Well I think the whole "bandwagon" thing is something that older fans say to make themselves feel better than others :b
...not in all cases though, but generally with just about everything there's always people who will have that "Already been up on it" kind of attitude..if anyone can feel me on that.

When I was little I was a huge Chargers fan. I remember I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade watching the superbowl with the 49er's and I was depressed when we lost :lol:
The Chargers players were my heroes then.

After that I kind of went through this phase where I didn't give a crap about football or any sports in general. My parents were trying to force me to play sports and I wasn't liking that, so I kind of lost my love for the sport.

But I'd say the past 4 years or so it's back on, so I guess some could consider me a bandwagon fan. Every Sunday i'm watching the games. No doubt it's nice to see your favorite team win, but I'm going to watch the games either way. One thing is for sure though, when i'm older and can afford tickets, i'm going to be buying them regularly. I've only been able to go see a couple games in person, and i'm looking to change that, haha.
Peep It! I finally made a myspace. CRAZY!

Looking for: Any old L-R-G 2XL & UP, 40-42!
Any Clarks Wally's 11-11.5!
In everything theres bandwagons. Same with fads they come and go. Real people and real fans stay constant. Look at everything around you. Ive seen people go from one extreme to the next. All gravy though just gotta take it with a grain of salt and keep it trucking. Like dude said above bandwagon peeps all good more fans the merrier....

also at the same time we need to take this @#%$ one step at the time. Doesnt matter if we were 13-2 this year. Playoffs is a whole different scenario and a whole nother step. If we can pull of a nice win streak were there but I'll be happy when we get past the first game. Then we can talk about the next. And if we make it to the big game. Hopefully the boys will be able to pull it off....

Also the T-shirts are available now at the Armory in 3 different colors

Now!!! HAHA and I wont even down you if your a bandwagon person rider either HAHAHAHA....

yo...that shirt is sick!!! as far as "drum line-radio flyers" go...as long as they can admit it, i don't care. the way i look at it, if they do some charger history homework, it's all to the good. i just don't want some 'newb' asking me why i talk about the jim mcmahon, stan humphries, jim harbaugh days!!! and who can forget marion (sp) butts and natron means and our great 3rd down back mr. fletcher!!! sure anyone can mention jr.'s name, but he was the face of our squad during his time here. i'm sure we'll retire his number some day (should have been wk 9 during the cleaveland game "alumni day"...mad cause i was there). you know what??? i miss number 9...not brees (i miss him too), but good ol' JIM!!! i remember he was the 'guy in the dark visor.'

IamCROS1-nice shirt...have to snatch one up next trip down!!!
We all know that there are a whole lot more Charger fans now than there were at this time last year, and I'm sure we all know somebody that we would call a bandwagoner. So in your opinions, what is a Chargers bandwagoner?

IMO, a Chargers bandwagoner is a fan who started becoming a fan like yesterday to 2 years ago. Up until 2 years ago, the Chargers were one of the laughing stocks of the NFL. It was sad times in San Diego. Only seeing like 2 or 3 games a season because they were being blacked-out and such.

Great post.

This is where I draw the line when it comes to the Chargers fanwagon.

Do not tell me you're a die hard Charger fan if you've only been a fan of the Chargers for a span of 3 years. I'm not going to knock that they're a Charger fan, but I'm going to knock that they're saying they're die hard. Do not say you bleed blue and gold if you have not been through hell and back with the Chargers. If anything, hell for these fanwagon fans was last season's 9-7 season.

Example. There's this dude I know who will remain nameless. I've known him give or take 3-4 years now. Real cool cat and very nice dude. When I first met dude, it was during the Chargers 4-12 season. I rocked the same Chargers SD hat that I still rock, a Chargers Satin Jacket that I still rock, and my authentic Seau from 02 that I always wore around him. Not once did he say that the Chargers were tight. Hell, they were complete doo doo in 03. But yet I still repped, just because it was SD.

Now, this guy has a Chargers tattoo on his body and claims that he bleeds blue and gold and is a big time Chargers fan. SMH. It's cool that he hopped on the Chargers nuts after the 12-4 playoff season but what really bugged that crap out of me was that he said he was a die hard Charger fan.

Get the eff outta here. You want the true definition of a die hard Charger fan that really bleeds blue and gold and has been down since day one. Ask Alvarez, the guy that runs Bolt Pride. Those guys are the epitome of a die hard Charger fan.

Just because you've been a fan for about 3 seasons and you have a Charger bolt tattooed on your body does not make you a die hard Charger fan. You have no idea how it feels to go through hell and back with the Chargers.

Yes, the Fanwagon is rolling hard right now in SD. Yes, SD has the hugest fairweather fan base. It cracks me up when Charger fans accuse Steeler fans of being bandwagonners. Because Chargers fan are the worst at being loyal. The paper bags have been off these last 3 seasons.

