Sacramento Kings season thread | 32-48 | 4/13 @ HOU 5pm

By far the worst and most predictable show on 1140. I only tune in for the first 30 minutes and then the show usually takes a drastic dropoff after that.

Can they at least get someone who genuinely likes the Norcal teams and not someone that just has to tolerate them because he's on the Kings payroll?
Peaches is just a mouthpiece for the Kings front office and ownership.

Dude is a shill, and the moment someone calls him out on it he starts screaming bloody murder. It's amazing.
The best part of the show and the only real reason to listen is Napear losing his **** on callers
My favorite show is the Low Down with J-Ross, Mr. Kara Lawson, and Ken Rudulph. I can only put up with Peaches for so long, there's too many holes in his arguments and he flip flops too much.
Mr Lawson looks like the Situation from Jersey Shore and it kills me everytime 
I know it's summer league and can't put too much into it, but Papigiannis looked pretty bad and that's by Kings standards. Slow, not very athletic, no court awareness, and only move was his back to the basket for nearly 5 counts during today's game. Also had 5 fouls.

Skal played decent. Nice shooting touch. Will definitely be a project.
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I really don't see any hope for this papa georgio guy. Like I just believe he's gonna finally be NBA ready in maybe 5 years and he'll just end up being a end of the bench guy at best
NT kangz... our future is bright, we just claimed lamar Patterson :lol:

in Food news...

:nerd: you guys here K9 Kenny Thomas is a partner in a Mexican restaurant near the arena ?
From what I've read Patterson is supposed to be nothing more than a distributor on offense. Can't shoot particularly well and not really explosive laterally. He's basically a homeless man's Garrett Temple.
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