Rugby jock suffers stroke and wakes up gay

Jul 16, 2002
[h1]I woke from a stroke -- gay![/h1]

Last Updated: 8:34 AM, November 9, 2011
A hulking, beer-guzzling rugby jock suffered a stroke in a freak training accident -- and woke up gay.
Chris Birch was a straight, 266-pound Welsh bank worker who liked sports, girls and booze and was engaged to his girlfriend before the life-style-changing event.

Now, he’s a 154-pound hairdresser who bleaches his tresses and lives with his 19-year-old boyfriend above his salon.

“I was gay when I woke up and I still am,
The descriptions of his before and after are hilarious. Didn't read pass the pic.
I was skeptical, thinking that the dude just had a life-threatening trauma and then decided to come out to the world because he was unhappy. I figured the stroke was just an excuse to shed the "beard" and move on with his life.

But then thinking about how the brain might be affected makes me think it's possible that there was a physiological event that made him literally change sexuality. So, I guess I'll keep an open mind about it.
Got my popcorn ready. How did the "Accident" cause a stroke? I would have thought paralysis.

Google Adam Carolla Gay eyes for a hilarious take on this
The amount of ignorance in this thread already.
I don't think people purposely think up elaborate schemes that include breaking their necks just so that they can come out of the closet without people judging them. Dude wants a change from his finance, a good job at a bank, and the sport he loves so he does a backflip, purposefully messes up, breaks his neck, and sees his opening?
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Got my popcorn ready. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]How did the "Accident" cause a stroke?[/color] I would have thought paralysis.

Google Adam Carolla Gay eyes for a hilarious take on this

1. It certainly was an accident. No need to put the word in quotes.
2. A broken neck can cause a plethora of different problems, since the spine is where all of the commands from your brain go through to reach your body. Essentially, a broken neck can cause a stroke because of cervical artery dissection. The cervical arteries are located in the back of the neck, and if someone suffers broken neck they can tear. This tear causes bleeding, from which blood clots can form, and then these blood clots can be passed to the brain. Once the blood clot reaches the brain, it can cause a stroke.
3. After the stroke occurs, during its recovery the brain repairs and makes new neurons, which connect and open different parts of the brain. While we as humans obviously still don't know a lot about our brains and the exact way they function, we can conclude that these connections can change the perception of ones self, others, and the way we interact.

-Broken necks can cause blood clots in the arteries that lead to the brain, which can cause strokes.
-During recovery, the brain regenerates by repairing and forming new neurons, which connect and open new parts of the brain that could, in theory, change everything about a person. Potentially even their sexual orientation.
Originally Posted by soltheman

The amount of ignorance in this thread already.
I don't think people purposely think up elaborate schemes that include breaking their necks just so that they can come out of the closet without people judging them. Dude wants a change from his finance, a good job at a back, and the sport he loves so he does a backflip, purposefully messes up, breaks his neck, and sees his opening?
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Got my popcorn ready. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]How did the "Accident" cause a stroke?[/color] I would have thought paralysis.

Google Adam Carolla Gay eyes for a hilarious take on this

1. It certainly was an accident. No need to put the words in quotes.
2. A broken neck can cause a plethora of different problems, since the spine is where all of the commands from your brain go through to reach your body. Essentially, a broken neck can cause a stroke because of cervical artery dissection. The cervical arteries are located in the back of the neck, and if someone suffers broken neck they can tear. This tear causes bleeding, from which blood clots can form, and then these blood clots can be passed to the brain. Once the blood clot reaches the brain, it can cause a stroke.
3. After the stroke occurs, during its recovery the brain repairs and makes new neurons, which connect and open different parts of the brain. While we as humans obviously still don't know a lot about our brains and the exact way they function. However, we can conclude that these connections can change the perception of ones self, others, and the way we interact.

-Broken necks can cause blood clots in the arteries that lead to the brain, which can cause strokes.
-During recovery, the brain regenerates by repairing and forming new neurons, which connect and open new parts of the brain that could, in theory, change everything about a person. Potentially even their sexual orientation.
Yeah I was expecting more science to be in this thread but obviously there isn't any.
Its all in the brain... 

Cure the Nature vs Nurture argument. 
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