Rotator Cuff Injury

Jun 4, 2010
Whatup NT? So today I started week 2 of the Layne Norton Power and Hypertrophy routine. I was doing dumbbell shoulder overhead presses and it felt like my shoulder popped forward while pressing upward. It didn't hurt to bad, just a sharp minor pain. I was pushing myself though. I usualy rep with 60-65 db's but tried 70's this time.... I was stupid and finished my workout even though I knew I shouldn't have. I've had problems with it before, and the pain hasn't fully healed. IT was pretty bad about 2 years ago when I first injured it but never went to the doc. Flash forward to now, I thought my shoulder was legit. Not 100 percent pain free but after correcting my form on bench I thought all my troubles were gone. Just icing and tiger balming it now. Any advice from you peeps who've gone through the same?
Whatup NT? So today I started week 2 of the Layne Norton Power and Hypertrophy routine. I was doing dumbbell shoulder overhead presses and it felt like my shoulder popped forward while pressing upward. It didn't hurt to bad, just a sharp minor pain. I was pushing myself though. I usualy rep with 60-65 db's but tried 70's this time.... I was stupid and finished my workout even though I knew I shouldn't have. I've had problems with it before, and the pain hasn't fully healed. IT was pretty bad about 2 years ago when I first injured it but never went to the doc. Flash forward to now, I thought my shoulder was legit. Not 100 percent pain free but after correcting my form on bench I thought all my troubles were gone. Just icing and tiger balming it now. Any advice from you peeps who've gone through the same?
i get shoulder soreness from throwing as i'm a baseball player; ice as much as possible, stretch at least 2-3 times a day, and you may want to take about 2 weeks off while trying to recover as well. once you feel full strength again i would suggest starting a band routine for your shoulders.
i get shoulder soreness from throwing as i'm a baseball player; ice as much as possible, stretch at least 2-3 times a day, and you may want to take about 2 weeks off while trying to recover as well. once you feel full strength again i would suggest starting a band routine for your shoulders.
you might want to get an MRI because this can become a chronic issue and already it has happened twice. You probably sprained your middle glenohumeral ligament and you will have to rest depending on the extent of the damage by your doctor. At some point you will have to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles to increase stability of the shoulder and these muscles are not the glamor muscles that you typically workout such as the delts, traps, bi's, tri's, and pecs. Instead you will have to focus on the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. Baseball pitchers do tons of rotator cuff strengthening and thats why when you look at a pitcher you might not think they are so strong but thats because the muscles they train are deep under the delts. Most importantly I would refrain from doing any overhead resistance training until you see a doc.
you might want to get an MRI because this can become a chronic issue and already it has happened twice. You probably sprained your middle glenohumeral ligament and you will have to rest depending on the extent of the damage by your doctor. At some point you will have to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles to increase stability of the shoulder and these muscles are not the glamor muscles that you typically workout such as the delts, traps, bi's, tri's, and pecs. Instead you will have to focus on the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. Baseball pitchers do tons of rotator cuff strengthening and thats why when you look at a pitcher you might not think they are so strong but thats because the muscles they train are deep under the delts. Most importantly I would refrain from doing any overhead resistance training until you see a doc.
Originally Posted by Teymur85

you might want to get an MRI because this can become a chronic issue and already it has happened twice. You probably sprained your middle glenohumeral ligament and you will have to rest depending on the extent of the damage by your doctor. At some point you will have to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles to increase stability of the shoulder and these muscles are not the glamor muscles that you typically workout such as the delts, traps, bi's, tri's, and pecs. Instead you will have to focus on the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. Baseball pitchers do tons of rotator cuff strengthening and thats why when you look at a pitcher you might not think they are so strong but thats because the muscles they train are deep under the delts. Most importantly I would refrain from doing any overhead resistance training until you see a doc.
Originally Posted by Teymur85

you might want to get an MRI because this can become a chronic issue and already it has happened twice. You probably sprained your middle glenohumeral ligament and you will have to rest depending on the extent of the damage by your doctor. At some point you will have to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles to increase stability of the shoulder and these muscles are not the glamor muscles that you typically workout such as the delts, traps, bi's, tri's, and pecs. Instead you will have to focus on the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. Baseball pitchers do tons of rotator cuff strengthening and thats why when you look at a pitcher you might not think they are so strong but thats because the muscles they train are deep under the delts. Most importantly I would refrain from doing any overhead resistance training until you see a doc.
hey thanks for all the input. I have to admit I do not do much rotator cuff excercises. I do a couple, and front lateral raises. But yeah I'm laying off the gym for a coupel weeks until i get an mri. Sux, but it's better to finally have it checked.
hey thanks for all the input. I have to admit I do not do much rotator cuff excercises. I do a couple, and front lateral raises. But yeah I'm laying off the gym for a coupel weeks until i get an mri. Sux, but it's better to finally have it checked.
Originally Posted by amel223

^So what exercises would you recommend to train the rotator cuff muscles
it really all depends on how severe the injury was. After the ligament heals, considering its the ligament that was damaged to begin with, he will have to go to a physical therapist where they will do whats called a Manual Muscle Test. This is where they assess the strength of the muscle and develop a program for him. So it all depends on his condition. Sorry for the late response
Originally Posted by amel223

^So what exercises would you recommend to train the rotator cuff muscles
it really all depends on how severe the injury was. After the ligament heals, considering its the ligament that was damaged to begin with, he will have to go to a physical therapist where they will do whats called a Manual Muscle Test. This is where they assess the strength of the muscle and develop a program for him. So it all depends on his condition. Sorry for the late response
Heat pad before you workout, ice after. Take a week off, though, and try some light lifting to see how your arm feels. Any significant or lingering pain, hit up a doctor.
Heat pad before you workout, ice after. Take a week off, though, and try some light lifting to see how your arm feels. Any significant or lingering pain, hit up a doctor.
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