 4 FTL's yesterday and most were sold out or had a 13 left.

It's week one of re-release in the states. This was the same for all other releases. Flew off the shelves initially but are still sitting to this day. People just need to be patient. No one should ever have to pay $130 for ANY Roshe again.
Ftl Great Mall has the Calypsos on display. As someone stated on the previous page. The smallest size they had was an 11.
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