Samsung Galaxy Note 2 x LeBron James commercial appreciation vol.. Greatest commercial ever


^lol what kind of sht is this, actin like he's caesar.

. oh wait my bad this isnt arrogance it's humility humble guy king james :rofl:

from the same article..

"The stories are delightful—Michael Jordan on playing with centers Joe Kleine, Luc Longley and Bill Wennington in 1998: "You know what I have to play with?" He looked right at them and said, "Twenty-one feet of sh--"

^yea i died when i read that. Jordan was my idol slash hero growing up but everyone knows he's a grade a dck. 

like championship number 5 or 6, he saw bill wennington crying tears of joy moments after they won it and he goes up to him and says (i paraphrase) "why are you crying? i went out and won it for u, u didnt do anything"  LOL
also incredibly fake with this friendly crap they're trying to put out. everyone knows lebron is hella arrogant, as that sports photographer said in that article where he was forced to speak through lebrons body guard for questions and wasnt allowed to speak to lebron directly :lol: . but he's out buying ice cream and taking pics with peasants
This has nothing to do with the commercial. So commercials are suppose to show only "real" people? :lol: okay...
This was my ish 

Umi Says>Keep on Pushing
thought i was the only one that remembered this commercial.
This has nothing to do with the commercial. So commercials are suppose to show only "real" people?
did i say that? i said "only real ppl should be in commercials?" 

kobe in this same commercial would be just as absurd. 

patrick ewing snickers commercial >>>>>>
also incredibly fake with this friendly crap they're trying to put out. everyone knows lebron is hella arrogant, as that sports photographer said in that article where he was forced to speak through lebrons body guard for questions and wasnt allowed to speak to lebron directly 
. but he's out buying ice cream and taking pics with peasants
This has nothing to do with the commercial. So commercials are suppose to show only "real" people?
Yeah, how come Chris Brown isn't punching women in his music videos? 

Next thing, this guy will tell us that he knows the REAL Lebron. He "read it somewhere" 
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This has nothing to do with the commercial. So commercials are suppose to show only "real" people? :lol: okay...

did i say that? i said "only real ppl should be in commercials?"
kobe in this same commercial would be just as absurd.

patrick ewing snickers commercial >>>>>>
It's safe to imply what you're trying to say is that, if they're not like that in real life, they shouldn't be portrayed like that in commercials.

Samsung is trying to sell a product, of course they're make whoever they hire a little more peachy than they really are.
It should be common knowledge by now that Lebron is arrogant, from refusing to shake his opponents' hands in the sem-finals against the Celtics to publicly making statements to switch to New York if he doesn't get a ring with Cleveland. The sad part is, I hear he actually used to be a pretty humble guy before he even got signed with Nike.
also incredibly fake with this friendly crap they're trying to put out. everyone knows lebron is hella arrogant, as that sports photographer said in that article where he was forced to speak through lebrons body guard for questions and wasnt allowed to speak to lebron directly :lol: . but he's out buying ice cream and taking pics with peasants

Damn son so much salt in your comment! Did bron bron steal your lunch money or something?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I didn't know so many people knew Lebron personally to say all the negative stuff is his "true" self.

Also, try having a camera on you at all times and your life be under a microscope.  Pretty sure even the best of us would slip up.  We all have been rude, arrogant, etc.

He's done pretty well with everything.
Damn son so much salt in your comment! Did bron bron steal your lunch money or something??
i see, the truth = salt

do you prefer this comment instead: "damn it shows lebron true self, mad friendly, buying ice cream and taking pics with people. wow his hairline is even growing back as thick as drake's eyebrows, lebron is already better than michael jordan because jordan never had a cell phone like this"

i love the samsung commercial, honestly thought it was a nike commercial at first...but my fav lebron commercial has to be

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