Sarah Palin says Obama wants to take us back to days of discrimination

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Talk about reaching. "Embracing" the first tenured African American professor, who stepped down because he wanted a woman of color on the tenured faculty, is considered discrimination? That's a sign that Obama wants to go back to pre-Civil War times? I can't even properly process the mental gymnastics necessary to make sense of any of that accusation.

Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

Sarah Palin also thinks Africa is a country. That says enough about her
Yeah man, making us Alaskans look bad.  

I would walk 500 miles just to sniff the plunger used to unclog her toilet after Chipotle.
I had a friend that told me she looked up to her and that she's a hero at the height of the 2008 elections
I would, but I hate her. ANd she is one of those moms who looks better than their daughter.
I would smash Balkman too
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Something is missing

Spoiler [+]
Did putty get banned?

  Not sure, but AFAIK his running mate Anton was suspended.  Dude tends to do much less without the usual gang around ready to back him up.  

As far as Palin goes, I'm really looking forward to an Obama win in November.  At that point, Barry doesn't have to give a damb about getting re-elected and nuts like Palin will ratchet up the hate to try to ruin his legacy instead of his re-election chances. 

Just imagine the comical %#%# she'll be saying then.  
Damn putty and Anton down for the count?

We are going to be over run by religious nuts now
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