Sam Cassell Finally Bought out will sign with Celtics/PJ Brown Too

He can do that next year.

Don't be so selfish man... yall are in the East. Yall are good for the ECF unless yall just fall apart on some stupid %%$!.
wow, yao is out for the season so denver should have picked him up to insure a playoff spot... dumb move by the nuggets letting him go to the celtics.

wow didnt know sam was 38
this move will put everyone on the bench in their natural position, namely house and tony allen.

this still doesn't help us out with billups though. He's still gonna beast on us
i would love if he came to the Mavs
but he prolly has a better shot at winning a title with the celtics
even tho they are offensively challenged
Marc Stein just said on Dallas radio that if he's indeed bought out, he's a virtual lock for Boston.
watch the Celtics do worse now

im not sayin cuz its cuz of Sam, jusy sayin on some Murphys Law type %@+% .
I kinda agree...

I know a veteran PG is needed...but, when things are goin so well..ehh...idk
27th4theHood wrote:
so we didnt trade him even tho ppl wanted him but we buy him out and get nothing out of it a week later?

.. Makes no sense from our standpoint .. We could've atleast received a second rounder from somewhere for him ..

I'm still upset that we didn't make any moves before the deadline .. Maggette will be gone at the end of the year, and we have nothing in return ..Brand may do the same (I hope not) .. Looks as if we're headed towards the rebuilding phase all over again

Good luck to Sam though .. He'll be a great asset to the Celtics .. Makes for an exciting second half of the season, for both the East and West ..
Originally Posted by LARidah23

27th4theHood wrote:
so we didnt trade him even tho ppl wanted him but we buy him out and get nothing out of it a week later?

.. Makes no sense from our standpoint .. We could've at least received a second rounder from somewhere for him ..

I'm still upset that we didn't make any moves before the deadline .. Maggette will be gone at the end of the year, and we have nothing in return .. Brand may do the same (I hope not) .. Looks as if we're headed towards the rebuilding phase all over again

Good luck to Sam though .. He'll be a great asset to the Celtics .. Makes for an exciting second half of the season, for both the East and West ..

It's probably more that no one wanted to offer anything, when they knew he was gonna be bought out, than not trying to get anything
This helps improve the Celts chances of winning a championship, because every championship team needs an ugly player. The Spurs had Duncan. The Pistons hadtheir whole starting 5. The Lakers had Shaq. The Bulls had Pippen. Even the Celtics of old had Bird and McHale. Adding Golem can only help the Celts.
Originally Posted by ill4eva

This helps improve the Celts chances of winning a championship, because every championship team needs an ugly player. The Spurs had Duncan. The Pistons had their whole starting 5. The Lakers had Shaq. The Bulls had Pippen. Even the Celtics of old had Bird and McHale. Adding Golem can only help the Celts.

im saying though......why you be checkin um out like that?
Magic needed one more guy to solidify their roster, Cassell could have been it, tough break.
This needs to stop. I've heard so many rumors about veteran point guards "on their way to Boston" it's ridiculous...
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