Does anyone know where I can get tickets for resell
Struck out on trying to get tickets
Always wanted to go buy tickets are impossible to get
really depends on what you want to do. heres a few of the things my friends and fam do

signings: pretty much have to wait overnight in the line to get into the convention center. raffles for wb/dc begin in sails pav and winning tickets get drawn at the front of the line.

free swag: lot of booths give things away when the exhibit hall opens, so hit up the studio booths and check back throughout the day with twitter/ snapchat, etc. for the most part its pretty much right place right time

offsites: when you get tired of the exhibit hall hit up the offsites throughout the gaslamp/downtown

panels: nowadays for the big hall h presentations, used to have to wait overnight as well if you want a decent seat (havent been to a popular panel since they implemented the new wristband system). ive stopped going to these but great experience if youve never been. sometimes studios give free swag that you can only get by being in attendance

celebs: many stay at the hilton bayfront and hard rock, so youre bound to bump into somebody
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hope everyone had a good con. sucks having to wait another year 
I was lucky enough to score Saturday tickets so I'll be at NYCC on both Fri and Sat this year.
Don't you have to wake up really early and wait long hours in line for those panels? That's too much effort for me.

I'd be happy just watching the panels on youtube.
Don't you have to wake up really early and wait long hours in line for those panels? That's too much effort for me.

I'd be happy just watching the panels on youtube.
**** those lines. Last year I just showed up later when the line was gone and dudes looked inside to see if there was space and told me if I was cool standing then I could go in. 
The Hall H panels you had to camp out overnight for sure. Some did those Hall H panels and also held something inside the main exhibit hall where most of the vendors and other displays are.
Don't you have to wake up really early and wait long hours in line for those panels? That's too much effort for me.

I'd be happy just watching the panels on youtube.

i attended the Walking Dead panel at NYCC2014, we waited 3 hours in the morning when i got there for wristbands to get in then another 3 hours to get a good seat inside. it was time consuming but worth it IMO.
hall h panels are crazy nowadays. if you dont get a wristband you pretty much have to camp overnight. opted for autographs instead and my fam was lucky enough to pull winning raffles on ss, wonder woman, black panther, fantastic beasts, and arrow. was a bum rush getting from the outside into the sails pavilion
I think the statistics for getting a ticket for new members are around 6%. Even harder if you're trying on your own. If I were you I would try joining a buying group. You'll have greater odds with more people
oh man thats nuts! How do the odds go up if I go with a group? I was told to try and get a tix this year from friends that have attended the past 5+ years. Can they help me get in?
oh man thats nuts! How do the odds go up if I go with a group? I was told to try and get a tix this year from friends that have attended the past 5+ years. Can they help me get in?

The odds go up in group because if one person gets in they can buy for themselves and two other people. So if you have 5 people in the group you really only need 2/5 to get in.
The odds go up in group because if one person gets in they can buy for themselves and two other people. So if you have 5 people in the group you really only need 2/5 to get in.
Repped! Thanks man! Do you know if this also applies with returning attendees? For instance my friends that went these past few years can buy me one even though I have never attended?
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