Sanna Lathan Appreciation

THIS woman is the one you bring home to meet your ma and pa WITHOUT HESITATION. I say thatbecause theres plenty of women in this world we eother dated or came very close to dating and in every single one of them there may have been a time where youquestioned IS THIS THE ONE.. the one as in bringing to every family event to meet all your members, the one as to where you tellher EVERY SINGLE lil detail about you skeletons included, the one where you obviously WIFE UP for years to come because shes not only attractive in the way shelooks but her style, A+ classiness and off camera attitude is the type you want forever.... yeah cant believe T.O. let this one go

BTW Alien V Predator was only good because of her.. ANY movie with her in it... I have on DVD
Originally Posted by Vidasman

THIS woman is the one you bring home to meet your ma and pa WITHOUT HESITATION. I say that because theres plenty of women in this world we eother dated or came very close to dating and in every single one of them there may have been a time where you questioned IS THIS THE ONE.. the one as in bringing to every family event to meet all your members, the one as to where you tell her EVERY SINGLE lil detail about you skeletons included, the one where you obviously WIFE UP for years to come because shes not only attractive in the way she looks but her style, A+ classiness and off camera attitude is the type you want forever.... yeah cant believe T.O. let this one go

BTW Alien V Predator was only good because of her.. ANY movie with her in it... I have on DVD

i've always thought she was a cutie. even though i'll never prolly hit, i hope she's not out horing like her friend gabrielle u.
Saw her in person at LAX, she was right behind me at the Kiosk check in.

Even more beautiful in person
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