My season ticket neighbors have been holding about 7 seats since 1993. I've only been holding since 03. To be honest, I don't think I'm ever going to stop being a season ticket holder unless they move out of state or somewhere close to the bay. Ride or die with the Chargers, that's how I roll. Just like how I roll with my Lakers.

Something fanwagonners cannot take away from us fans that have been down since day one is the fact that we stuck with the Chargers for God knows how long. They can't take away the faith that we put into the team that one day, we could actually finally win a Super Bowl. They can enjoy the feeling of winning a Super Bowl, but they can't enjoy the feeling of winning a Super Bowl knowing all the blood, sweat, and tears we put in as Charger fans for all these past seasons.

With that being said, big ups to you OG Chargers fans. Whether you began during Air Coryell or the Boss Ross era.

Big ups to Rodney Culver and David Griggs RIP.

Remember those tears of sorrow some of us probably shed back in 94 when the 49ers handed our heads to us in the Super Bowl? Well, this season, I hope we have tears of joy because this could be the season that history is finally made in SD and a chip is brought home. It's destiny folks.

nd our great 3rd down back mr. fletcher!!

We can't forget about the 3rd down specialist either, Ronnie Harmon.


"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
^ Great read Dennis...

Well I'm not gonna lie...I was a big 49er fan when i was kid, until i moved here in San Diego (from guam) in 2000. After watcing so much Charger games with my cousins on TV or at Qualcomm.

I think it was when i went to the game in 2002 (the first time i actually saw the game at qualcomm), against the Raiders. Doug Flutie was still the QB. Well they lost the game. But after actually seeing them play...i guess it just the chargers just got stuck on me.

I wouldnt really call myself a bandwagon fan, fairweather, or a hard-core fan of the chargers. But since I lived here for almost 7 years now. well like Dennis said, you can't really be a hard-core Charger fan until you go through hell and back, let's just hope the chargers doesnt have to go through that again.

It's same thing with basketball, I'm a big King's fan. and I was kinda bothered when people are claiming they are King's fan when they were good...but hey where the hell are these "fans" now??? It's the same thing for the so-called Laker Fans...well you guys can talk about that, I'm sure your fan base got a lot smaller since Shaq left.

BTW, Good game last night Laker fans, It felt like it was back in 2000-2003 during the big Laker-King rivalry.

I still hate Robert Horry. Stupid lucky ball bounced his way. that wasnt even a pass. out of all the games...I will never forget that game from the western copference fnals.
....you are not READY!
TEAM SD - Member No. 10.5
ronnie harmon (33) with his visors haha he was straight g back in the days. damn i remember the 94 year thinking we were all tight with tony martin, shawn jefferson and mark says. and then we get blown out by the damn 49ers =[. and who could forget the old pass rush specialist leslie o neal!!!!

anyone else remember our old tightend alfred popuno or however you spell it touchdown celebration hahahahhah thats og TO right there :rofl:
Bandwagoners or not, I love how everyone in the city is embracing our home team. I'm just hoping our recent success somehow helps in keeping the Chargers here in San Diego.

How's this for a bandwagoner. My grandpa who has been a Raider fan his whole life, now has Charger flags on his car. :lol:

Damn seeing that name Ronnie Harmon sure brings back memories, but who can forget Marion Butts and John Friesz! :lol:
Not having a "hometown" team sucked for 19 years.. Now residing in SD I can now say I have a favorite but not for baseball... eww boring. hahaha I don't care if they win the world series I will never be a fan again... If only SD can bring a bball team I know about the clippers and rockets... BTW DOES ANYBODY HAVE A SIZE 10 JORDAN V'S REDS FOR TRADE FOR MY SIZE 11? LOOKS LIKE FINISHLINE.COM IS GOING TO CANCEL MY ORDER THEY WERE UNABLE TO LOCATE MY ITEM... my fault for the caps.
Bandwagoners are inevitable, not all of us were born with blue and gold in our blood. I am proud to say that I have been to a regular season game 12 of the 24 yrs I have been on this planet.

I loved Stan's smile/grimace whenever he got knocked the F out LOL. Dude got ran over more times than I thought was humanly possible.

I still hate Harry "Holding, number 72, offense" Swayne, our O-line this year is what has me convinced (except for Shane Olivea).

Ronnie Harmon > Michael Turner in all time Charger #33s.

See you guys in the RAIN (60% chance of precipitation as of today for the projected 1/13 game)

All of your twelve are belong to us.
Well I'm not gonna lie...I was a big 49er fan when i was kid,

I'm not going to lie either, growing up as a kid, I was a 49er fan also.

You've got to be a damn fool if you weren't a fan of Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, and Ronnie Lott.

I guess that explains my soft spot for the 49ers.
I have a favorite but not for baseball... eww boring. hahaha I don't care if they win the world series I will never be a fan again... If only SD can bring a bball team I know about the clippers and rockets.

How can you not love baseball bro?

It's America's favorite past time. As boring as it may seem on tv, watching it live whether it was at the Murph or Petco just has a mystique to it.

I dunno, I love baseball. Maybe because my favorite athlete of all time, next to Magic Johnson, is Tony Gwynn.

I still hate Harry "Holding, number 72, offense" Swayne, our O-line this year is what has me convinced (except for Shane Olivea).

More than Leander "The Human Turnstile" Jordan?

I hate Leander more than Swayne.


See you guys in the RAIN (60% chance of precipitation as of today for the projected 1/13 game)

Thank God I still have that Poncho. Thanks Willie!

"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
Anyone remember when the Chargers went to the Superbowl and Z-90 made a song for them. They used that "On Bended Knee" sample. That was the JAM!
Anyone remember when the Chargers went to the Superbowl and Z-90 made a song for them. They used that "On Bended Knee" sample. That was the JAM

I don't remember that one but I do remember the "Tootsie Roll" Chargers remix...

"Cotton candy sweet as gold, Chargers going Super Bowl..."

Damn, that song was horrible.

CJM, I hope those are the kid sizes you posted in that pic. Because if not, you have to let us know if the men sizes really did drop.


EDIT: Nevermind, I saw your post in the LT Nike Forum Thread.


You had me fooled.
"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
^ haha yeah I remember the "tootsie roll" one, but not the "on bended knee" one. Maybe I was too young. Didn't listen to too much radio back then.
CHARGERS, PADRES, LAKERS <----- I'm a fan of them, not a hater of others.

AIM: itsrsinwayufreak
eBay: chonrsinway8
E-Mail: [email protected]
nd our great 3rd down back mr. fletcher!!
We can't forget about the 3rd down specialist either, Ronnie Harmon.

City of San Dieg"Clack Clack Clack Clack"
people who love mccardell...

think of what curtis conway did for us
haha even tho he was old he was sure handed
i remember as a kid my pops bought me a dan fouts and kellen winslow jersey and when i was about 5 or so i was like who the hell?

but damn growing up as a chargers/padres fan i forsure love the sd atmosphere whether band wagons or not its good for our city and our team.

and i love how on cold pizza when they did predictions they all chose chargers

"eagles vs chargers. chargers are just in a league of their own!"

finally sd getting some love on espn. damn east coast bias hahaha
Let's just hope the City finds a new home for the Chargers in San Diego County...soon. All this talk about them leaving San Diego IF they don't find a new place for a new stadium is kinda pissing me off.

what the hell? There's a big @#%$ open space everywhere by the 15 freeway, off the 5 by national city? off the 805 in chulavista?

they should do it Dubai style and make it in the middle of san diego Bay (downtown SD)...that would be sicc.
....you are not READY!
TEAM SD - Member No. 10.5
Let's just hope the City finds a new home for the Chargers in San Diego County...soon. All this talk about them leaving San Diego IF they don't find a new place for a new stadium is kinda pissing me off.

And to think, about 4 seasons ago including this current season, Charger fans wanted the Chargers out of SD. Remember the UT?

Now we want them to stay.

Fairweather fa sho.

"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
^ i think it's more of the old-mayor of SD or someone in political side not wanting the chargers to stay in SD. and kinda pushed the issue of getting a new stadium aside.

I'm not so-sure about Charger fans wanted them out of SD.

by the way whats UT?
....you are not READY!
TEAM SD - Member No. 10.5
East Chula Vista heads.

Wouldn't be sick to have the Chargers stadium in our backyard?

It looks like they want to build the stadium by the Olympic Training Center.
All of your twelve are belong to us.

Oh man. That would be so awesome.

We wouldn't have to worry about getting up at the butt crack of dawn just to go to Mission Valley.

It would be right in our own backyard. Also, that would open up tons of business opportunities.

'm not so-sure about Charger fans wanted them out of SD.

by the way whats UT?

No they wanted them out.

The UT is the Union Tribune. I clearly remember, because I was going to write a letter to the editor in regards to Charger fans, yes, even season ticket holders, that wanted the Chargers out of SD because they were just utterly horrid during the 4-12 season.

It was in the voice of the fans column.

As far as the mayor's stand point, yes, he really didn't side towards the Chargers, but all I have to say is, ticket guarantee. Remember guys, when the fairweather fans weren't filling up the stadium, the city was paying for all those tickets that were not bought.

In regards into getting the new stadium, this dates back to the 4-12 season also. With the Super Bowl being held in SD back in 02, that would mark the last time the Super Bowl would be in SD unless a new stadium would be built.

The Chargers tried to push that with the city, but unfortunately, a 7-9 season, followed by an 8-8 season, and then 4-12 didn't help to convince the city council members and the mayor.

Btw, Former Mayor Muphy and Donna Frye can eat a bowl of dog food.

"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
Stopped by PB and picked up the suede mocha dunks for 70 bucks, very comfortable. They got those green classic's also. Just a heads up.

Is it me, or did anyone feel like a mini earthquake?
"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
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